Changing Great People-Abilities


Jul 8, 2005
Does anyone know, where to change how much beakers a Great Scientist creates when light-bulbing a technology?
Its controlled by the Flavor values of a Tech, they just pop the highest flavor value among all the techs you could currently research (but it must be greater then zero). Each GP has a specific flavor it uses.
Okay, I know that.

A Great Prophet for example gives ~1700 beakers for researching Divine Right.

Where can I make the change, that the prophet gives 2000 or more/less beakers?
Here what i found in the SDK :

int CvUnit::getDiscoverResearch(TechTypes eTech) const
	int iResearch;

	iResearch = (GC.getUnitInfo(getUnitType()).getBaseDiscover() + (GC.getUnitInfo(getUnitType()).getDiscoverMultiplier() * GET_TEAM(getTeam()).getTotalPopulation()));

	iResearch *= GC.getGameSpeedInfo(GC.getGameINLINE().getGameSpeedType()).getUnitDiscoverPercent();
	iResearch /= 100;

	iResearch = min(GET_TEAM(getTeam()).getResearchLeft(eTech), iResearch);

	return max(0, iResearch);

The value is affected by <iBaseDiscover> & <iDiscoverMultiplier> for the unit and <iUnitDiscoverPercent> for the speed .

Tcho !
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