Civ1 Map Generation explained


Dark Prince
Oct 28, 2007
This thread is meant to document the internal routines used by CivDOS to generate new, random maps.

To generate new maps, CivDOS uses a set of 4 input parameters, with value ranging from 0 to 2, included
  • Land mass: controls the total land mass of the map, i.e. the total number of non-ocean squares (arctic/antarctic excluded)
    • 0: Small - islandish world
    • 1: Normal - balanced islands and continents
    • 2: Large - pangeaish world
  • Temperature: controls the spread ratio of arid areas (deserts) from the equator towards the poles
    • 0: Cool - more tundra/artic
    • 1: Temperate - balanced
    • 2: Warm - more deserts
  • Climate: controls the overall ratio of "wet lands" (jungle, swamp)
    • 0: Arid - more deserts
    • 1: Normal - balanced
    • 2: Wet - more jungle/swamp
  • Age: controls the erosion of the landscape (hills, mountains, inland seas & lakes)
    • 0: 3 billion years - more mountains
    • 1: 4 billion years - balanced
    • 2: 5 billion years - more hills/lakes

When selecting "Start a New Game", the above parameters are set to [1,1,1,1] by default.

The map generation process goes through the following 7 steps:
  • Land mass generation: continents are generated randomly, depending on the land mass parameter, with additional processing to refine their shapes
  • Temperature adjustment: "dry" terrain types are assigned based on land mass and temperature parameter (desert, plains, arctic, tundra, hills, mountains, ocean)
  • Climate adjustement: "wet" terrain types are re-assigned based on climate parameter (jungle, swamp, forests, arctic, plains)
  • Age adjustment: terrain types are randomly eroded, based on age parameter (lakes, inland seas, mountains, hills, ...)
  • River generation: rivers are added to the map
  • Computation of map-related data: continents/seas segmentation, indexing, sizes computation, building sites, high-level pathfind...
  • North and South poles generation: creation of poles (arctic/tundra)

A. Land mass generation

The land mass generation uses 2 different map areas, each containing 80x50 squares:
  • the geography area is where the final land mass is progressively built; this is the "layer 0" of a MAP gamesave (see this post)
  • the stencil area is where chunks of land mass are randomly spawned before being merged into the geography area; for this, CIV uses what is normally the "layer 8" of a MAP gamesave (see this post)
The land mass generation routine is done in 4 sub-steps:
  1. Clear the stencil area, then generate a random chunk of land mass in the stencil area
  2. Merge the random chunk to the geography area
  3. If land mass is not sufficient, loop back to step 1.
  4. Fix narrow passages ('X' shapes)
Each of the above steps is detailed hereunder:

A.1. Generate a random chunk

The random chunk algorithm is:
  1. Initialize:
    • Initialize the whole stencil area to value 0 (empty / no land)
    • Select a random starting position (x,y) in the range (4,8)-(71,33)
    • Select a random path length L in the range [1-64]
  2. Set the 3 positions (x,y), (x+1,y) and (x,y+1) to value 15 (land); this is like painting position (x,y) with a 3-pixel-corner-shaped brush
  3. Randomly choose the next position to paint within the 4 direct neighbours of (x,y) at (0,-1)-North, (1,0)-East, (0,1)-South and (-1,0)-West
  4. Decrement path length L by 1
  5. Loop back to step 2. above until either path length L = 0 or (x,y) falls outside the bounded range [3,3]-[76,45]

A.2. Merge the chunk to main geography

To merge the chunk into the main geography, for each square (x,y) from the chunk:
  • If the corresponding geography is empty (value 0), set its value to 1
  • If the corresponding geography is not empty, increment its value by 1
This step can be viewed as if the chunk area was a small piece of earth crust pushing up from the ocean floor: whatever land is already there is pushed up 1 level as well.

