This combination of jdog5000's AI improvement mod Better BTS AI and EmperorFool&co.'s interface improvement mod BTS Unaltered Gameplay is the most advanced/refined/bestest mod (afaik

If there are bug fixes or AI improvement components (or even just ideas, as long as they are specific enough) that are not (yet) part of Better BTS AI,
which I should consider adding, then please let me know, all suggestions are welcome. As are simple bug reports, though they probably belong to Better BTS AI or BUG subforums directly.
I will not touch any python code, ever, so requesting/suggesting python changes here is useless, you'll need to bug the BUG team for that.
Last Update: 2010-09-26 (browse SVN)
Download: (3.75MB)
@ Mediafire (folder with the most up-to-date packages)
@ Sourceforge (bullai files section, might not always have the most recent compiles)
Installation: Run the installer.
(Extracting the contents with 7zip works too if you know what you're doing.)
* If you want, get the images for Events With Images and extract to Better BUG AI\Assets\Art\EventImages\ .
Combining this mod with BAT 2.3:
1. Install BAT
2. Copy Better BUG AI's Assets over to BAT, overwrite.
3. Extract the merged files from this zip to BAT, overwrite.
- [ thread in BUG Project subforum ]
For Blue Marble look here.
Better BTS AI 1.02a r597
* AI Logging
BULL 1.3 r219
* Fractional Trade Routes
* New Sentry Actions
* City Governours Build Workers
BUG 4.5 r2245
my own changes:
- CityAI:
- The AI no longer considers unhealthy buildings that would make the city shrink, and also factors in future unheathiness from power when evaluating buildings that would recieve a bonus from power.
- Happy/Health valuation for buildings and improvements are sightly changed.
- The AI should build a bit more workers.
- Worker AI: hopefully there is now less improvement oscillation between forest preserve and lumbermills, and less hamlets/villages/towns get turned to workshops.
- Considering currently constructed building and checking Health level against happy level for the BULL feature 'Health Effects from Removing Features'.
- PlayerAI:
- Using a sightly different valuation of siege units for UNITAI_ATTACK_CITY.
- Chance of nuclear plants to blow up and global warming chance scale to gamespeed.
- other:
- Minimum total production modifiers is still 0% here (UP/BetterAI changed it to -50%).
- Features with AppearanceProbability of 10000 will be replaced after destruction of city, even if not riverside.
- xml changes:
- GlobalsDefinesAlt.xml: Global Warming implementation still sucks, noone wrote any huge and all-new Global Warming/Nuclear Winter mod that satisfies me, but I still reenabled Global Warming from nukes - because nuclear warfare needs to have some drawbacks. You can still turn it off yourself of course.
- CIV4UnitInfos.xml: changed iPower for Catapult(5->6), Cannon(12->14), Artillery(18->19) and MobileArtillery(26->28) because they seem to better account for the actual military strength of these units. (Does not affect AI unit building behaviour).
- CIV4UnitInfos.xml: SAM Infantry is now available as an upgrade to the Grenadier (previously Infantry) - to avoid massive upgrading of riflemen to SAM when the AI hits Rocketery before Assembly line.Spoiler :
It's a game rule change, I know, but I couldn't think of any other way to react to what was reported in the 1 game 4 suicides thread.
BULLAI @ scourceforge
Spoiler :
first Better BUG AI:
2010-02-13 version was revision 15
2010-02-17 version was revision 23
2010-02-18 version was revision 25
2010-02-19 version was revision 31
2010-02-20 version was revision 35
2010-02-25 version was revision 39
2010-03-05 version was revision 42
2010-03-06 version was revision 44
2010-03-09 version was revision 47
2010-03-26 version was revision 55
2010-03-29 version was revision 62
2010-03-31 version was revision 63
2010-04-11 version was revision 64
2010-04-12 version was revision 65
2010-04-23 version was revision 69
2010-05-03 version was revision 70
2010-05-05 version was revision 71
2010-05-13 version was revision 72
2010-05-16 version was revision 74
2010-05-17 version was revision 80
2010-05-20 version was revision 83
2010-05-26 version was revision 87
2010-06-10 version was revision 96
2010-06-16 version was revision 97
2010-07-01 version was revision 98
2010-07-08 version was revision 99
2010-07-25 version esd revision 101
2010-02-13 version was revision 15
2010-02-17 version was revision 23
2010-02-18 version was revision 25
2010-02-19 version was revision 31
2010-02-20 version was revision 35
2010-02-25 version was revision 39
2010-03-06 version was revision 44
2010-03-09 version was revision 47
2010-03-26 version was revision 55
2010-03-29 version was revision 62
2010-03-31 version was revision 63
2010-04-11 version was revision 64
2010-04-12 version was revision 65
2010-04-23 version was revision 69
2010-05-03 version was revision 70
2010-05-05 version was revision 71
2010-05-13 version was revision 72
2010-05-16 version was revision 74
2010-05-17 version was revision 80
2010-05-20 version was revision 83
2010-05-26 version was revision 87
2010-06-10 version was revision 96
2010-06-16 version was revision 97
2010-07-01 version was revision 98
2010-07-08 version was revision 99
2010-07-25 version esd revision 101
2010-09-26 version is revision 117
Last edited by a moderator: