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Change color of Fog of War?


Oct 7, 2015
Hey everyone! Is there any known way to change the color of the Fog of War from black to something else? I ran across a thread for Civ V (http://forums.civlovers.com/showthread.php?t=495752) where there was some success changing the color of Civ V's white clouds to something darker, and I went through the .fpk files to see what could be altered in BE, but sadly I was not able to find anything in regards to changing the color of the Fog of War. Has anyone looked into this, or had any luck changing it?
I'd like to see it darkened a bit more. Also, perhaps when darkened, it wouldn't be necessary to display grid lines in the ocean -- not a big fan of those.

Though, if it was consistent, and they also displayed the grid lines in the fog of war on land, then I'd be more comfortable with it. :crazyeye:
I want clouds back as fog of war. The blackness just brings such a dark feeling to the already dark palettes. And These planets must have some sort of atmosphere and therefore clouds.
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