A.3. Check whether land mass is sufficient

There is a simple formula to verify whether the map contains enough squares compared to the land mass parameter:

Spawn/merge new random chunks while ( totalLandMass < ( ( landMassParam + 2 ) * 320 )

This land mass threshold has the following values for different values of the land mass parameter:
land mass parameterland mass threshold
0640 squares
1960 squares
21280 squares

A.4. Correction of narrow passages ('X' shapes)

What I call a narrow passage is this famous 2x2 square configuration where ocean and land squares form an X:

####~~~~   ~~~~####
LAND~~~~   SEA~####
####~SEA   ~~~~LAND
####~~~~   ~~~~####
~~~~####   ####~~~~
SEA~####   LAND~~~~
~~~~LAND   ####~SEA
~~~~####   ####~~~~

Although there is some occurences of this configuration on the Earth map (MAP.PIC), this land configuration is never present in random CIV games precisely because CIV removes them at this step.

The correction is done as follows:

####~~~~          ########
LAND~~~~          LAND####
####~SEA          ####LAND
####~~~~   ---\   ########
~~~~####   ---/   ########
SEA~####          LAND####
~~~~LAND          ####LAND
~~~~####          ########
~~~~####          ~~~~####
SEA~####          SEA~####
~~~~LAND          ~~~~LAND
~~~~####   ---\   ~~~~####
####~~~~   ---/   ########
LAND~~~~          LAND####
####~SEA          ####LAND
####~~~~          ########

Land mass parameter012

B. Temperature adjustments

The temperature adjustment phase does the following:
  • Define initial elevation terrain based on values coming from the land mass generation: ocean (value=0), flat land (value=1), mountains (value=2) and hills (value>=3)
  • Set initial land types to desert, plains, tundra or arctic depending on the Temperature parameter, using the following logic, for each land map square (x,y):
    • Compute the map square latitude with some randomness(vertical distance from the equator), and taking into account the temperature parameter, as follows:
      • Substract 29 from y
      • Add a random value in the range [0..7] to y
      • Unsign y value
      • Add ( 1 - temperatureParameter ) to y
    • Rescale to [0..7] the value above, using the formula latitude = latitude / 6 + 1
    • Assign the land typeas follows:
      • if latitude = 0 or 1 -> DESERT
      • if latitude = 2 or 3 -> PLAINS
      • if latitude = 4 or 5 -> TUNDRA
      • if latitude = 6 or 7 -> ARCTIC

Temperature parameter012

C. Climate adjustments

The climate adjustment process war a real pleasure to decipher and understand: somehow it is mimicking the real-world water cycle, accumulating water from the ocean into clouds, which then pour down into rain while shrinking as they fly across land squares. Mountains play an especially strong role in shrinking clouds.

The exact routine is as follows, processing each map ROW (latitude) twice, from West to East (left ot right), then from East to West (right to left):
  • For each map row (y from 0 to 49):
    • Initialize the row "wetness" to 0 (wetness can be seen as clouds accumulating humidity...)
    • Initialize the row "latitude" to |25-y|, i.e. distance from the equator
    • Firstly, process each row square from West to East (x from 0 to 79):
      • If the square is OCEAN, accumulate clouds:
        • compute the square "wetness yield" as |latitude-12|+climateParameter*4 - note: somehow, this yield is the highest for latitude 12, i.e. temperate regions between poles and equator; it is also boosted by the climate parameter, quite logically
        • if the square wetness yield is higher than the current row wetness, then increase the row wetness by 1
      • Else (if the square is not OCEAN), consume clouds:
        • compute a random "rainfall" value between 0 and (7 - climateParameter*2); note: we see here that for wet climates (param = 2), the high random bound is lower (7-2*2 = 3), so the consumption of wetness to transform a square is lower as well, and more squares can be humidified...
        • substract the rainfall value from the row wetness
        • convert the land type as follows:
          • PLAINS becomes GRASSLAND
          • TUNDRA becomes ARCTIC
          • HILLS becomes FOREST
          • DESERT becomes PLAINS
          • MOUNTAINS do not change, but additionally decrease the wetness by 3
    • Reset the row "wetness" to 0
    • Then, reprocess each row square from East to West(x from 79 to 0):
      • If the square is OCEAN, accumulate clouds:
        • compute the square "wetness yield" as latitude/2+climateParameter - note: this yield is different from the previous one, somehow it the highest at the poles...
