City Distance Increased Mod (Easy To Customise)

Piglet The Brave

Feb 6, 2025
This is a mod to increase the minimum city distance, if you want the cities to be a bit more spread out or have less of them on the map.

This is the default developer set distance limit,

CITY_MIN_RANGE 3 (A three tile gap with the city being allowed on the forth tile)

And this is what I increased it to,

CITY_MIN_RANGE 4 (A four tile gap with the city being allowed on the fifth tile)

This value is easy to edit so please change them for your personal preference. All you need to do is go into the Data folder of the mod and edit the GlobalParameters.xml in notepad,

/Minimum City Distance Increase/Data/GlobalParameters.xml


Unzip the file and put the mod folder in the Civ VII mods folder.

Normal Folder Location and structure;
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Firaxis Games\Civ VII\Mods\Minimum City Distance Increase\


Thanks for this. I was able to edit other things but could not find Global Parameters. 4 should be defualt for the game IMO, not sure why everything must be balanced for tiny maps.
The main thing is that it doesn't change the city working range, and with this affecting the settler lense it becomes harder to calculate which tiles are in actual working range of a city.

One thing with the AI that's a bit better in this regard is that it no longer places the cities every 3 tiles.
The main thing is that it doesn't change the city working range, and with this affecting the settler lense it becomes harder to calculate which tiles are in actual working range of a city.

One thing with the AI that's a bit better in this regard is that it no longer places the cities every 3 tiles.
so is there no way to change the workable range?
so is there no way to change the workable range?

Not currently. Someone was working on a mod but it's a VERY tricky thing to change.
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