Civ1 Map Generation explained

And results of my implementation is kinda odd usually. I implemented a map generation about 2 months ago and I used CivOne as reference (more precisely I re-wrote CWY code in pure C). But finally I have found darkpanda implementation in this thread, so guess I should re-check it now. By the way, M68k crunches a map generation like a nothing, if only not the river generation. Yep, the river generation is like 95% of it. Without enough attempts it's faster of course, but in this case there would be less rivers than in original.

Hi there,

Nice effort !

Funny thing is that SWY C# code was written based on my Java code (iirc), which was written based on assembly code reversed from original CIV.EXE, originally written by Sid Meier / MicroProse in.... C ! :)

So basically, CivOne implementation should not be very far from JCivED, except from potential bugs or errors fixed inbetween...
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