Civ1 Scenario/Mod Preservation Project Log (11 Processed)


CFC Mod Archivist & Social Media Helper
Super Moderator
Sep 24, 2016
Preservation Projects:
Project Status:

PROJECT IN PROGRESS! What you see today may not be what's there tomorrow as this is ever expanding!



Hey guys, some of you may have seen my similar Civilization 2 scenario preservation project thread over at the Civ2 Scenario League where I've been tracking down rescuing and uploading literally several thousand lost scenarios, or you may have seen my Civ series scenario search & cataloging project thread where I'm hunting for lots of cool scifi & fantasy scenarios which once found are included in the preservation project too (or hell maybe you've seen my super lost Civ2 scenarios thread that feeds into all this too). Well I thought it's time I turned my attention to Civilization 1 as so many people don't know about the old Civ1 fan scenario scene over in the Game of the Month sub forum and things could be easily lost forever if not backed up. I've already got those other ongoing threads but I don't have a thread for keeping track & managing Civ1 related work so I figured I'd make this new 'workspace'. Eventually the links & info I'm putting in this thread will be used as a source for my Civ HD video series, and this thread may end up being useful legacy resource for others too since it will be filled with scenario downloads, mirrors and pictures.

The video series:

Step one is to obviously make sure that each scenario/mod is hosted at CivFanatics in the Civ1 Downloads area and has an entry in the CFC downloads section. The goal is to protect scenarios from another Apolyton disaster & CFC atomic disaster (where the entire download sections were lost) so I'll also be getting copies of these files onto other sites to help protect from that. These other sites will not just be some run of the mill upload/download site where files disappear within a year or so (eg cloud storage, rapidshare, mega upload etc) but actual long standing huge sites dedicated to the preservation of mods and other files that will hopefully keep these scenarios safe for decades.

I'm using ModDB for the first offsite file mirror as ModDB has been around for 20 years and is by far the largest Modding support site on the net. So it shouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon and it includes a barely used Civ1 section just waiting for us all to take advantage of it. While modders can create full blown fancy mod project pages with pictures, videos and dev diary articles (like I have done for my own Civ1 & Civ2 mods) modders can also just use the simple file hosting section which behaves similarly to the CFC downloads area (eg just file, description, tags, picture and you're done).

To add even more redundancy I'm adding a second offsite file mirror on internet library as once again they've been around for more than 20 years and much like Wikipedia is probably such a critical part of the internet now that it should hopefully never fall despite surviving on donations. While it's not normally a site used for mods it pretty much hosts everything you can think of and I've been using it for retro Aus video game magazine preservation efforts so I've become used to its systems and believe they can be adapted for good mod hosting and browsing. Ironically there's a large amount of not so legal copies of Civ game install cd iso's out there in the library and no one seems to care, so clearly they really do accept nearly everything lol. Your library files even get torrent share links! Also because they're essentially an online library they have excellent search options allowing you to really fine tune & break down the collection into authors and sub categories (eg scenario, mod, author, scifi, fantasy, etc) for easy browsing.

I particularly like how things look visually on Internet Archive Library as the mods are displayed in quite an attractive fashion with nice big thumbnail pictures.

These new expanding scenario collections on each site can be browsed using these links thanks to a new tag I made:
  2. (Regular tag filter removed list HERE)
  3. (use left side library search options to fine tune results, there's also a A-Z bar above)
Preservation and file redundancy aside these sites have their own massive traffic meaning they could give nice exposure to the old Civ1 scenario scene via referrals. ModDB will often promote your work across their main news page and all their social medias, they've done it with my stuff and I saw them doing it recently when I talked Vindsval into putting his huuuuge 1.5gig Civ3 Warhammer Apocalypse scenario on ModDB. I'll also make sure each scenario has links to CFC to bring some of that traffic here! I'll also interlink between the 3 different mod libraries on every download page so that if one goes down people can easily get to the other 2 copies which will 'hopefully' future proof things. I'm also doing my darnedest to use consistent labeling, tags and descriptions to differentiate content and allow easy browsing.

Hopefully by setting up these offsite mirrors it'll ensure the era of peoples hard work disappearing within 1-5 years comes to an end. While I'm setting up mirrors for a lot of old previously lost content I'm hesitant to do it for newer content without permission from creators first since if I upload the file to these other sites then they won't have control and would need me for updates. That's why I usually talk people into doing their own uploads and I just do the legacy rescue uploads. However most of this stuff is old stuff so it shouldn't be much of a problem anyway and I can just power on through it lol.

With each scenario I'm using the excellent CivCracker program to create a CivWin conversion of each scenario and include it with the original CivDOS version in a recompressed 7zip to keep the file size tiny. I'm also taking some nice big screenshots to show what each scenario looks like with either CivDOS or CivWin graphics. Naturally for the complete CivWin experience I'm using Honza's CivWin DOS graphics mod and my CivWin Soundtrack Overhaul mod.

