"Cannot Locate the DVD-ROM"

Wow Strada - thanks for the detailed advice. Very much appreciated.

Is there a way to find out if my computer system has a RAID card in it through DXDIAG or the control panel screens to save opening the case etc? I'm not experienced with these things so do not want to do more damage . . .
Ummm...... not too sure about that one..... Don't think so

Mate, all you have to do is look under the cover and peek !!! you don't have to touch anything !

And if you do have a RAID card in there, you're gonna want to change the leads around anyway !!! There's a first time for everything, just make sure it's switched off !!!

Google RAID cards IDE and look at some piccys so you know what you're looking for.

Don't be afraid of the inside of your computer ! You may not even have a RAID PCI card anyway !

I had this exact problem before on Farcry..

With farcy I disabled the ASPI Layer... dunno if this has been suggested already, it didnt work for me on Civ 4 - but might for you if you have a CD burner (not necessarily the drive you're trying to boot the game from)

Change the files:
(if you have them)

Just change the file extension (dlx for dll / exx for exe / syx for sys) so they arent accessed. You will need to change them back if you want to burn a CD.


Hope this helped somebody, gonna get back to fixing mine now.. im adament that I wont have to scour illegal sites, and download mini dvd images to play a game I paid for.

Nothing in this forum has helped me, though i'm glad to see it worked for some :)
Captain Carnage said:
Thanks Mr Tom
Hehe np :p

Mini dvd format didnt work for me, though a full size image did, though ONLY in conjunction with NT Compatability mode and SD4Hide.exe

I'm off to play now... only took 4 hours to get working, gotta love it. :p
I had a similar problem to some of you, in that my DVD drive didn't seem to detect the Civ4 Disc (that is to play it....there was no problem installing)

So one time I left it in the drive for about 20 minutes and went and made myself lunch.....and eventually got it. However, if I want to play Civ4, I'm not prepared to wait 20 minutes each time I want to play it :)

So I made an image in Alcohol 120, and using that in combination with SD4Hide worked perfectly for me. So if you haven't tried that, do so now :)
so you're happy having to mount a game that you've bought ??!

GET THIS 2K ! Test you're games properly, not just on the PC in the office and on your wife's laptop!

A patch , or proper news about it would be nice !
Boxfish said:
-- created image of Civ4 dvd in alcohol
== BOMB. 'cannot locate cd-rom' error type message again.

SafeDisc4 doesn't work with our drives, I think no image we create works.
The fixed Mini-DVD-image (compressed 541kb) usually works (it does for me).

After 30 minute call to tech support.
Simple solution -
1. deleted all contents of temp folder from /windows folder (empty recycle folder)
2. ran %temp%, select all (I had almost 800 files there!), delete all, empty recycle

This ended up working for me, after all of the hassle of trying to mount a copy of the game in a virtual drive etc etc.

I also ran MSCONFIG and unchecked all non-essential programs/processes from 'start' and 'settings' and this seemed to help get the program running.

Now I have re-checked all of the original start and settings in MSCONFIG and boot normally and the game runs smoothly.

Go figure!

Really hope this helps someone.
Boxfish said:

After 30 minute call to tech support.
Simple solution -
1. deleted all contents of temp folder from /windows folder (empty recycle folder)
2. ran %temp%, select all (I had almost 800 files there!), delete all, empty recycle

This ended up working for me, after all of the hassle of trying to mount a copy of the game in a virtual drive etc etc.

I also ran MSCONFIG and unchecked all non-essential programs/processes from 'start' and 'settings' and this seemed to help get the program running.

Now I have re-checked all of the original start and settings in MSCONFIG and boot normally and the game runs smoothly.

Go figure!

Really hope this helps someone.

:< Didn't work, but it DID clear up nearly 3GB of storage :D
:mad: This is ridiculous; why should an honest paying customer need to go through so much hassle. I bought the game, installed it, but when trying to play, it doesn't work. -- I guess you all (4000 persons in this forum )know which problem I mean -- I just want to play!!!

I read the news on civ4.com, they say a patch is released on monday...! It didn't say anything about the DVD-problem though. Fingers crossed...
hello world i am a newbie

if you are having problems list to my tale

I brought the Game today and I used achol 120 0n it then i use demon to start it, it was fine with that then i started it and asked for the dvd rom disk and this is biss me off:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

how can i get to boot of my hard beautful image help me help me help me
Yo, i need somebodies HELP!!

I just got the new CIV 4 on DVD and now my System tells me, that I have to insert the correct CD!

Can someone give me any CONCRETE solutions for this problem??

pretty please...
Different things work for different people. Read through this thread and try what is suggested, the Microsoft Safedisk patch for XP is a good place to start (link somewhere in this thread). Hopefully one of the suggestions will work for you. I still have to find the one that works for me.
Yet. I think there's a problem with the CDs/DVDs themselves that renders some drives useless for a variety of reasons. But this thread ought to stay alive until everyone gets their fix :crazyeye:

Anyone else still not having any luck with either CDs or DVDs?
Has anyone just tried to take the disks back and say they are defective? I do not know what else to do. Perhaps I just got some bad disks.
so I've returned them and gone that route. Each copy works for a little while then eventually fails to read altogether.
Still don't have CIV IV working but I am learning a lot of new stuff about bypassing copy protection and game piracy in general.

So it hasn't been a complete waste of time.
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