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Civ Add-on/Expansion Pack Ideas

Originally posted by Propaganda

You can have a democratic society, with a communist structure.

Just see: RSFSR(aka the Soviet Union/USSR) of 1917-1922.

I think it was the other way round. A communist (totalitarian) state with capitalist elements of economy.
During the Cold War of the last half of the Twentieth Century the actual definition of many of these terms became confused because of propaganda.
Democracy is antithetic to Totalitarianism, but not to Communism.
Capitalism is antithetic to Communism, but not to Democracy or Totalitarianism.
Sadly, today's world has several examples of Totalitarianism.
Neither a true Democracy nor a true Communist society has ever existed.
I think it'd be good if you had an option to set a game at a certain tech level. It gets boring to always have to start from warriors and work your way up.
Originally posted by Beloyar

I think it was the other way round. A communist (totalitarian) state with capitalist elements of economy.

Although Lenin had most say, any soviet with a worker's card was able to join the party and express themselves. So, in effect, it was a democracy, attached with a few gimmicks.

And to suchomimus, there was an example of Communism in history; The Paris Commune.
Changes for Civ 3

1)Creation of Sea Routes is a good idea
2) New units: Combat Engineers, Mines, Super Carrier, Attack & ASW Helicopters, Strategic Bomber (same as ICBM but available earlier & subject to int v. fighters & SAMS, can also bombard normally) tank destroyer (3/4 attack, same defense as tank, x2 defending against tank) self propelled arty. (move 2)
3) Privateers: Get a gold bonus with defeat of another unit (value depends on unit type defeated)
4) Governments: Facism, Fudalism, Fanaticism (for religious civs only)
5) Government improvements: cops as specialized citizens to reduce corruption
6) Terrain: Terraforming, canals, suspension bridges,
7) Fire power needs to comeback (x1 per era)
8) SW's: Code of Hammurabi, Codex of Justinian, Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, NORAD, SAC, Panama Canal, FBI
9) Great Wonders: Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, Spynx, Stone Hedge, Computer related GW (Internet?)
10) Civ's: Sioux (Native Americans) Vikings, Mayans, Incas, get rid of zulus they never were a true civ, Ottoman Turks, Byzantines, Carthaginians, also a barbarian camp has a 10% prob. of starting a new civ (w/ NO limits on them)
11) Leaders: Non military leaders needed, created after building a wonder (33% chance) Also different leaders can rush only improvements that fit that leader type. eg. military leaders can rush Barracks, Military Academies, units ect but not pyramids, newtons college ect. also a leader can become a speciallized ciitizen, doubling the effect of all spec. citizens of their type.
12) Trade: Trade anything for any period of time! Ability to end a trade agreement early w/ no penalty if both agree.
13)Armies: Only a military leader can build; include admirals and airforce leaders also. Creation of Task Forces (naval eqiv.) & Air Wings (AF equiv)
14) Corruption: 1.21v was supposed to include a corrution slider, I havent seen it. I WANT TO SEE A CORRUPTION SLIDER!
15) Sattelites: Completion of this should enable you to get troop movemnts of a civ 1x per turn.
16) Weather: Hurricaines, Typhoons, Eartquakes, Volcanic Eruptions all able to damage or destroy a city also: fires (w/o firestation as a city improvement) will be able to eliminate pop or destroy improvement.
17) Unit Upgrades: No unit should be osolete, everything upgrades.
18) Colonies: NO Culture, no inf, but plopping a city down to wipe out a colony is treated as an attack (act of war)
19) War Weariness: Depends on how large/ advanced civ you are at war with as well as how much ground taken v losses are. & wether you attacked or were attacked (if a victim of a surprise attack you should have no war weariness for at least 10 turns.
20) Refugees & immigrants: A certain amount of your pop will flee after the loss of a city, they will keep fleeing unil reaching a defended town also a civ w/ a low culture will have some citizens leave to a civ with a higher culture (Communism & Facism would prevent this)
21) Miliary Bases: Airbases are needed to be brought back
Missle Silos can be built after const. NORAD
22) Bombardment: Should kill Naval units.
23)Assimilation: should happen faster, particularly in a civ w/ high culure.
24)Foreign Aid: Can give anything to a civ inc. prod, commerce, military units,
25) Advisors: More reports for advisors & bring back the contact advisory coucil (after democracy should be cabinet)
26) Modify: able to modify names of individual units, terrain features, ect & sme unit values, Some mod.s to wonders. Editors should be in game not an outside app.
27) Different sized rivers, Mississippi should not be the same width as the Thames River.
Hi all just a few stupid Question?

