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Can't play because Steam says game is "unavailable"


Sep 24, 2010
Now THIS is why people don't like Steam. I just wanna play the game that I bought, own, and have installed (and logged 16 hours of play) but Steam won't launch the game. Why?

Who knows why!?

There is a game.....on my computer.....that I can't play because an unnecessary program is essentially telling me it doesn't feel like it right now. :mad:
I'm sure writing a very angry post got YOUR game on YOUR computer working faster for YOU

With all the emphasis placed on self, I'm surprised you didn't look there first when you had a problem
It might help to tell which (or what) error message you get. Granted the occasional "Servers are busy" message can be very annoying.
Unplug/disable your router/modem entirely.

Despite the supposed 'ease' of playing offline, I've found the only way to make an hour+ Steam hatefest ordeal into a mere 5-10 minute hatefest debacle is to convince Steam there is no such thing as the internet.... then - it seems to allow "offline mode".
You could also just press "Steam -> Go offline" og change to offline mode...

But usually it works to just rerun the game right after if not try to change to offline mode and se if it will run there.
I had this problem on a different game a while back, deleting the client file fixed it:

That also mentions checking the game files - on Civ 5, this always fails for me even though the game is now running fine. It fails on one file and re-downloads 22MB ... and then fails the check again. I'm sure this is worth doing and only takes a couple of minutes but don't get too excited if it appears to fix something.

(IrishGold, how is s/he supposed to react? Be happy that they're not getting value for money?)
Thanks for the help guys, I'll try it again in a few minutes. I've turned off/turned back on my computer which often helps when Steam acts up. I'll go through the suggestions here until it works. If I don't post back, assume that all's well....and thanks again.

I should state that I'm having a problem here with my computer....not my girlfriend. It's a pretty one-sided relationship and you'll have to excuse me for not being more sensitive to my computer's emotional needs.
Hmm... turn on/off pc, delete client reg, create new account, running in admin mode, delete all files except steamapps and steam, start in safe mode, check that folder is not "read only", using tcp, hitting enter when steam update, try changing IP address...etc. Hmm, quite a number of ways to check... I wonder what steam is doing actually?

OT:Steam is always one-sided... You are lucky that you could still play. I just have to say goodbye to Civ5 because of a stupid program called "steam". Yes, I'm angry, but it doesn't matter to steam or anyone else. So, I just browsing this forum to get some feeling about Civ5.

The p****e is calling for me...
I had this problem on a different game a while back, deleting the client file fixed it:

That also mentions checking the game files - on Civ 5, this always fails for me even though the game is now running fine. It fails on one file and re-downloads 22MB ... and then fails the check again. I'm sure this is worth doing and only takes a couple of minutes but don't get too excited if it appears to fix something.

(IrishGold, how is s/he supposed to react? Be happy that they're not getting value for money?)

OK, this did it for me and it's working again. Going offline didn't help.

In any case, thanks again guys.

I can't seem to play Civ V since today's update. Steam is giving me the "game is currently unavailable" error. I'm using xp pro and dx9, is this the issue? I noticed that it's no long asking me which version of dx i want to run it in
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