• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Civ needs an in-game custom civ maker.


Feb 7, 2006
As someone who spent a good deal of time creating custom leaderheads in Civilization IV, I'd love a feature in a Civ game that aided modders with a customizable civilization creator.

My idea would work somewhat like the character creator engine in MMORPGs, like the very customizable ones in Champions Online. For leaders there would be a set of keyframes you could choose from based on those used by the Civ leaders, and everything else - facial structure, skin tone, hair, costume pieces would all be interchangable and customizable. Voices, backgrounds and music would just be taken from Civ leaders, but hopefully the engine would allow for user-created downloadable voices, background, costume parts and so on. Unique units, buildings, abilities, city names, icons, color would also be customizable in the same way.

That's my pipe dream, anyway...
I'd buy that for a dollar! :D
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