Civ 5 crashing when in city screen and tiny fonts


Feb 10, 2005
Mid Michigan
Tried starting the HoF game for this month and can't get past initial save city build screen as it crashes every time.

Only running Comm Patch 138 and City States mods

GOTM worked fine.....have played many turns with zero problems.

Also wondering, this is new Win 11's 15 in whereas my prior laptop was 19 in. The UI fonts are so tiny they are almost hard to see/read. I looked up how to make these bigger, but it doesn't work. Deleted TwCentMT14 and then copied TwCentMT22 and renamed it to 14 as I read to do....nothing changed. Am I missing something?

I guess, by a wide margin, getting games I start to work is first priority though.
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