Building Graphics: Twelvepack of Buildings&Wonders!!!


Pthooey of Tomainia
Mar 31, 2002
Oulu, Finland
Ok, Crazy Ukas is gonna giv ya twelve new buildings in prize of one! D'Ya know why? Because I'M CRAZY!!!:eek:

Converted this twelvepack for you guys to wonder. Boring to do these, just copy, paste, resize, light&contrast adjustment, shadowing and voila! Shadowing is actually only thing you can see what I did. Thanks and admirations goes to original artists.:worshp:

No texts for pediaicons.txt or civilopedia.txt - if you don't know how to add them read the step-by-step instructions I wrote, its included in the package.

Have fun the buildings,


Get that old twelve-pack from here

Preview for you folks:

Obviously you can find other uses for them - like the gothic style library has rather generic looks, and the mine doesn't necessarily have to be the goldmine, but coalmine etc. but this you probably already knew. If someone has strenght to write pediaicons&civilopedia entries for them please post them to this thread. :)
Now I can replace cathedral with Helsinki's "Tuomiokirkko";)
I see that you have taken these from Caesar III and Age of Kings and is that gold mine from Heroes of Might and Magic X???
Might be, I've mainly downloaded stuff from sites. I would have Tropico which has excellent buildings but the bugger doesn't allow me to take screenshots. Three buildings are from Sim City III.

With Sim buildings must actually work since originals are just too dim and light to fit in Civ3, so must add contrast, make them darker and sharpen them and this is like six clicks with mouse in photoshop, aaargghh I wonder do I get the strenght to do all that. :lol:
Originally posted by Ville
Now I can replace cathedral with Helsinki's "Tuomiokirkko";)
I see that you have taken these from Caesar III and Age of Kings and is that gold mine from Heroes of Might and Magic X???

The gold mine is from Cossacks and the gothic buildings look like they are from Anno 1503 (both have demos that can be downloaded).
It's a funny little game: "Guess where these gfx are from." :) So I give it a try. The mine is from Cossacks, Roman Senate and hospital from Caesar3, libary, sawmill, atztec forge and roman university seems to be from Rise of Nations. I guess, noone is from Anno 1503 - I play this game but nothing here looks known to me. The other buildings seems to me beeing from SimCity3/4 or Mods for this, but ukas said only 3 are... so i'm not the winner of this little game here. ;)
Bless you o Crazy Ukas. These buildings will come in really handy for my mod (if I ever get my %$#@ing editor to work again) and I'm sure we all feel very grateful towards you and your bldg skills. (Even if you did cheat a little to make them ;))
Arne, I bet: Opera, Helsinki, Melbourne, Dome of the Rock, Bank of China: Sim City
Senate, Hospital: Caesar III
Aztec Forge: AoK Conquerors
Nope, I still thin Arne wins...try again next time Nauhil...uh, Namethatisimpossibletosay on "That's Where I Got My Building's Graphics From!" Bu Bye Now!
Very nice, i can use atleast 4 of these buildings in the MEM(maybe more).:thumbsup:
I'm not 100% sure about these myself - it may be the same graphics are also used in other games, but the list is this:

Opera, Helsinki cathedral, cricket grounds, dome of the rock and bank of china are from sim city 3000.
Aztec forge, Roman university,Library and Sawmill from RoN.
Roman senate and hospital from caesar3.
Goldmine from cossacks.

So, Arne I think got them all right and wins the game - even though I misled everyone by saying only three are from sim city - I got confused about numbers, apparently. So, let's give Arne a big hand! :goodjob:
Oh, I feel honoured. :D A big hand? I guess that is the same as we call "feuchten Händedruck" in German. My fingers allready are big enough - so may I have another honor? ;)

Ukas, are you planing to make further different such great wonders or buildings? Im asking, becouse I'm still looking for ancient buildings for use in my Rise of Rome project.
Have to keep slow paste with the buildings for the time, RL stuff. I don't think I'm going to do these copy&paste jobs from other games any more, I prefer to do new stuff.

But if someone wants bring us building graphics from existing games, I can tell how it can be done easily with a good result. There's a certain order and couple of tricks how to do it, otherwise you may end up with blur graphics.
It smells like, uhm, Simcity! Great job!
Originally posted by Arne
Oh, I feel honoured. :D A big hand? I guess that is the same as we call "feuchten Händedruck" in German. My fingers allready are big enough - so may I have another honor? ;)


Nein, es ist kein Händedruck, aber ein Applaus! Und ein grosse Applaus.

Probably made some eleven mistakes there but I studied German only two years 15 years ago, so it's little rusty.:)
Originally posted by Ukas
Nein, es ist kein Händedruck, aber ein Applaus! Und ein grosse Applaus.
Oh, "Applaus". That seems okay. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Ukas
Probably made some eleven mistakes there but I studied German only two years 15 years ago, so it's little rusty.:)
I think, your German is just better than my English. ;)

So have you done (or are you planing to make) some roman looking buildings? I need really much of them, every single would be a help, may be.
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