1. add on & expansion pack are these for (rookie). do they look like my Civ3 games. these are games that you (Pro) have made.

2. Why can't we get a Carrer that will allow helicopers on them

thank you for your support
Nuke planting ability (through the espionage menu)

Yes! I miss this one from Civ2!

Question/Suggestion: It would be great if they included a new Unit with the abillity to sabotage and/or plant a nuke!
Exactly like the Spy unit in Civ2... but since all spying is done by the menu in Civ3 i think it would be a good idea to create a new unit like "Fanatic" or something like that. It will give scenario creators more options when creating modern era scenarios...
After all... this is a very real and frightening scenario in the real world! If you dont belive me... I recommend reading "The sum of all fears" by Tom Clancy, or watch the film with the same name.

Anyway... Is it at all possible to crete this unit by the scenario editor in v1.29f???
Originally posted by Propaganda

Although Lenin had most say, any soviet with a worker's card was able to join the party and express themselves. So, in effect, it was a democracy, attached with a few gimmicks.

And to suchomimus, there was an example of Communism in history; The Paris Commune.

IMHO, communism/democracy/anarchy works at maximum efficiency in small groups of people cut off from the rest of society

yup, i agree there are also many other examples during the 60's and 70's of communes and whatnot, they just didn't last long and faded into history and/or the background

if you want to check out communes that exist today, check this link:


and for a listing of more intentional communities


there ya go

"please don't flame me, it'll only make me stronger" (haha, Nietzsche is probably rolling over in his grave for that one)
Originally posted by Journeyman
Anyway... Is it at all possible to crete this unit by the scenario editor in v1.29f???

I don't know if it's possible and I won't bet my life on it, but maybe you could add the ability to carry a nuke to a ground unit, give it the submarine attribute (supposed to make it unseen), and voila... a nuclear spy !

And if you're really perverted, the privateer attribute (making it belonging to no nation) should really be awesome. :)
Don't know if these have been mentioned.
1. Have a badly beaten civ that you were fighting be your puppet like in SMAC where the civ becomes "submissive" after peace treaty...so the civ will automatically gives you new techs, share all its excess luxuries and resources, and keep you updated with world maps, and vote for you in UN. Currently if you badly beat a civ he/she just stays "furious" at you and stays very uncooperative.
2. Your bad reputation goes away gradually over time as you stay scrupulous and proves that you are trustworthy. In other words, I don't like it with I can't sign a Rights of Passage treaty with France in the year 1950 AD when I broke this treaty with England in 1950 BCE and France and England both keep holding this grudge against me.
3. AI should be more willing to sell/buy/trade/give away cities like in SMAC.
I think they should add more diplomatic options like modernisation of units and buying units from another civ.
Longbowman killing tanks.They hould find a solution about that.
Two types of carriers one carrying 4 other 8.
Option to name units.
Buying land from others.
New government types.
Olympics would be a good wonder.:)
I posted this earlier in another thread.

Two new sea units.


There have been many posts complaining about the naval aspect of the game. I think this idea if implemented in PTW will encourage both human and AI players to build stronger navies.

You would lose food, resourses and money if you didn't. Hows that for encouragement, read on.


The two units are based on the worker with colony abilities.

Unit 1. - Deep Sea Fishing fleet.

This represents trawlers and the backup sea going freezer factories.

When built the unit lays a path (road) across the sea to a sea tile that contains a fish resourse. It then builds the equivellent of a sea colony over that tile. (losing the unit).

The path cannot be traversed, it just connects the fish to a city.

The connected city gets extra food (say 4 units) plus money, (from trade) which goes to the treasury (again 4 units) per turn.

Unit 2. - Merchant ships convoys.

This represents trade routes, or to be more accurrate the last (homeward) part of a trade route.

When built this unit lays a naval path (road) to any (no resource needed) ocean tile. Again it colonises the tile (losing the unit). This would represent a way point for ships entering a particular port. There is no direct connection to another port.

The connected port receives 4 resource units and the treasury four gold per turn.


Like cannon etc. the unit has no defence capability.

If you get into a war the only way to protect the unit is to fortify destroyers. battleships etc. over the unit. When they are destroyed and it is attacked you lose the unit and its benefits.

It can be attacked by ships or submarines. If a navel unit you are at war with is placed on a sea/ocean route tile, you lose the benifit for that turn. Friendly AI unit do not block the tile.

This means you have to keep a mobile fleet to protect your sea lanes as well as defending the colony tile.

You should be able to build as many sea colonies as you can afford.

