King Phaedron

Oct 9, 2017
One Mans Horse Shoe is another mans Toilet Seat...

What does it mean to be China locked? This is where you start on a small continent and China is completely surrounding you and building the Great Wall (perahps to lock you in?) Thankfully, it isn't a closed loop. If you play someone here, you'll get rich from coastal raiding the great wall. :)

While it doesn't seem like a huge area, it is great for religious civs, and cities 4 tiles apart. There is room for 14-16 cities for each of the 3 Civs!
There is an expansion zone in the north west past Vietnam, as well as some room on China's Horse Shoe / Toilet Seat continent.
On average, every Civ has room for 12-15 cities just in there own area, China has room for 21! Plus there are expansion zones.


This is possibly the best Map I've ever made. 16 Civs, 22 City States. 21 Wonders. (One for every Civ, plus a few others. 777)
(Although 1 civ was added to be conquered. Remove so you have 15 for world congress to look right)
(The map is great for everyone but Babylon, whose abilities are, according to my military advisor, an unacceptable threat to my interests!)

Based on the Retro SNES Secret of Evermore. There are three major areas, the Pangaea "Antiquia," Ivor, and Podunk.
(In the game, the Hero is from Podunk / USA, although they are not in the Matrix world of Evermore, I included them here as a fourth wall kind of thing)
Here is the original game map, and a rough draft of the regions I decided to add:

SNES - Secret of Evermore - World Map.png

Game Integrity calls for including England, America, China. The general theme of the Pangaea is classical civilizations, while the Ivor region is more
European or Renaissance type, and Podunk is meant to be a more modern area with some strong perks to Science generation.

I have designed each area in painstaking detail to accommodate those who will be living there. Some notes if you wish to replace anyone:

Antiquia / Plateau / Desert

Maya: No one else wants a capital without fresh water. If you want to remove them, you might as well make the Plateau an expansion area.
Babylon: Adueduct lovers. They have rivers and lakes for 5-7 cities, but the rest is expansion zone with no fresh water.
Greece: Anyone
Hungary: River loving Civs
Byzantium: Religious Civs (Especially with River Goddess)
Macedonia: Anyone, or Desert Loving Civs
Arabia: Anyone, or Desert Loving Civs

Ivor Tower / Ebon Keep

Vietnam: Thick forests are everywhere. There is no ideal replacement, but snow and tundra to the north.
England: Norway, Phoenicia, Spain. Land and Coast. Mountains for Campus, Holy Site, one really good industrial zone.
Poland: Mountain Structures ideal for Holy Cities in every city. Coast and Land.
(For England and Poland, the Capitals are on a tiny continent of their own 6 tiles away from each.)
(This is great for Civs with abilities that involve other continents, as well as the 25% gold, 10% production, and 15% growth cards)
China: Coastal Civ with Harbors in every city. Not really intended for anyone else. Dedicated line for the great wall.
Inca: Not really suitable for anyone else. There are some rivers and coastal cities, but so many hills and mountains...


America: A balance of Land and Coastal. Access to Galapagos and Yosemite. All non island cities are on one continent that includes another civ.
Nubia: A modest desert, but lots and lots of copper hills, spots for Nubian pyramids, and mountain structure intended for religious civs.
Netherlands: Anyone that likes coast, rivers, and lakes.
Japan: Indonesia, coast / island loving Civs.

Now some notes on Wonders, City States, and how everything synergizes:

Antiquia: Nazca, Anshan, Kumasi, Hunza, Zanzibar, Kandy, Singapore, Valletta
Delicate Arch, Uluru, Giants Causeway, Mato Tipila, Tsingy, Everest, Pumakkale

Nazca in the desert is a no brainer. Part of a complex of 4 city states that in the SNES game was a huge bazaar for trading. Kumasi gives you culture for trading with all these city states, with Anshan Synergizes well with any theaters you build. In my setup, Macedon and Arabia lives here, for whom the faith and science CS are excellent.

Ivor: Buenos Ares, Chingeutti, Muscat, Kabel, Torres, cliffs of Dover, Kilamanjaro. Lots of Stone for stone circles in Englands area.
Exrtra amenities and building for wonders / buildings for China's 21 cities. Kabul is mainly for Vietnam. Chinguetti for Poland or religious civs.

Podunk: Mitla, Nan Madol, Auckland, Mogadishu, Wolin. Auckland and Nan Madol will be of interest to Japan, and everyone else. Mogadishu and Wolin go hand in hand so that you can freely engage in war and earn generals without worrying about your traders getting plundered. Mitla is on the land in the north near America, and will be of strong benefit to their cities, most of which have good spots for Campus, plus access to Galapagos and Yosemite make for a very formidable scientific overseas America, and none of the civs I decided to play can do anything about it. Nubia has the nearby Crater lake, desert, and some good spots for holy cities. Netherlands has what it loves most: River access for districts, coast, and lakes for polders.

Home Wonders (At the capital or close to the their area)

Maya - Tsingy
Babylon - Uluru (not nearby)
Byzantium - Mato Tipila
Arabia - Delicate Arch
Macedonia - Giants Causeway (at the Capital)
Hungary - Everest
Greece - Pumakkale (at the Capital)
Inca - Matterhorn (at the Capital) Paititi, on an island.
England - Torres, Cliffs of Dover
Poland - Torres
Vietnam - Kilamanjaro (at the capital), Torres
China - None. Room for 21 Average Cities 4 and 5 tiles apart! They should get Magnus with Provision and build the Ancestral Hall.
Japan - Fountain of Youth
America - Galapagos, Yosemite
Nubia - Crater Lake, Yosemite
Netherlands - Pantanal

Chinese Area:

4 Tile Snake Continent with a River through the entire thing. All cities on the far side of the river, usually next to a harbor notch with 2 fish, at least one in reefs.
The entire far-plain is bonus and luxury resources on every tile. (7 Coffee, 5 Tobacco here alone, Hill Bananas, or Hill Deer)
While the other side of the river is mainly grassland floodplains, with an occassional mining hill or other resource.
The entire near side plains are empty and there are no coastal resources on that side, plus ocean one tile away.
(This is all to disincentivize china from building any cities on that side, as it is reversed for the Great Wall)
The far grass is usually just for cities, districts, and occassionally something else.
China gets coal, oil, all strategics, even 2 Uranium, so that it never needs to settle outside of it's own continent, which is more then one continent.
(So some of it's cities will benefit from the "Cities not on your capitals continent" cards, which might be overkill for a Civ with 20+ Harbors)
Two City States at the far ends: Buenos Aries, and Muscat. These provide China with extra amenities and even more gold.
(But will be heavily contested by the other 4 Civs nearby)

Inca in the North:

It used to be that Terrace farms worked on Snow and Tundra. Since I learned that is not the case anymore, you will see that Snow and Tundra are only in certain parts of the north, instead of the entire north and south on this map. The whole world is technically a "Matrix Simulation," as per Secret of Evermore anyway, if that bothers you.

The Inca have a great line of Mountains at the very top of the world that gives them access to anywhere in the north via Mountain Tunnel portals. In particular, they have to cross Vietnam to the west, to make a tunnel at the far side and claim the mega city that will be built next to Mount Eyefaljackal. I also have a spot setup for an Ideal Vampire Castle near two tiles of Paititi and a bunch of Crabs.

Notice also the Snow tile in the very center of the world. There is another dedicated Vampire Castle with 3 Turtles, but it has nothing to offer a city but Ocean and Mountains, and city would be settled on the snow, but if you are that desperate for 3 extra turtles....

I set this up to be a strategic spot, because I'm going to be hot seat playing both Byzantium and Inca on this map, and Inca will try to crush Byzantium before it converts the world. But you can play any of the Civs mentioned here, without changing the advanced starts.

American Continent and LORE:

There was a civil war, and instead of freeing the slaves, some crafty operatives from Nubia came here, lead by A manticore herself. After eliminating their oppressors, they create an independent black nation in the American South. The Dutch Netherlands are another independent faction, which should technically be in the North around Pensylvania, but on this map they are in California and Oregon. America is in the north, and it's overas neighbors are Japan and China, so one could setup a nice game for conflict with those nations. The American Continent covers America AND Nubia, including the capital. Netherlands is on Euromerica, and there is also North and South America, which are the islands, and parts of the land mass. Then Japan is living on Asiamerica, and China lives on Amasia and Asia.

Antiquia LORE:

I was originally going to make a map with three super continents. In the SNES game, you have four major parts: The Prehistoric Plateau, the Classical, the Renaissance, and finally the Space Station. The Plateau and the Classical (called Antiquia) are actually on one landmass though. South of the Mayan Flower, is a region called the Bugmuck, full of massive numbers of swamps. The Desert is full of Oasis with a City state mega complex at the far north. The Theme for the Plateau is Ancient Era, or Native american (Maya, Aztec, Mapuche, etc) but the rest of it is for classical Civs from Antiquity, (such as Greece, Rome, Egypt, Persia, Babylon, Sumeria, etc)

Ebony Keep and the Ivory Tower:

As the story goes, Queen Bluegarden moved the entire civilization to another castle, just across the ravine, because the old castle was "Too dusty and dirty," and the Queen was extremely vain. In time, the people of Ebon Keep forgot the English language, and became a new culture of their own, they became Polish! This is an odd area in that two Capitals are very close together, by separated by coast, hills, and a city state between them, but also not entirely cut off. In the game, you had to wrap around an immense forest that took hours and you constantly got lost. Here is where Vietnam comes into the picture. I decided to surround the whole area with a Chinese Dragon. From the atmosphere to the haunting melodies in the game, there is an aire of solitude, vanity, and despair, also Matriarchy, because the king just watches Puppet Shows all day. I was originally going to put Norway across from England, but I went with Poland instead for a religious competitor, and so that all 3 Civilizations would be Female Led.

Oceans design and expansion zones: The Oceans separate the three regions, but there is a very long way to get around and meet everywhere with just your scouts and galleys. As per my rules regarding City States, they are not allowed to block Coastal Travel, except in one case. Look closely and you will set the symmetry is slightly broken in the Ivor region because the western side has an additional coastal path to the right of the Ice. Another thing I live about this map is sending your ship through passages between the ice and snow. There is room for 2 or 3 cities in each of the "Northern Eyes" and a clock / zodiac Mandala of Atlantis built for 6 cities. I think it will be fun to make myself and sell them to 6 different players. In the south there is room for 2 Uranium cities, each with access to 2 Uranium. These are blocked by Ice instead of Ocean.


  • Civ Maps.rar
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Oh, in case anyone wanted to do what I was setting up, I updated the attachment to include a little mod called "more civs allowed," which I use to get more then 12 players in a hot seat mutliplayer. Also fixed some issues with continents, and reduced them a little bit. Replaced a spice location with nearby dyes in Inca lands so they can get one faith per turn at the capital, because if you can't get earth goddess it's worth reseting. Also removed an ugly river, and made the area better: It now has room for an adueduct next to what will become a great industrial zone. Everything else is good.

Also, I was wrong in saying China had no natural wonder nearby. They have Vesuvius a few cities away, I just forgot about it. There is also Bermuda Triangle nearby they can discover once they embark, but it's an island city in Japan's area that can actually work some of it's tiles in the third tier, if it's settled just right.

As for Byzantium, I'm actually not looking to get religious settlements this time. I have their area setup for River Goddess in most of their holy sites. Although they really don't need any extra amenities, the 2 housing is consistently good. I'm not actually looking to warmonger with them all that much, aside from defeating Babylon early on, and whatever is necessary to spread Mithraism to the world.

I had said that Babylon is a threat to my interests. I use slower tech by era, because the AI gets 40% bonus to science, and player makes enough cities / campuses / city states to stay ahead, so you wind up finishing the tech tree halfway through the game otherwise. But slowing down research for everyone makes Babylon's Eureka even stronger.

The other reason is because when the unlock Eureka in later eras, they can build advanced units. It's especially bad if they earn a scientist who unlocks a random tech in the modern era. Just one infantry or tank in the medieval era would be enough to wipe out every civilization on it's own.
One Mans Horse Shoe is another mans Toilet Seat...

What does it mean to be China locked? This is where you start on a small continent and China is completely surrounding you and building the Great Wall (perahps to lock you in?) Thankfully, it isn't a closed loop. If you play someone here, you'll get rich from coastal raiding the great wall. :)

While it doesn't seem like a huge area, it is great for religious civs, and cities 4 tiles apart. There is room for 14-16 cities for each of the 3 Civs!
There is an expansion zone in the north west past Vietnam, as well as some room on China's Horse Shoe / Toilet Seat continent.
On average, every Civ has room for 12-15 cities just in there own area, China has room for 21! Plus there are expansion zones.

View attachment 681360

This is possibly the best Map I've ever made. 16 Civs, 22 City States. 21 Wonders. (One for every Civ, plus a few others. 777)
(Although 1 civ was added to be conquered. Remove so you have 15 for world congress to look right)
(The map is great for everyone but Babylon, whose abilities are, according to my military advisor, an unacceptable threat to my interests!)

Based on the Retro SNES Secret of Evermore. There are three major areas, the Pangaea "Antiquia," Ivor, and Podunk.
(In the game, the Hero is from Podunk / USA, although they are not in the Matrix world of Evermore, I included them here as a fourth wall kind of thing)
Here is the original game map, and a rough draft of the regions I decided to add:

View attachment 681249

Game Integrity calls for including England, America, China. The general theme of the Pangaea is classical civilizations, while the Ivor region is more
European or Renaissance type, and Podunk is meant to be a more modern area with some strong perks to Science generation.

I have designed each area in painstaking detail to accommodate those who will be living there. Some notes if you wish to replace anyone:

Antiquia / Plateau / Desert

Maya: No one else wants a capital without fresh water. If you want to remove them, you might as well make the Plateau an expansion area.
Babylon: Adueduct lovers. They have rivers and lakes for 5-7 cities, but the rest is expansion zone with no fresh water.
Greece: Anyone
Hungary: River loving Civs
Byzantium: Religious Civs (Especially with River Goddess)
Macedonia: Anyone, or Desert Loving Civs
Arabia: Anyone, or Desert Loving Civs

Ivor Tower / Ebon Keep

Vietnam: Thick forests are everywhere. There is no ideal replacement, but snow and tundra to the north.
England: Norway, Phoenicia, Spain. Land and Coast. Mountains for Campus, Holy Site, one really good industrial zone.
Poland: Mountain Structures ideal for Holy Cities in every city. Coast and Land.
(For England and Poland, the Capitals are on a tiny continent of their own 6 tiles away from each.)
(This is great for Civs with abilities that involve other continents, as well as the 25% gold, 10% production, and 15% growth cards)
China: Coastal Civ with Harbors in every city. Not really intended for anyone else. Dedicated line for the great wall.
Inca: Not really suitable for anyone else. There are some rivers and coastal cities, but so many hills and mountains...


America: A balance of Land and Coastal. Access to Galapagos and Yosemite. All non island cities are on one continent that includes another civ.
Nubia: A modest desert, but lots and lots of copper hills, spots for Nubian pyramids, and mountain structure intended for religious civs.
Netherlands: Anyone that likes coast, rivers, and lakes.
Japan: Indonesia, coast / island loving Civs.

Now some notes on Wonders, City States, and how everything synergizes:

Antiquia: Nazca, Anshan, Kumasi, Hunza, Zanzibar, Kandy, Singapore, Valletta
Delicate Arch, Uluru, Giants Causeway, Mato Tipila, Tsingy, Everest, Pumakkale

Nazca in the desert is a no brainer. Part of a complex of 4 city states that in the SNES game was a huge bazaar for trading. Kumasi gives you culture for trading with all these city states, with Anshan Synergizes well with any theaters you build. In my setup, Macedon and Arabia lives here, for whom the faith and science CS are excellent.

Ivor: Buenos Ares, Chingeutti, Muscat, Kabel, Torres, cliffs of Dover, Kilamanjaro. Lots of Stone for stone circles in Englands area.
Exrtra amenities and building for wonders / buildings for China's 21 cities. Kabul is mainly for Vietnam. Chinguetti for Poland or religious civs.

Podunk: Mitla, Nan Madol, Auckland, Mogadishu, Wolin. Auckland and Nan Madol will be of interest to Japan, and everyone else. Mogadishu and Wolin go hand in hand so that you can freely engage in war and earn generals without worrying about your traders getting plundered. Mitla is on the land in the north near America, and will be of strong benefit to their cities, most of which have good spots for Campus, plus access to Galapagos and Yosemite make for a very formidable scientific overseas America, and none of the civs I decided to play can do anything about it. Nubia has the nearby Crater lake, desert, and some good spots for holy cities. Netherlands has what it loves most: River access for districts, coast, and lakes for polders.

Home Wonders (At the capital or close to the their area)

Maya - Tsingy
Babylon - Uluru (not nearby)
Byzantium - Mato Tipila
Arabia - Delicate Arch
Macedonia - Giants Causeway (at the Capital)
Hungary - Everest
Greece - Pumakkale (at the Capital)
Inca - Matterhorn (at the Capital) Paititi, on an island.
England - Torres, Cliffs of Dover
Poland - Torres
Vietnam - Kilamanjaro (at the capital), Torres
China - None. Room for 21 Average Cities 4 and 5 tiles apart! They should get Magnus with Provision and build the Ancestral Hall.
Japan - Fountain of Youth
America - Galapagos, Yosemite
Nubia - Crater Lake, Yosemite
Netherlands - Pantanal

Chinese Area:

4 Tile Snake Continent with a River through the entire thing. All cities on the far side of the river, usually next to a harbor notch with 2 fish, at least one in reefs.
The entire far-plain is bonus and luxury resources on every tile. (7 Coffee, 5 Tobacco here alone, Hill Bananas, or Hill Deer)
While the other side of the river is mainly grassland floodplains, with an occassional mining hill or other resource.
The entire near side plains are empty and there are no coastal resources on that side, plus ocean one tile away.
(This is all to disincentivize china from building any cities on that side, as it is reversed for the Great Wall)
The far grass is usually just for cities, districts, and occassionally something else.
China gets coal, oil, all strategics, even 2 Uranium, so that it never needs to settle outside of it's own continent, which is more then one continent.
(So some of it's cities will benefit from the "Cities not on your capitals continent" cards, which might be overkill for a Civ with 20+ Harbors)
Two City States at the far ends: Buenos Aries, and Muscat. These provide China with extra amenities and even more gold.
(But will be heavily contested by the other 4 Civs nearby)

Inca in the North:

It used to be that Terrace farms worked on Snow and Tundra. Since I learned that is not the case anymore, you will see that Snow and Tundra are only in certain parts of the north, instead of the entire north and south on this map. The whole world is technically a "Matrix Simulation," as per Secret of Evermore anyway, if that bothers you.

The Inca have a great line of Mountains at the very top of the world that gives them access to anywhere in the north via Mountain Tunnel portals. In particular, they have to cross Vietnam to the west, to make a tunnel at the far side and claim the mega city that will be built next to Mount Eyefaljackal. I also have a spot setup for an Ideal Vampire Castle near two tiles of Paititi and a bunch of Crabs.

Notice also the Snow tile in the very center of the world. There is another dedicated Vampire Castle with 3 Turtles, but it has nothing to offer a city but Ocean and Mountains, and city would be settled on the snow, but if you are that desperate for 3 extra turtles....

I set this up to be a strategic spot, because I'm going to be hot seat playing both Byzantium and Inca on this map, and Inca will try to crush Byzantium before it converts the world. But you can play any of the Civs mentioned here, without changing the advanced starts.

American Continent and LORE:

There was a civil war, and instead of freeing the slaves, some crafty operatives from Nubia came here, lead by A manticore herself. After eliminating their oppressors, they create an independent black nation in the American South. The Dutch Netherlands are another independent faction, which should technically be in the North around Pensylvania, but on this map they are in California and Oregon. America is in the north, and it's overas neighbors are Japan and China, so one could setup a nice game for conflict with those nations. The American Continent covers America AND Nubia, including the capital. Netherlands is on Euromerica, and there is also North and South America, which are the islands, and parts of the land mass. Then Japan is living on Asiamerica, and China lives on Amasia and Asia.

Antiquia LORE:

I was originally going to make a map with three super continents. In the SNES game, you have four major parts: The Prehistoric Plateau, the Classical, the Renaissance, and finally the Space Station. The Plateau and the Classical (called Antiquia) are actually on one landmass though. South of the Mayan Flower, is a region called the Bugmuck, full of massive numbers of swamps. The Desert is full of Oasis with a City state mega complex at the far north. The Theme for the Plateau is Ancient Era, or Native american (Maya, Aztec, Mapuche, etc) but the rest of it is for classical Civs from Antiquity, (such as Greece, Rome, Egypt, Persia, Babylon, Sumeria, etc)

Ebony Keep and the Ivory Tower:

As the story goes, Queen Bluegarden moved the entire civilization to another castle, just across the ravine, because the old castle was "Too dusty and dirty," and the Queen was extremely vain. In time, the people of Ebon Keep forgot the English language, and became a new culture of their own, they became Polish! This is an odd area in that two Capitals are very close together, by separated by coast, hills, and a city state between them, but also not entirely cut off. In the game, you had to wrap around an immense forest that took hours and you constantly got lost. Here is where Vietnam comes into the picture. I decided to surround the whole area with a Chinese Dragon. From the atmosphere to the haunting melodies in the game, there is an aire of solitude, vanity, and despair, also Matriarchy, because the king just watches Puppet Shows all day. I was originally going to put Norway across from England, but I went with Poland instead for a religious competitor, and so that all 3 Civilizations would be Female Led.

Oceans design and expansion zones: The Oceans separate the three regions, but there is a very long way to get around and meet everywhere with just your scouts and galleys. As per my rules regarding City States, they are not allowed to block Coastal Travel, except in one case. Look closely and you will set the symmetry is slightly broken in the Ivor region because the western side has an additional coastal path to the right of the Ice. Another thing I live about this map is sending your ship through passages between the ice and snow. There is room for 2 or 3 cities in each of the "Northern Eyes" and a clock / zodiac Mandala of Atlantis built for 6 cities. I think it will be fun to make myself and sell them to 6 different players. In the south there is room for 2 Uranium cities, each with access to 2 Uranium. These are blocked by Ice instead of Ocean.
Very nice work!
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