Can I do something?

Sure, we like everyone's input. Just read the latest several threads and let us know what to do or consider next.

For now, lets stick to posting plans and ideas in Turn-thread 2650
But--- I want to have a POSITION like I did in the last Demo game, Ecept this time I can actually do something!!!!!!!!!!!!
To get a position, you need to be nominated (or nominate yourself) in the next elections. We just had the elections for Term 2, so the next elections will be at the end of this month.

We may be having Governor positions opening up soon.........

As a normal citizen, you can submit a proposal for the city layout for the land we have explored right now, or give ideas on what you think the cities we do have should be building.

Just make sure you find the appropriate thread and post your ideas in them. :)
We have more players in this Demogame so no positions have been left vacant this Demo game, so you will need to try and get elected.
The thing you should do is stick around, post your ideas and run for a position in the next election! At the moment we're in the beginning of the game so we don't have governors yet, once we will everybody will be able to have a position in the game! :)
There's an idea. If you can write, try the "News Reporter." You could do something, and get a lot of "face time," like any good politician. ;)
I can't type, so tlat cancles out the news reporter idea, but when the governer positions come out, i'll grab one!!!!
P12, you could be deputy Domestic Advisor if you want. I am currently deputy, but I just volunteered to fill a potentially embarrassing gap (;)) and was never in the original election. Which was a landslide anyway as the other two nominees didn't respond. Gary is a good Domestic Advisor so you may not have loads to do, but you'll get the cachet of a snazzy title to put in your sig and a swanky office in the Ministry of the Interior. :goodjob:
Sounds like an idea...

Fact is, i've been really lazy lately. And i've been caught up in homewowk:D
So is that a yes or a no? :confused:

The next set of elections will be held next weekend anyway (polls open between 27th and 1st) so you can always volunteer for something then. Nominations will probably begin on Monday so get down here and put your name forward. I'm sure that your experience as a governor from the last game will help. :goodjob:

Election commissioner duke o' york knows better than to refuse anyone's nominations! (except if they're nominating me for president) :D
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