Can't get a single great person!


Sep 18, 2013
I can't say I'm a fan of the new GP system. On diety, even with the +2 GP civics, I still almost never get any great people. Well, except for great admirals which the AI doesn't seem to want! The great scientist, for example, I might be able to get one if I have a ton of faith, but even then, I feel like they give mediocre bonuses like triggering random euerkas for techs that I won't get for another 100 turns anyways! I don't know how one could play the culture game with the way it works now through earning your own artists. You are better served with archeology for a peaceful game, or just declaring war on a neighbor, taking their weakest city, and then agreeing to a peace deal where they give you ALL dozen of their own great works! Is there something that I'm missing as far as GP strategy, or is it something you can mostly ignore?
The +2 GP policies are useless. You get Great People Points mainly from districts and buildings in districts. Get those districts up early and you'll have no problem grabbing the great people from the AI. You can boost it further with Divine Spark pantheon or by becoming the suzerain of Stockholm. In my current deity game, as the suzerain of Stockholm, I think I recruited 2 great scientists before any AI was making any scientist points at all. Currently in 475 AD the most any AI makes is 3 GS points/turn while I make 22. I really have no clue what is going on with the AI on that other continent...

No matter what the victory condition, it seems you are currently served best by taking out 1-2 AI early, then place your districts in every city while they are still cheap. If going for a culture victory, I'd still prioritize campuses over theater districts, since the culture you get from later techs is way higher than what you can get from great works of art.
What you must do is get a fair amount of cities up. Early on the AI has a huge advantage on deity, but if you can expand (peaceful or by conquest) the amount of districts and buildings you get up should be enough to grab quite a few. Took me some time in my current deity game, but by the industrial era I can pretty much compete with the AI and I think I've got at least 7-8 GPs so far.

Also if you want easy culture GPs you could try to play as Greece for the mega cheap acropolis district.
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