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Civ Add-on/Expansion Pack Ideas

Maybe someone ask for it before (too many post to read, sorry)

Could Firaxis add in a futur add on a new function to Greats Wonders ?
When a Great Wonder becomes obsolete, it produces only culture and only for
the builder
civilization (nothing if captured).

An obsolete great wonder might produce income because of tourism. 1 gold per
turn and for
each foreign civilization in contact with its owner. Of course only
peacefull civilization can share tourists.

A great wonder that never expires produces gold after existing for 500 or

Small Wonders don't produce gold (but this option could br available)

All these options shall be editable (through the editor).
Also, the UN needs funding :D

If you don't pay, you can't vote.

But, if the UN is going to have that kind of power it needs to be more demanding, like when the UN is built, his power has to be ratified by 75-90% of the civs to work. (Remember the Society of Nations between wars? That didn't work)

And pretty much everything has to be voted, including punitive wars, embargos, aid, etc...

I don't know about the security council (a civ or 2 with veto power)...

What do you think?

Originally posted by Fierro1816
Also, the UN needs funding :D

If you don't pay, you can't vote.

But, if the UN is going to have that kind of power it needs to be more demanding, like when the UN is built, his power has to be ratified by 75-90% of the civs to work. (Remember the Society of Nations between wars? That didn't work)

And pretty much everything has to be voted, including punitive wars, embargos, aid, etc...

I don't know about the security council (a civ or 2 with veto power)...

What do you think?


I agree with the funding thing, but only if the UN is actually DOING something. For example, if the UN decides on a military action, you should be able to assign your troops as UN troops, and then the UN as a whole pays for their support.

I don't suppose it would be an easy change, but it would make things quite interesting, and it would give a bit better edge to people who like to play peacefully.
There're just too many posts to read... Isn't it possible to sort them in different threads?

One of the biggest problems in Civ series is the movement of stockpiles. One of the greatest improvements in Civ III, in my opinion, is the possibility of forming an army with a few units. But they kind of did it in a very limited way - it seems like Sid didn't like the idea much.

One game with a combat system I used to like was Conquer of the New World (though resolving battles like a little chess game was kindda boring some times). CNW uses Generals (like Civ III Leaders) to form armies, and that was great.

I think Civ III could make an extensive use of leaders and armies to improve combat system - I'd really like to see all or at least most of my offensive units grouped under a few Leaders or generals or whatever, fighting army against army all the way.
How about a small wonder which would allow you to TRAIN elite troops? In my current game, I have a non-militaristic civ, so I get very few elite units, and have little hope of getting a Great Leader. It probably should be available about the time Marines or Infantry become available. The Wonder would allow you to send ONE unit at a time to the Wonder City for training, which would take a certain amount of gold (maybe 1/2 as much as an Army).

After all, war isn't the only way elite units are trained in the real world. If so, don't tell that to a Navy SEAL:).

Alternately, perhaps instead of training existing units, it could create elite units.
I think it's about time that this thread gets closed. There are so many posts that it's impossible to sort them, not to mention that any additional comments made here will probably never get read by Firaxis (which I believe is the point of this thread?), or even if Firaxis do read them all it will be too late as PTW is gonna be released very soon. Also I read somewhere that 1.29f will be the last version of Civ3 patches so any ideas here will not get incorporated into any future patches.
Israel civ. its needed.
how can america be in civ3 and israel cannot. afterall israel is actually a civilization. america is all of every civ combined.



When rushing unit builds, you should LOSE training levels based on how much they were rushed--think Germany rushing boys and old men into action at the end of the war...

If you rush 25% or less or total shields, no training penalty.
50%-25% rush lose one training level
75%-50 rush lose two training levels
100%-75% rush lose three training levels

If losing the levels cause it to go below Conscript, then it's built at Conscript level but with only 1 Hit point!
The forest planting/clearing should simply be based on how many YEARS passed between planting and being able to harvest. Make it 50 years or 25 years or whatever time you think the trees need to grow to be commercially usable...

To go with this you need a new graphic so that you can see which forests are harvestable and which are still too young.

And the young forests which yield no minerals should be cleared faster.
Starvation does not cause enough negative effects for a city...

Calculate the mood of all the citizens normally. Then check to see if there is a shortfall. If so, at least that many Citizens must be Content. If the city has no food in the box then that many Citizens must be Unhappy.

If the requisite numbers are not in the appropriate mood state then some must be made so, first from the specialists, then the Content, then the Happy.

Since this happens AFTER the moods are calculated it means that giving them happiness or having extra luxuries does not affect it--after all, the starving people can't eat the luxuries or the gold. (Though they COULD eat the entertainers!)

The upshot is that it limits the 'worker dogpile' since if you add that many people to a city the shortfall is going to be massive--meaning most of them are NOT going to be specialists and that the city will probably revolt...

And laying seige to a city will cause it to become very unproductive when you station troops on all of its farms...
When you rush a project or uint, you should not be able to change it--even to wealth--until after it's built! i.e. rushing something shouldn't let you call up the menu to change the selection.

1) Good idea with the "rushing penalty" although if you change it to wealth you lose the shields so no harm there. (and paying gold to rush gold is not a good idea)
2) Even a young forest should give you some production, & it should be based on turns (2 shields per turn after planted up to the maximum)
3) Losing Levels of training needs to be fleshed out a little more, good idea but there are not that many levels of training (I would like to see a further level up from elites called either crack or expert. elite and above should also get a bonus in combat (25% increase in effctiveness)
4) Starvation- Im sick of a city reach its maximum population then because its not an even number have another citizen to be produced only to eventually starve him out of existance. Also more than 1 citizen should be lost if unable to produce the food for the citizen. The more that starve, the unhappier a city would get. Also a city producing more food than it can use should be able to provide food to a city in need of it as long as it has a supply route.
Originally posted by Mad Bomber
Also a city producing more food than it can use should be able to provide food to a city in need of it as long as it has a supply route.
Excelent idea. As a matter of fact, wasan't that doable in Civ 2 through caravans? And while you're at it, it would be nice to be able to have connected cities share 50% of their production to help build an improvement in one city.
An Small wonder that allows the creation of elite units in that city. (or is that to much? Matbe requiring The pentagon)
What about ancient leaders that instead of making an standard Army give a 50% bonus to the unit it's assigned to? I know it sounds a bit more fantastic than realistic but hell, the courage inspired by the presence of a legendary Hero could have that effect. I say this mainly because ancient armies are not very effective IMO

You could save the army and stock it later with more appropriate units or you could only put two units in it and later add more advanced unit. Using a GL for a first army is always important so you can build the Heroic Epic, your suggestion might be useful for a second GL gotten in the ancient era though, but I would just save it for a wonder.
After building a Factory you should be able to make your population workers that produce a shield per turn.

Imagine the posibilities.
Since armies aren't that popular, they could be tweaked a little. I'd love to see the units in an army attack and defend all at once. Now the units in an army act as single units ecept for the fact that they share their hitpoints.
Originally posted by Jurimax
Since armies aren't that popular, they could be tweaked a little. I'd love to see the units in an army attack and defend all at once. Now the units in an army act as single units ecept for the fact that they share their hitpoints.

Sort of like the attack of the army is the attack of the total units, the defense is the sum of the defense of the units, and the movement is the slowest movement of all the units in the army.
A 3 vet Cavalry/1 rifleman army would be 5 units with an ADM or 6*3+4,3*3+6,1 or 22/14/1.
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