Best superpower civs for the late game

And Italy of coz. How we could foget about it. Very nice modifiers (birth rate insane) Strong Core (you can build city also in Sicily and Sardinia)
Found Geneva, on stone, instead Firenze. City will get only Granary... But in time you could grab hills from Marselia, so you get very nice production here.
With Central planning and Republic Italy will be unstoppable.
Finished an India game and a Mughals game finally. The sub-continent is unable to produce a superpower without ahistorical and absurd out of region expansion. Your only coal is stuck under a rainforest until you can chop it at the end of the industrial. It's really hard to be a superpower when you have no power throughout the industrial era.
Finished an India game and a Mughals game finally. The sub-continent is unable to produce a superpower without ahistorical and absurd out of region expansion. Your only coal is stuck under a rainforest until you can chop it at the end of the industrial. It's really hard to be a superpower when you have no power throughout the industrial era.
India should also have a uranium for the next map, since its one of the leading producers.
Finished an India game and a Mughals game finally. The sub-continent is unable to produce a superpower without ahistorical and absurd out of region expansion. Your only coal is stuck under a rainforest until you can chop it at the end of the industrial. It's really hard to be a superpower when you have no power throughout the industrial era.
try Harrapa instead India - they have much better modifiers. Only unit cost is insane, but with tributaries it not affect much on you. You need run only one core city, 1NE if i remember right
Huhe minus - you can be nuked and captured. Remember in vanilla Russia used Tactical nuke - and game over
Well, i tried several games on marathon - and it's a shame. Poor production in Amsterdam even with centralism and huge (compare to other modern civs wonders cost). I was about to say the Dutch is not a superpower at all. But on Epic speed things change. All you need - roll start with weak HRE. Capture Frankfurt and raze Hamburg. So Amsterdam can focus on building, with Horses (boost prod, esp you need cultural), while Frankfurt build workers/settlers. And w/o Hamburg (Leipzig) - Prussia will be weaker (of coz you need agree to flip). Concentrate on South Africa and Caribbean - with Free Enterprise and UP - you'll get huge amount of gold from TC. Stay in historical area (raze if you can non historical cites, and found in historical (like French Cayen)) and even with Monarchy (Jails!!! and Constabulary!!!) you can manage Big Empire. You don't need Republic, when you have a King))
UPD. Some thoughts.
Why Marathon bad for you, although i was able watch TV in 1907 already?
a) Usually very strong HRE, so you dont have time to build cultural building in Amsterdam and HRE usually build Cappella Sistina so with time you can lose sea titles for Amsterdam b) France can have Musketeers already b) More advanced Portugal, compare Epic speed c) England will settle a lot in NA e) USA will take of very fast f) "c" + "e" = all nice wonders will build USA and England
Don't let England control India. (actually it worth in every game you play, unless you plan steal tech). Gift Firearms to Mughals/Tamils/India. I went to Indonesia with Riffles, and got nice army, after what Germany surrender and i could start conquest of Brasil.
You can settle San-Francisco, San-Diego and Santa-Fe before Mexican spawn. It can be fun, then USA will get Railroads. Mexicans taking Washington and still lose war? I saw this once)))


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Germany, if you conquer all the areas for their UHV
Germany isn't as strong as it appears to be. Yeah, it has good modifiers and nice UUs/UB (although nothing phenomenal, Fusiliers are especially funny because they rely on First Strikes yet your first enemy likely will be France with focus on cavalry), but appears very late, the core is fairly mediocre imho and lacks luxuries (=> relatively slow start), and practically all possible expansion routes are Foreign Cores. It's possible to conquer Europe by 1940, true, but you can do it way earlier as, say, Russia or France. It is a superpower material, but not a top tier one.

Why Marathon bad for you, although i was able watch TV in 1907 already?
Marathon is overall much easier, at least for me. I'd go as far as say that Monarch/Marathon is easier than Regent/Normal. AI sucks on slower speeds even in vanilla.
AI sucks on slower speeds even in vanilla
I wouldn't say so. Marathon is easier, agree, coz you have much more time for settle and wars. But so and for AI. At marathon speed you get much better developed world and much more stable AI. Especially if you start from 3000BC. Strong India, Arabia, Persia. You can even trade Thermodynamics from Mali))
Kongo can develop all subequtarial Africa (if be luck with Portugal TC)
Only one minus i see for marathon game speed - low research cost for global and digital eras tech. You and AI advance too fast after ~1880
What about Poland? Krakow can grow up to 32 pop (with strong culture) w|o even Republic (and with Republic more then 40), you have nice modifiers and early start?

Spoiler I know, it's Marathon game, but you can do it at Epic too :

I'm ready to grab some colonies. Colombia and Maya lands - perfect choice)) very rich lands

UPD. Damn, i forgot about game plan. Poland UP. You can build Eiffel Tower and run constant GA (i did than with England. Almost every time GA until launch spaceship)
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Playing Indonesia is hard. Not good modifiers, poor land, start outdate. I have a guide here (in guide section) for Space Race, but it not easy
If you wanna play in Asia - Khmer are good, and Thai can be too, but you need quick expand with started elephants, capture 1-2 China city and Patna coz
UPD. If you wanna play superpower civ in Asia (1.17.x) - Tamils (cheap production, low inflation, good UP). On Epic/Monarch i got microbiology in 1778 (and finally my Power plans switch ON). But you need Chennai in core area. So you need rollout start, then India settle city in your core (not rare) or use WB to move independent city to core or start with India and settle it. Anurandhapura and 3d city on Gold. Just takeout India as fast as you can. Or, at least, dont let them have Iron. And settle Phuket on spice to get stone (and you can get war later with Khmer and kill them fast). So you can control whole India, and your historical (Indochina and Srivijaya)
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