Cement Variations

Jul 5, 2004
Canberra, Australia
Background I wanted a mod mod to demonstrate a couple of things to the other modders. This is it. It shows two things.

1) Technologies that require buildings to be built before you can study the tech.

2) Dead end extension techs. The idea of having dead end techs which are useful.

By combining the two I think I have a mod the AI will know how to use without having to do anything special.

What it does There are two type of concrete that were common in the Classical era but were lost to Western European nations until the industrial era. these are the Marine and Waterproof cements. This adds those two techs and bonuses to the game.

More work can be done on these with relation to buildings and units. I have not added a production build modifier by the waterproof cement to the water holding buildings like the cistern for example.

Install The mod mod is currently in the My Mods (unloaded) folder. Just move it from there into the My Mods folder.
It is part of the Technologies XML. The group tags are PrereqBuildingClasses and PrereqOrBuildingClasses. The first has the building class and number of them required. The second just the building class.
And those prereqs aren't showing in the hover help or pedia for the tech right? I can fix that.

Would be very cool to use this to make the alternative timeline techs (not the megafauna though) require a special wonder only a Great Scientist can build. The GS does need some added benefits I think.
This is not working as intended. I can study the tech even when I don't have the building. I know it worked when I tried a different mod before so I will look into the XML again.
As it says it greatly reduces the cost of some worker units (submerged towns and extraction facility) and many buildings - anything to do with water that uses concrete - piped, dams, harbours, that sort of thing.
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