        • if the square wetness yield is higher than the current row wetness, then increase the row wetness by 1
      • Else (if the square is not OCEAN), consume clouds:
        • compute a random "rainfall" value between 0 and (7 - climateParameter*2); note: same as previously
        • substract the rainfall value from the row wetness
        • convert the land type as follows:
          • SWAMP becomes FOREST - note: this cannot really happen, since the first pass does not create any swamp...
          • PLAINS becomes GRASSLAND
          • GRASSLAND becomes JUNGLE (for latitude<10) or SWAMP (for latitude>=10), and consumes an additional wetness of 2 (row wetness decreased by 2)
          • HILLS becomes FOREST
          • MOUNTAINS becomes FOREST, and consumes an additional wetness of 3 (row wetness decreased by 3)
          • DESERT becomes PLAINS

Climate parameter012

D. Age/erosion adjustments

Next step, the erosion process will give the map touches of "real-world feeling" by basically roughing up everything that has been generated so far.

The algorithm is pretty simple, and does not really seem to follow any logic, more like "randomize" map squares a little bit:
  • Compute the erosion loop count (amount of erosion) with the formula: loopcount = 800 * (1 + ageParameter); note: this makes between 800 and 2400 loops of erosion ; the older the world, the more erosion there is
  • For loop from 0 to loopcount, do:
    • If loop number is even (rightmost, least significant bit is 0), select a random map square to process
    • Else, if loop number is odd (rightmost, LSB is 1), select a random neighbour from the previous square's inner circle (8 direct neighbours) to process
    • Modify the selected square as follows:
      • FOREST becomes JUNGLE
      • SWAMP becomes GRASSLAND
      • PLAINS becomes HILLS
      • TUNDRA becomes HILLS
      • RIVER becomes FOREST (cannot happen as no river has been created at this point)
      • GRASSLAND becomes FOREST
      • JUNGLE becomes SWAMP
      • HILLS becomes MOUNTAINS
      • MOUNTAINS becomes OCEAN (only if NW, NE, SW and SE squares are NOT ocean, to avoid 'X' shapes)
      • DESERT becomes PLAINS
      • ARCTIC becomes MOUNTAINS

Age parameter012

E. River generation

Understanding the river process was a little more challenging, and there's part of it that is still a mystery to me - but it is not directly related to the generation of the map geography... Rather, it is the code that writes pixels with value '8' inside the 'improvement' layer. The purpose of this value has yet to be understood.

Anyways, for the generation of rivers themselves, here is how it goes:
  • Initialize the river count to 0; this is to count the number of rivers generated so far
  • The routine below is repeated either for a maximum of 256 times or stops as soon as the number of generated rivers is above ((climateParam + landMassParam)*2 + 6):
    1. First create a backup copy of the whole map, which can be restored later if the river generation fails
    2. Initialize the river length to 0
    3. Initialize variable A to a random value in the range [0..3] then multiply it by 2; this makes the value of A taken randomly within {0,2,4,6}; thanks to Renergy for helping fix this
    4. Randomly select a HILLS square on the map
    5. Set the currently selected map square to RIVER type
    6. Check whether any of the 4 direct neighbour squares is of type OCEAN, that is N, E, S or W, and store this info as a flag 'ocean nearby'
    7. Initialize variable B to the same value as A
    8. Compute random variable C in the range [0..1]
    9. Update variable A as: A = ( ( (C - riverLength%2)*2 + A) & 0x7 ); as Renergy thoughfully put it, this is actually a "river downflow" heuristic for choosing the next river square, that can be expressed as: randomly choose to either go ahead or turn at a right-angle; if river length is even, the right-angle turn is to the right (clockwise), otherwise if the river length is odd, the right-angle turn is to the left (count-clockwise)
    10. The next step is the mystery one:
      • Set B = 7-B
      • If ( B <= A ) then set the Improvement layer square (x,y) to value '8' ; I can't exactly figure out the meaning of this yet... maybe used for debugging the river generation process ?
    11. Increment the riverLength by 1
    12. Select neighbour map square with id (A+1); as A is in the range [0..7], A+1 is in [1..8] and represents 1 of the 8 direct neighbours of the current square
    13. If the previous map square was NOT next to an OCEAN, and the currently selected map square is neither OCEAN, RIVER or MOUNTAINS, then loop back to step 5.
