bts version?

Blake is working for Firaxis on the BTS AI.

Iustus is out somewhere...

In short, Better AI is already in BTS
play on a higher level.

If you are weaker than them they will attack. You obviously are high on the power chart.
Getting the AI to declare war more often is a simple (but tedious) change to the leaders in the Civ4LeaderHeadInfos.xml file. It's a tough call to make behavior like that default since a lot of players like the game as it is. My personal issue with the game wasn't that they never attacked me but that they rarely went to war with each other either.

At any rate, I plan on working on a more aggressive AI for my own mod, I'll try to work up a 'vanila' version that will work with BTS games not running my mod.
Getting the AI to declare war more often is a simple (but tedious) change to the leaders in the Civ4LeaderHeadInfos.xml file. It's a tough call to make behavior like that default since a lot of players like the game as it is. My personal issue with the game wasn't that they never attacked me but that they rarely went to war with each other either.

At any rate, I plan on working on a more aggressive AI for my own mod, I'll try to work up a 'vanila' version that will work with BTS games not running my mod.

awesome. that'd be awesome. i have little to no comprehension of modding civ4. i was referring to war, period (ai vs. ai and ai vs. human). there should be at least one war going on at any given time with 18 or more civs, in order to be realistic. i almost relish the days of civ2 when civs you were on friendly terms with would randomly nuke you. gandhi did that to me one time (i still hate that bastard)
awesome. that'd be awesome. i have little to no comprehension of modding civ4. i was referring to war, period (ai vs. ai and ai vs. human). there should be at least one war going on at any given time with 18 or more civs, in order to be realistic. i almost relish the days of civ2 when civs you were on friendly terms with would randomly nuke you. gandhi did that to me one time (i still hate that bastard)
That's all you want? That's easy, keep your eyes on the mod forums ;)
Just play crowded maps. Personally, I play 18 civ huge pangea, and with limited place for peaceful expansion as well as religious chaos, there are a lot of wars taking place most of the times.
One of my problems w/ the AI is they rarely ever build beneficial buildings. It's pretty rare to even see a granary. Whereas "Higher Difficulties" just give the player more n more handicaps.
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