C3C PBEM - "The Cold War Deluxe; 1960 - 1989" Scenario


next time buddy ;)

paging Mr. Blackbird...Mr. Blackbird...you're presence is requested...you are on deck!

also, viper275, i can't find your email address amongst my account. can you pm it to me or Blackbird?

thanks. let's get it on.

be careful what you wish for young man!
lurker's comment: Have you considered making your own earth map, but greatly reduced in size? That would work a lot better than this conversion, and would allow more historical city sizes and unit placements (to scale, of course).

PLUS, you could market it as a faster, slimmer, version! I would play that all the time!
i'll start the game and play my turn and then i'll email the next person in line the save. then they'll play their turn and then email it to the next person. this process repeats. then when the last person in the order has played their turn they send the email to me and i play my turn starting the second round. you may want to figure out the email address of whom your going to email the save to next.
krazydude said:
So, how does this work? I never PBEM before, but I think it is not that hard ;)

you're #4 on the list as S America. i guess just wait until its emailed to you.

here's the updated biq we're to use. i made a few very minor alterations to it. gotta run riught now but i'll leave a detailed post of how you should operate, etc.


  • TCWMP.zip
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Drivebymaster said:
Hey El I don't have to wish I just have to Be at the ceramonies to get my award for kickin your butt
:lol: just make sure you confer w/ your allies before you declare war :mischief:

sent it to Viper275.


Lets kick those sorry commies butts (maybe war :evil: )
you guys :rolleyes:

i just wanted to clarify some things:

you'll notice that your build ques will be filled w/ a variety of different units. you'll say, "hey, why would i want to build a French Infantry if i could build a West German or British Infantry for the same price?" well, all of those lower stat foot units have the "Radar" flag and some have the "Stealth Attack" flag.

for example, the Pakistani Infantry unit, while way inferior to the Israeli Infantry (ME civ), has both the "Radar" flag and the "Stealth Attack" flag vs. the "Indian Infantry" unit thus making it somewhat of a bonus to build.

the guerilla-type units have the "All Terrain as Roads" flag.

there are various other build que issues like this so if you see one, know that there is a reason that it's available. many are also much cheaper to build than the high-end foot units. most of them also require the particular "civ resource".

re pre-placed wonders in your cities:
USA, WP, China/India, Australia, ME, Euro and S America (sorry viper :sad: )

some autoproduce special forces units, others produce spy type units and worker units and then there's the nukes...which ought to be used as deterrents only :mischief:

use your spy units...they require no upkeep, are invisible, have alot of mvmt pts, can capture enemy worker units, have HN and are the only units in the entire scenario (outside of the Viet Cong) that can pillage.

special force units can "See Invisible" and are also free of upkeep.

worker units are unbuildable. they are iinstead autoproduced. therefore, you should protect your worker units.

when in doubt, use the Civilopedia. i personally put each and every one of those entries in :p

that's it for now. i'll look to give a rundown on each civ w/ there certain units, strengths, weaknesses and geographical advantages/disadvantages.
I'm getting an error. When I load the game:

Missing entry in "Scenarios\TCW\text\PediaIcons.txt": ICON_BLDG_VDV

Regular TCW works.
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