Because this is a WIP workspace the scenarios below are listed merely in the order of when I process them. I'll probably reserve the first few comment spots in this thread and then edit them later to squish as much as I can into each to be more efficient and keep things together (ie not letting the work get separated by conversations) just this case this thread gets big as the thread is going to be the backbone for building 3 different libraries, and 1 of them (CFC) has existing content I don't want to accidentally duplicate. With so much information being copied and pasted backwards and forwards the chances of human error are high so let me know if I accidentally duplicate something already on CFC or accidentally put the wrong author or link on something!

As for how much stuff I'm covering, well I only know of the Civ1 scenario making scene over in the Game of the Month sub forum as I haven't seen any signs of Civ1 scenarios anywhere else (surprisingly I didn't have much luck over at Apolyton). So if anyone here knows of other places with Civ1 scenarios from back in the day then please let me know and we'll add them to the collections! Also for now I'm limiting myself to proper scenarios with some form of theme and story (whether it be fantasy, scifi, historical event) and/or some modded content (eg custom civ/city/unit/tech names). As opposed just someone just posting a plain old map and telling people to play it, otherwise this project gets a bit too big & crazy beyond my time and means lol! A map collection can be someone else's project. But I'll course take requests for things to be added and I hope that others in the future will be inspired to add scenarios to these libraries! I'll write up guides with pictures on how to add content to them too. :) If people want to help but don't want to fluff about with uploading individual scenarios then they are also very VERY welcome to donate their entire scenario collections to this project for me to sort out and preserve on these sites. I have setup some publicly accessible cloud storage with several gigabytes free that anyone can just drag and drop files into (literally it's that easy) so if you have an old CD or hard drive somewhere filled with scenarios from long gone websites and would like to donate please let me know and I'll PM you the link to my cloud. :)

If people want to help but don't want to fluff about with uploading individual scenarios then they are also very VERY welcome to donate their entire scenario collections to this project for me to sort out and preserve on these sites. I have setup some publicly accessible cloud storage with several gigabytes free that anyone can just drag and drop files into (literally it's that easy) so if you have an old CD or hard drive somewhere filled with scenarios from long gone websites and would like to donate please let me know and I'll PM you the link to my cloud. You will be publicly praised and credited for helping me or should you wish to remain anonymous that's no problem either. :)

Well hopefully that answers any questions people might ask so I think that's all the explanations done... now it's time to get busy!! :)

EDIT: I've created some help guides on how to create scenario download pages on these other sites should others wish to add copies of their work to these collections in the future. I'll stick them in expandable spoiler sections to avoid this big post getting any bigger!

How to add a scenario/mod to ModDB:
Spoiler Click to EXPAND :

1. If you don't already have a ModDB account you'll need to register a new one. Pretty much as easy as signing up to a forum.

2. Go to Civilization 1 ModDB page. Here you can read articles posted by Civ1 modders, and browse pictures, videos and mods/scenarios.

To add a scenario/mod you have 2 choices. You can either A-Simply go to the Civ1 area "Files" subsection and add the file to the downloads area, or B-If you're the author or you have the authors permission you can go to the "Mods" subsection and create a full tribute page to the mod with it's own screenshots, videos, articles and files section (EXAMPLE I made for my Civ2 Red Alert 2 scenario) . For the purposes of this guide we'll be taking the simple option A, although I certainly encourage modders to try option B to present their work in the best way possible.

3. Click on the "Files" tab subsection (the one yellow circled in picture under Civ 1, NOT the one in top menus) and you will see many files others have added. On the top bar of the files window you will see a small "+" plus icon. Hover your mouse over it and it will expand to say "+ Add file" (also yellow circled in picture below). Click on this to add your file (note: People who chose option B will find an identically placed "+" under the "Mods" tab subsection too).

4. The first area you'll see is the "Upload file" area. Click on the "Choose File" button to select the scenario/mod file you wish to upload. Click on the "Start Uploading" button to upload the file.

Alternatively you can click on the small "upload a file from a URL" link to switch to copying a file from another website (I've not tested that with CFC downloads though and Civ1 downloads are so small that re-uploading from your computer shouldn't be an issue).

I also recommend you use 7zip to compress your mod files before uploading as it will make them smaller than any other compression software out there (eg regular zip or WinRar). While less important with Civ1's smaller files it will still make a difference and save upload/download time and usage.

5. Next is the "Preview image" section. It is STRONGLY recommended that you take a picture of the scenario/mod, and the bigger the better! People are less likely to download scenarios they can't see (Personally I like to take a 1024x768 screenshot with both classic CivDOS graphics and CivWin graphics to present the work in the best way possible!). Click on "Choose File" to select your picture file for uploading.

6. Next is the "Scheduler" which I normally just select to release immediately.

7. For "Category" if the mod is essentially finished then go with "Full Release". If it's an abandoned WIP then I guess "Demo" is the best option I can see.

