[BTS Module] Great Ones

Actually, that'd be perfect.
I kinda thought that when I saw him. "Chin-tentacles!"
I love this mod, and can't wait to see the next update.
Here's hoping for Nyarlathotep, and maybe someday a 3D Cthulhu leaderhead.

I'd suggest Shubby as a leader too, maybe. Simply because we've -all- wanted to play as a giant tentacled amorphous blob. ...Besides Louis XIV.
A 3D-Cthulhu leaderhead would be awesome. I'm thinking of commissioning someone to make it, but it'd be a difficult undertaking. My support to anyone who can do such a thing.

Sorry the update didn't come out as soon as I'd like. Ran into some unexpected troubles at work, so 0.6 wasn't ready for release.

Expect, however, an update by New Year's now that things have settled down a bit.
Could somebody who downloaded this before it dissapeared please send me it? I have a planned ultra mod for the future that would like to use it.

Edit: Oh, and to anyone who saw it floated up and was thinking Crezth had updated it and fixed the link, I sincerely apologize.
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