    14. Else if the (previous map square WAS next to an OCEAN, OR the selected map square is RIVER) AND the riverLength is equal to or above 5:
      • Increase the River Count by 1
      • Transform all FOREST squares into JUNGLE, within the 7x7-square area centered on the map square
    15. Else, discard the current river, and rollback the map geography to its previous state, using the backup made at the beginning
This process is a bit hard to apprehend at first, but gets clearer after several passes... I also belive there may be additional processing afterwards regarding the '8' values written in the Improvement layer...


F. Computation of map-related data

Before going to generate the North and South poles squares, Civ computes the following the map-related data, most of which is eventually stored in the SVE gamesave:

G. North and South poles generation

The creation of North and South poles, otherwise mentioned in this thread from Gowron that provides a tool to stop generation of poles, uses the following, very basic algorithm:
  • Set the full rows of map squares at latitude 0 (North) and 49 (South) to ARCTIC (value 15)
  • Repeat the below routine 20 times:
    • Set a random square in range [0..79] at latitude 0 to TUNDRA (value 7)
    • Set a random square in range [0..79] at latitude 1 to TUNDRA (value 7)
    • Set a random square in range [0..79] at latitude 48 to TUNDRA (value 7)
    • Set a random square in range [0..79] at latitude 49 to TUNDRA (value 7)
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One more word to notify that climate and age/erosion processing have been added too... And then I realized rivers are missing :)

Seems like I'm not done with this yet...


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A hypothesis, or perhaps couple of "brainstorming" notes, regarding river generation.

First - how the "neighbour map square with id" is to be interpreted? I suppose/deduce in the following that it is something like 0=north; 1=northeast; 2=east; 3=southeast; 4=south; ....... 7=northwest? I.e. starting from north (zero) and going clockwise:


The A value seems like A="current riverflow direction" (B is used for previous/upstream riverflow direction)

darkpanda's original formula: A = ( ( (C - riverLength%2)*2 + A) & 0x7 )

just slight rearrangement and inserting C's description gives:

A = ( A + (random[0 or 1] - riverLength%2)*2 ) & 0x7

Which could mean "turn left or maintain direction or turn right with 1:2:1 probability"; i.e. "direction = (direction + random{-2,0,0,+2}) mod 8"


(x+y) & 0x7 is the same as (x+y) % 8 - addition modulo eight, hence "clock-like" behaviour. This is best seen if 0x7 is written in binary - 111b. The & operation "cuts anything above third bit" (producing the remainder). Note: the possibility to calculate the remainder in this way is limited to powers of 2 only (using bitmask 0x3=11b for mod 4, 0x7=111b for mod 8, 0xF=1111b for mod 16 etc.)

"riverLength%2" - oscilates {0,1,0,1,0,1...} periodically (with riverlength)

"random(0 or 1) - riverlength%2" - there are four possible outcomes of two succesive random 0 or 1 numbers: {0,0}, {0,1}, {1,0}, {1,1}; subtract from them the oscillating {0,1} to get eight possible outcomes of two steps: {0,0}-{0,1}={0,-1}; {0,1}-{0,1}={0,0}; {1,0}-{0,1}={1,-1}; {1,1}-{0,1}={1,0}; out of 8 cases: 4 zeroes, 2 minus ones, 2 plus ones; zero=straight, +-1=turn left/right

"*2" = "make right angle turns" (as far as I remember, there aren't diagonal rivers in civ; there can be two parallel rivers forming a "riverfield", though)

As for the river source - I'm quite puzzled about the fact that A is initialized in [0..4] range; I would rather expect random[0..3] * 2; which would give 0,2,4,6 i.e. N,E,S,W with equal distribution.

Currently, following darkpanda's findings, A (after complete first step) can be anything from 0 to 6 with 1:1:2:2:2:1:1 probability, which seems strange. Riverlength = 0, so the formula simplifies to random[0..4] + random[0 or 2]; possible outcomes: 0={0+0}; 1={1+0}; 2={2+0}|{0+2}; 3={3+0}|{1+2}; 4={4+0}|{2+2}; 5={3+2}; 6={4+2}

PS: What is the convention for the Y coordinate on map? I think zero is on the top (to correspond with VGA mode 0x13 addressing, which iirc is (0,0) topleft, (320,200) (319,199) bottom right). Maybe this should be added somewhere as an info "for future generations" :)
Which could mean "turn left or maintain direction or turn right with 1:2:1 probability"; i.e. "direction = (direction + random{-2,0,0,+2}) mod 8"

I think you definitly got the right insight, this makes total sense!