Sounds like the battle of the Atlantic to me. What do you think?

Prerequisites would be the relevant technolgy to cross seas or oceans and the building of a harbour, plus maybe some other tech.

Not bad, not bad at all, but your Ideas could use some improvement

1) for the sea colony. simply add the capability to the transport, which represents many various vessel types.Also your values for the fish are two high and would unbalance the game, normal values for the fish should be applied (would also be used w/ whales)

2) For sea-lanes I like the ideas presented earlier in this thread a little more, which are that a transport would create a sea lane to a port (same function as a worker building a road) when completed, a ship would continue on the sea lane as if it were on a railroad, if it were to encounter another unit during this transit then it would revert to normal ship movement Also maps of sea-routes could be traded between civs
2 invisible flags. One for land and one for sea. I don't want a submarine hovering around the coast to be able to spot a covert ops unit.
I don't know if this has been said, but the military advisor should tell you how strong/weak your army is against an allience. That is, you might have 100 tanks to 60 Egyptian and Indian tanks, but that's 100 against 120 if the two sign an allience against you.
This might be a duplicate of someone else's idea - in which case I apologise...

It occurred to me that while forming an army is a reasonable-ish thing for a leader to do, a number of people have a "suspension of disbelief" problem with rushing wonders with leaders.

So I got to thinking, what else could a great leader do? Thinking on a country-wide level, how about these for "Great Leaders" of the last 200 years or so..

Napoleon, Lincoln, Lloyd george, Clemenceau, Churchill, Stalin, Hitler, Roosevelt.

All men who kept a country (in most cases a democracy) in a war where a rational man might have thrown in the towel. In other words, THEY PREVENTED WAR WEARINESS!

What if you could devote the GL to anti-WW propaganda. Perhaps he would only last a number of turns, and you would have to keep him in the capital for it to work, so no more GLs while it happens. It would be a way to model a country being inspired by a great man, or a philosophy even.

I realise it might be incompatible with the game as coded. But I'd love choices other than wonder or army. What about economic benefits. You could spend the leader to create a mini-GA perhaps - sort of like the massive Russian industrial mobilization of WW2, or the Marshall plan even? or perhaps he could be a temporary FP, good only for 10 turns - long enough to rebuild the captured lands to a semi-decent level? Or he could be a great artistic movement - a culture GA effect of some kind.
Food and shield ity Improvements.

It would be usefull if you could create a city improvement, or small wonder in the editor that gave you extra food or shield resources on irrigated and mined tiles.

Similar to the rail lines.

e.g. Supermarket, Industrial Estate. Genetic Modification (SMWON).

You could then use railways just to connect cities, instead of having them sprawl all over the map.

Also rail movement should be a specific number of tiles per turn not infinite. (Changeable in the editor)
This might have been mentioned before, but I'm not gonna read all these posts to find out ;)
Besides, who's gonna read this anyways..

1: Artillery-units are way underpowered. This goes especially for air-units.
-They cost a mint
-They usualy fail the bombing-run
-They get destroyed very easily..
2: Lots of autoworkers makes the game INCREDIBLY slow.
Why move all those 300 workers that are stationed in cities? Why not fortify them and wake them only if there actually is something to be done?
3: As far as I can see, there is NO way to heal naval units.. This pretty much makes a ship useless after 1 battle..
4: Completely idiotic that cities far from your capital have almost 100% corruption. Have a look at USA. Lots of cities over a great distance.. So California should be 99% corruption then?
Please make a new ruleset for this. How about using great-leaders to controll a "province"? With several provinces controlled by separate "governors", there should be no problem managing a major empire without so much corruption. Offcourse, you would have to be able to produce leaders outside combat for this to work.
5: You really should be able to unload units from armies.
7: Consider you have 200 units.. 100 of them you dont want to move yet so you start pressing Wait on all. Some time during this you select a unit by clicking on it, and guess what.. When finished moving this unit, the unit you first "Waited" becomes active?
Then you'll have to click wait on all units again, or continue selecting every single unit manually as you need it.. ANOYING!
8: The Iron Works are virtually useless. If you do get a city with both iron and coal, you can be damn sure this city is to far away from you capital you have 90% waste.. when you first have a city with both coal and iron, you should be able to build the iron works in any city.
9: When you chance your research, you should be able to go back to the previous tech and continue where you stopped insted of having to restart...
"-Remember that electricity-thing you researched on a while ago?"
"-Electirsity? What is that?" Seriously :rolleyes:
10: give us back the supermarked/farmlands !

Might be alot more I dont remember right now ;)
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