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Where's my breakfast?
Hall of Fame Staff
Retired Moderator
Nov 28, 2003
While the general Hall of Fame is an ongoing competition, we are running a series of ten games called the Hall of Fame Challenge Series. Standard Hall of Fame rules (*) still apply, but any games meeting the settings of one of the games will be counted towards the Challenge.

(*) Please read the >> HOF rules << BEFORE playing!

  • Victory Condition: Conquest (though all victory conditions must be enabled)
  • Difficulty: Settler thru Warlord
  • Starting Era: Ancient
  • Map Size: Standard
  • Map Type: Any
  • Speed: Epic
  • Required: No Vassal States
  • Must Not Be Checked: No Barbarians, Random Personalities, One City Challenge
  • Civ: Any
  • Opponents: Any
  • Version: 3.19.003
  • Date: 19th September 2010 to 19th January 2011
Must not play as Inca.

The earliest finish date wins, with score as a tiebreaker.

Chieftain	-5
Warlord		-10
Got some sweet hut luck with a worker and then four settlers, but with my four cities and the 3 captured AI capitals, I had no horses! I built a settler, but then popped a fifth settler and settled near horses. I used WCs on the last two civs. 1900BC will be beat I am sure. This was settler, gonna submit all levels (if I have time) as you never know.

I hope the mods will let me know if I exceeded the per post limit for using the word settler. ;)
So I see from the challenge-02 standings that the top 3 results so far were all done on Settler, with Sitting Bull, on a Great Plains or Pangaea map. All 2850-2425 BC.

Using my amazing deductive powers, I figured the secret had to be Dog Soldiers--no need to hook anything up, just get them out and kill the warriors in the AI capitals.

So I pick Great Plains, start my city on a west edge spot with tons of forests, tech BW while I'm building a worker for chopping, and then I commence to mass-producing Dogs. Athens is a bit to the east, I take it with my first two Dogs, easy peesy . . . and then I stumble around a bit trying to find another city. Finally find Delhi way out east with a couple Dogs about 2800 BC--and it's defended on a hill with a archer and warrior. Chances of my CRI Dogs taking it are about 20%. Cringe.

Okay, so I'm a noob, I admit it. What's the secret here? Getting a scout out early? Having a middle of the map start? Was I just unlucky? Or is my whole "strategy" hopelessly flawed?:confused:
So I see from the challenge-02 standings that the top 3 results so far were all done on Settler, with Sitting Bull, on a Great Plains or Pangaea map. All 2850-2425 BC.

Using my amazing deductive powers, I figured the secret had to be Dog Soldiers--no need to hook anything up, just get them out and kill the warriors in the AI capitals.

So I pick Great Plains, start my city on a west edge spot with tons of forests, tech BW while I'm building a worker for chopping, and then I commence to mass-producing Dogs. Athens is a bit to the east, I take it with my first two Dogs, easy peesy . . . and then I stumble around a bit trying to find another city. Finally find Delhi way out east with a couple Dogs about 2800 BC--and it's defended on a hill with a archer and warrior. Chances of my CRI Dogs taking it are about 20%. Cringe.

Okay, so I'm a noob, I admit it. What's the secret here? Getting a scout out early? Having a middle of the map start? Was I just unlucky? Or is my whole "strategy" hopelessly flawed?:confused:

Try Hatshepsut and War Chariots on Great Plains. Use map finder to get 5+ Cows in map center and hope for Horses nearby. Research Animal Husbandry, build Worker -> Settler to claim Horse City, Mining -> Bronze Working for Slavery, build and later whip War Chariots. After Bronze Working, you can turn off research or get Iron Working for Swordsmen or Axemen in case of no Copper.

Or go back to Dog Warriors on Pangaea with high seas. Beeline BW. Chop Dog Warriors and sent enough to take a City. Go back to Hill Cities with enough Dog Warriors to take them out.

In either case, when cultural defense, Walls, or Hill Defense becomes too high, plan beeline to Construction for Catapults.

Good luck!

Sun Tzu Wu
Ah, I should have at least thought to use the high seas setting--that will certainly help. Some of your other suggestions sound great if I'm trying to win by 1000 BC--but perhaps there won't be time if I'm shooting for 2000-2500 BC?

As you suggest, War Chariots might be worth a try, too. They'll take longer to hook up--but they'll obviously be much more mobile when they come on-line.

You mention Mapfinder. Forgive my novice question, but I'm guessing that's a map selection add-on? How does it work? Where can it be downloaded? (And I'm guessing it's fully HOF rules legal).

Thanks for the quick feedback! :)
You mention Mapfinder. Forgive my novice question, but I'm guessing that's a map selection add-on? How does it work? Where can it be downloaded? (And I'm guessing it's fully HOF rules legal).

Yes, MapFinder as provided in the HOF mod is absolutely HOF rules compliant.

There are two parts to mapfinder:

1) The important part that is part of the BUFFY module, accessible vi CTRL-ALT-O and Map TAB. This part controls finding the maps that match your mapfinder Rule file.

2) The MapFinder application that allows one to make rule files to be used by part #1 above. It is often used to review and select for Play the starting Maps that satisfied the Rules file used. This part must be downloaded and installed:


I suggest that you first use the default Rule file just to verify everything is working OK. Next, make a simple rule like a single Mining Resource (that will save all Maps with Gold, Gems or Silver revealed by the initial position of one's Settler and Warrior/Scout.

In the HOF forum, there are sticky threads for questions about MapFinder and BUFFY. Please ask additional MapFinder/BUFFY questions through those threads.

Good luck!

Sun Tzu Wu

You have to play about 10 or so games before you luck out with no cities on hills or only one left to dogpile your dog soldiers.

Welcome to civfanatics and the HOF!

You have to play about 10 or so games before you luck out with no cities on hills or only one left to dogpile your dog soldiers.

Welcome to civfanatics and the HOF!
Thanks! I'm definitely having a good time with these challenges.

I got a pre-2000 BC win in with war chariots--that's good enough for now, I guess. When vacation comes I'll try replaying this challenge and see if I can do better.
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