As for the river source - I'm quite puzzled about the fact that A is initialized in [0..4] range; I would rather expect random[0..3] * 2; which would give 0,2,4,6 i.e. N,E,S,W with equal distribution.

I made a mistake for the range of A, it is indeed [0..3] - in actual code, it is rather something like random(4), but as usual, the upper bound integer is excluded from the random probability.

That said, there's no "*2" factor, as far as I remember... I'll need to double-check this when I'm in front of the code again.

PS: What is the convention for the Y coordinate on map? I think zero is on the top (to correspond with VGA mode 0x13 addressing, which iirc is (0,0) topleft, (320,200) bottom right). Maybe this should be added somewhere as an info "for future generations" :)

Yes I didn't even take the time to explain those: (0,0) is the top-left corner of the image, and to be exact, the bottom-right pixel is ... (319,199) :)
Thanks for the reply. Just a small coincidental example - which actually ran through my mind when looking at the algorithm (not that I wouldn't trust disassembly) - CIV is indeed able to produce "circular rivers", see the attached pic from a legitimate randomly generated map.


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That said, there's no "*2" factor, as far as I remember... I'll need to double-check this when I'm in front of the code again.

And I remembered wrong: value A is indeed multiplied by 2 !! My tired eyes must have simply missed the "shl ax,1" right after the random call...

So you are right Renergy, and I need to correct the description above, and the implementaton I have done of it.

Thanks a lot for your careful review :)

It actually solves an annoying issue I had chosen to ignore, that would create rivers diagonally... All for the best.

Thanks for the reply. Just a small coincidental example - which actually ran through my mind when looking at the algorithm (not that I wouldn't trust disassembly) - CIV is indeed able to produce "circular rivers", see the attached pic from a legitimate randomly generated map.

This makes sense based on the algorithm: at every odd step it turned at right-angle, and at every even step it continued straight ahead, until it stumbled upon the first river square, which is a condition for terminating the river... And its length being more than 5, it is kept.
Thanks a lot for your careful review :)

My pleasure. Unfortunatelly, I still have no idea about the role of B.

This makes sense based on the algorithm: at every odd step it turned at right-angle, and at every even step it continued straight ahead, until it stumbled upon the first river square, which is a condition for terminating the river... And its length being more than 5, it is kept.

You are completely right about the allowed direction of the turn being tied to the riverlength parity. The algorithm/formula disallows two consecutive turns in the same direction.
I haven't been keeping up with the forum much since relocating for work in another country, but I just have to say... This was absolutely fascinating! What great appreciation we can have now for the original designers' creative approach (which fancied to be "realistic" in a pragmatic way). Wonderful archaeology you have done darkpanda. Amazing, just fascinating!
Really cool, is it possible to make a map generator using this? Rather than start a new game and save it?
Actually, in JCivED you can use the standard 4 "custom earth" variables (land mass, temperature, climate, age) using Civ's values of 0 to 2... But you can also set value outside this range, which can yield strange results.

I plan to post a new thread that will explain various ways to hack Civ in order to alter the random map generation (more massive land, more "islands" worlds, etc.) and make JCivED support this kind of alteration as well... It's on my ToDo List :)
Sorry for resurrecting a thread from more than a year ago...
I'm implementing this algorithm into my Civilization remake, and I have a question about the Climate Adjustments.

[*] Firstly, process each row square from West to East (x from 0 to 79):
  • If the square is OCEAN, accumulate clouds:
    • compute the square "wetness yield" as |latitude-12|+climateParameter*4 - note: somehow, this yield is the highest for latitude 12, i.e. temperate regions between poles and equator; it is also boosted by the climate parameter, quite logically
      [*] if the square wetness yield is higher than the current row wetness, then increase the row wetness by 1

    [*] Else (if the square is not OCEAN), consume clouds:
