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City Razed Automatically?


Nov 27, 2009
I can't seem to find an answer for this in the FAQs. I am playing Civ4 without any expansions or mods and with the most current patch. I am confused about what happens when I attack an opponent's city. In most cases, it gives me the two options of either installing a new governor or burning it to the ground. In a few cases though, the city just gets razed automatically, without my having an option to install a new governor. This happens in just normal games, no scenarios started. This happens whether the cities are run by barbarians or by a distinct nationality.

What determines whether or not a city just gets wiped off the map or allows you to take it over? Any info appreciated. Thank you!

I think its that a city has to at some point in it existence reach population 2 or higher. Thats why some pop 1 cities stick around and others dont. And also like mentioned the exception is made for cities with shrines or any of the big wonders they never get auto razed no matter what.

Someone who has played this game more recently then me will know better, but I don't think you get any diplo penalties from auto-razing. Very useful if you know how to abuse it.
Someone who has played this game more recently then me will know better, but I don't think you get any diplo penalties from auto-razing. Very useful if you know how to abuse it.

yeah tehy dont hate you if you do a pop one auto raze
Really? Strange, I seem to remember getting the diplo penalty from auto-raze and being annoyed by it.

Edit: BTW what causes population drop in warfare? Nukes, whipping, starvation and drafting is obvious, but is there anything else?
Edit: BTW what causes population drop in warfare? Nukes, whipping, starvation and drafting is obvious, but is there anything else?
You covered it. Unless the War wariness causes enough citizens to get angry. But that might fall under 'starvation' because the tiles aren't worked causing less food.

It's a bummer too, when conquering an enemy and their smaller cities drop from 2 pop to 1 pop just as I'm about to make my attack and capture said cities.
I think its that a city has to at some point in it existence reach population 2 or higher. Thats why some pop 1 cities stick around and others dont.
This is the correct answer. Cities which have grown at size 2 at some point are not auto-razed. Those that never have, will be.

And also like mentioned the exception is made for cities with shrines or any of the big wonders they never get auto razed no matter what.
Whoops. Shoulda stopped there. This is wrong. The only consideration is whether or not the city has reached size 2.
This is the correct answer. Cities which have grown at size 2 at some point are not auto-razed. Those that never have, will be.

Whoops. Shoulda stopped there. This is wrong. The only consideration is whether or not the city has reached size 2.

...or if it's borders have popped. Test using Worldbuilder, place a size 1 city with a monument and a border pop. Then capture it. I'm pretty sure it won't auto-raze.
...or if it's borders have popped. Test using Worldbuilder, place a size 1 city with a monument and a border pop. Then capture it. I'm pretty sure it won't auto-raze.
Nope. This was true in Civ3. In Civ4, the only consideration is size. I know this the hard way. I chariot-rushed the French, stripping them down to a single just-established city. My chariots sat patiently outside it, waiting for the borders of the new capital to pop... and then razed the city.

oops guess I was wrong bout the wonders preventing autoraze, it just seemed it would make sense. Althought I guess odds are VERY high against a city getting a wonder or shrine without EVER growing past pop 1 anways hehe.

But I can say for sure culture pops dont have anything to do with it. Playing on marathon speed more than once my warrior scout moved in on a early capitol city still at pop 1 that had time to culture pop but hasnt built a warrior garrison yet and gets auto razed.

You covered it. Unless the War wariness causes enough citizens to get angry. But that might fall under 'starvation' because the tiles aren't worked causing less food.

It's a bummer too, when conquering an enemy and their smaller cities drop from 2 pop to 1 pop just as I'm about to make my attack and capture said cities.

AH ok thanks. Must be imagining things, the bombers actually killing population must be from civ 2 or something.
Nope. This was true in Civ3. In Civ4, the only consideration is size. I know this the hard way. I chariot-rushed the French, stripping them down to a single just-established city. My chariots sat patiently outside it, waiting for the borders of the new capital to pop... and then razed the city.

I was surprised to find you correct when I followed my own protocol. Guess you learn something new every day. ;)
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