Civ Society

Originally posted by Chieftess
I once had a Game of Republic (it's in the Civ3 Multiplayer Forum), but it never took off, since some were slow sending the save. Barely got past round 2.

That cause the president of the Game of Republic never really stayed with the idea. Some people tried to bring it back to life, repeatedly ;)
Originally posted by JerEck32
It doesn't need to be like a civ "actual game" it can be like when you join the club you actually pick a civ. And you will join as a member of that civ and you and all you citizens of the particular civ will make decisions as to who leads your group who will write your newletter, who will run you're website... I don't intend for this to be like an actual civ game... Folks like I keep saying this can be whatever the PEOPLE want it to be... I am not making any rules here... so just throw around some ideas this could be really fun...

How are you going to keep track of this stuff? Gonna make your own forum to keep track of it all?
See thats the great thing about this... The way we will keep track of it is, by having individual leaders for each civ, and maybe like one supreme leader, all voted in by the general public of each civ! Therefore that leader will keep track of his civ., if he does a bad job his people may take him out of power!!!! And vote someone else in. Like I said the possibilities are endless for this folks! So any questions or ideas just keep em comin!
Someone just sent me a great idea that I see if there are any other small clubs going on that I maybe see if they are intrested in assimilating they're group so that maybe we could start out with a decent member base! So is there anyone out there who now has a club? Or even if not anyone who would like to help lead this?
Why do you guys think this is a bad idea? I am just looking for some feedback, so i know wether or not to pursue this any further!
So why don't we get something like that system that failed going again? With more dedicated leadership we can certainly get whatever we want started!
So far I have gotten 4 people who like the idea... However none from this board! So comeon guys help me out here!
Dude. . . not to sound harsh, but a lot of what you're talking about can be found in the Demogame and (it sounds like) the NES (NeverEndingStory) sub-forums. . . so while you're idea may be good, and turn out to be a great thing, we're already doing some thing like it.

It would be like walking into a church and saying "Hey, come over here and do this service with us." We're already in service, so to speak, and may not be interested in something else.

Truly, I hope it works out for ya. But at the same time I suggest strolling over to the Demogames and the NES forums and checking them out.
Originally posted by archer_007

I remember it. That was a good idea actully. Too bad it failed.

I think we needed a timeclock system like the multisite demogame, and a seperate sub-forum (which is why I was hoping vbulletin 3 would come sooner than later).
I think I will simply chalk this up to the biggest failure of all time, I think with a the thousands of people at this board and not one is intrested, would constatute as the greatest failure ever!!!
Oh it's a somewhat good idea. I might join if someone made it. But I wouldn't want to make it myself.
Originally posted by WildFire
Kinda sounds like fun.

Of course, if I was to take part in this, I would join the demogame ;)

You should :D Just click the link below....
See thats the great thing about this though! It doesn't neccesraily need to be a game! The joining a civ can just be an added part of the club to keep things intresting! It can just be a club where a bunch of people who love civ are able to get together and enjoy everything civ!
Originally posted by JerEck32
See thats the great thing about this though! It doesn't neccesraily need to be a game! The joining a civ can just be an added part of the club to keep things intresting! It can just be a club where a bunch of people who love civ are able to get together and enjoy everything civ!

We already have a club like that. Its called CivFanatics! ;)

Seriously, take zorven's advice, click on his signature, and check us out. For the record, we have a CFC-sanctioned Democracy Game in place, and we have about 20-25 active members. So hopefully you can see what a daunting task lies ahead for yourself.

And please don't consider your idea the "biggest failure of all-time." You just got here. And the Civ3(and Civ2) Democracy Game provides the closest resemblence to your idea.

Hope to see you there. :D

Donovan Zoi
Moderator - Civ3 Democracy Game
I would join...

But with school and some other stuff going on, I wouldn't have that much time for it.
OK folks lets put it this way! I am trying to do something original, i don't want this to be like your demo game... I don't wish to copy the demo game in sense! This isn't a game I am wishing to create... so please stop telling me about the demo game. And if you have any ideas, or wish to join just email me!
If you want to make a site, then only advertise in the Other Civ Related Sites forum, or in your sig. But, if there's enough interesting, who knows, maybe a forum will open up. The demogame got its' start in here.
So does this mean that you are closing my only hope of getting this started with in this thread?
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