    • compute a random "rainfall" value between 0 and (7 - climateParameter*2); note: we see here that for wet climates (param = 2), the high random bound is lower (7-2*2 = 3), so the consumption of wetness to transform a square is lower as well, and more squares can be humidified...
    • substract the rainfall value from the row wetness
    • convert the land type as follows:
      • PLAINS becomes GRASSLAND
      • TUNDRA becomes ARCTIC
      • HILLS becomes FOREST
      • DESERT become PLAINS
      • MOUNTAINS do not change, but additionally decrease the wetness by 3

[*] Reset the row "wetness" to 0
[*] Then, reprocess each row square from East to West (x from 79 to 0):
  • If the square is OCEAN, accumulate clouds:
    • compute the square "wetness yield" as latitude/2+climateParameter - note: this yield is different from the previous one, somehow it the highest at the poles...
    • if the square wetness yield is higher than the current row wetness, then increase the row wetness by 1
  • Else (if the square is not OCEAN), consume clouds:
    • compute a random "rainfall" value between 0 and (7 - climateParameter*2); note: same as previously
    • substract the rainfall value from the row wetness
    • convert the land type as follows:
      • SWAMP becomes FOREST - note: this cannot really happen, since the first pass does not create any swamp...
        [*] PLAINS becomes GRASSLAND
        [*] GRASSLAND becomes JUNGLE (for latitude<10) or SWAMP (for latitude>=10), and comsume an additional wetness of 2 (row wetness decreased by 2)
        [*] HILLS becomes FOREST
        [*] MOUNTAINS become FOREST, and consume an additional wetness of 3 (row wetness decreased by 3)
        [*] DESERT become PLAINS

In the step where we go from west to east, we calculate a row wetness but we don't do anything with it. In fact, as far as I understand it, the only thing that happens here is that Plains, Tundra, Hills and Desert are replaced with Grass, Arctic, Forests and Plains. Why? Am I missing something here?
In the step where we go from west to east, we calculate a row wetness but we don't do anything with it. In fact, as far as I understand it, the only thing that happens here is that Plains, Tundra, Hills and Desert are replaced with Grass, Arctic, Forests and Plains. Why? Am I missing something here?

In fact, my description is not very thorough in the details, but the principle of the "row wetnees" is that you accumulate water into clouds as you're hovering the OCEAN squares (row wetness increases), then you consume the clouds while hovering LAND squares (row wetness decreases).

This what the following sentence means: substract the rainfall value from the row wetness

Or, with a formula:
row_wetness = row_wetness - rainfall_value;

In addition, what is not described is that you can only consume row wetness if it is strictly above 0, obviously... If all the "wetness" (all the clouds) are already consumed, then you just skip the land transformation.

By the way, I already implemented this algorithm as part of JCivED, in Java. You can see here:

See line 502 for the "if (rowWetnees > 0)"
4 years later...

I've been working on a Civ4/5/6 clone, and decided to try modding it to run traditional Civ1. Most of the features have been quick and easy to add, but the map generation seemed like it would kill me - I don't even use the terrain types from Civ1 (in my designs, Forest is an improvement that sits on Grass or Plains; Mountains are a special kind of Hill; etc).

So this thread made all the difference :). Thanks to the awesome work of everyone here (and I enjoyed going down the rabbit hole and reading the SVE threads too).

Here's the output after implementing the first 3 stages (basic land generation, climate change, and wetness):


...and the same with the 4th stage (erosion) added:


No rivers for now - rivers in 3D are much harder to do :) and I'm still working on a photo-realistic river renderer - but this is enough for me to start playtesting Civ1 with. Thanks @darkpanda et al!
And results of my implementation is kinda odd usually. I implemented a map generation about 2 months ago and I used CivOne as reference (more precisely I re-wrote CWY code in pure C). But finally I have found darkpanda implementation in this thread, so guess I should re-check it now. By the way, M68k crunches a map generation like a nothing, if only not the river generation. Yep, the river generation is like 95% of it. Without enough attempts it's faster of course, but in this case there would be less rivers than in original.
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