8. "Tags" are very important for people finding your work and also ensuring that your file is added into the tag collections I've created with all the other files. So paste these tags into the field:

Civ1ModCollection, Civilization 1 Mod, Civilization 1, Civ 1, Scenario, Civilization Games, CivDOS, CivWin, TOPIC

Switch out "Scenario" for "Modpack" if it's a pure modpack you're uploading that has no scenario story. Keep both tags if the download is both a scenario and a modpack!

Remove "CivDOS" or "CivWin" if you're doing a scenario for the other. As this allows users to separate CivDOS and CivWin content in the file libraries.

Switch out "TOPIC" for the topic of the scenario/mod eg "Star Trek", "LOTR", "Roman" etc. If in doubt check out other similar scenarios in the collection to see an example of what to use.


9. Enter a title "Name" using the below format suggestion to best match the rest of the collection:

Name + Scenario/Modpack + version number (if there is one) + (Civ1 Type)

Dune Scenario v1.0 (CivWin)
World War 2 Europe Scenario (CivDOS & CivWin)
More Earth Modpack (CivDOS)

10. In "Summary" write a short description of the scenario/mod and include the author name. Personally I just write one line similar to what we do at CivFanactics.

11: In "Description" write or paste in details about the scenario/mod. Personally I have an "About" subsection where repeat the summary line (with author name), write where I got it from, if there's a support site or forum thread, and mention the rest of the collection. Then I do a "Original Description/Intro" subsection and paste in the original authors intro text or readme description.


12: The remaining options are automatically selected to match Civilization 1's categories and requirements etc so all that's left for you to do is hit the "Save Download" button on the bottom of the page! After a short delay (usually caused by them uploading your picture) you'll be redirected to your finished scenario/mod page! :)

You can then copy the link of the page and paste it into forums as mirror backup links to the respective scenario being discussed.

How to add a scenario/mod to Internet Archive Library:
Spoiler Click to EXPAND :

1. If you don't already have a account you'll need to register a new one. The process is quite simple.

2. Go to Civilization 1 mods library search page. Here you can see all the existing scenarios/mods added to the collection.

3. No matter what page you are on in the website you should see a "Upload" button near the top far right hand corner of the website in the top menu bar (circled in yellow). Click on it to go to the Upload page (or my link).


4. You'll probably end up on a interim "Share your files" screen. Click the "Upload files" button to continue.

5. You should now be on the Upload screen where you'll have the usual options of either dragging and dropping your file into the screen or using the traditional "Choose files to upload" button. Use either to load your scenario/mod file into the site.

I recommend you use 7zip to compress your mod files before uploading as it will make them smaller than any other compression software out there (eg regular zip or WinRar). While less important with Civ1's smaller files it will still make a difference and save upload/download time and usage.

6. Once the file is either selected or dragged in you'll be finally taken to the proper upload page. In the top right area of the upload window you'll see the option to add additional files. Use this to add 1 or more screenshots. It is STRONGLY recommended that you take a picture of the scenario/mod, and the bigger the better! People are less likely to download scenarios they can't see (Personally I like to take a 1024x768 screenshot with both classic CivDOS graphics and CivWin graphics to present the work in the best way possible!). Click on "Select files to add" (circled in red) to select your picture files for uploading (or you can drag & drop again).

7. Enter a name into "Page Title" using the below format suggestion to best match the rest of the collection:

Name + Civilization 1 + Scenario/Modpack + version number (if there is one) + (CivDOS/CivWin)

Unlike ModDB this is not a mods site, it has no Civ1 section, duplicate names are not allowed, and people can upload almost anything so its important to have "Civilization 1" in the title otherwise no one will know what it is!

Dune Scenario v1.0 (CivWin)
World War 2 Europe Scenario (CivDOS & CivWin)
More Earth Modpack (CivDOS)

8. "Page URL" usually has a not so good suggestion generated from the file name. Duplicate names are not allowed so I recommend full scenario name separated by dashes.

9. In "Description" write or paste in details about the scenario/mod. Personally I have an "About" subsection where I write a short one line description of the scenario/mod and include the author name, write where I got it from, if there's a support site or forum thread, and mention the rest of the collection. Then I do a "Original Description/Intro" subsection and paste in the original authors intro text or readme description.

10. "Subject Tags" are very important for people finding your work and also ensuring that your file is added into the tag collections I've created with all the other files. They're extra important on as almost anything can be upload to the site so things lacking identification can get lost real easy. Paste these tags into the field:

Civ1ModCollection, Civilization 1 Mod, Civilization 1, Civ 1, Scenario, Civilization Games, CivDOS, CivWin, TOPIC

Switch out "Scenario" for "Modpack" if it's a pure modpack you're uploading that has no scenario story. Keep both tags if the download is both a scenario and a modpack!

Remove "CivDOS" or "CivWin" if you're doing a scenario for the other. As this allows users to separate CivDOS and CivWin content in the file libraries.

Switch out "TOPIC" for the topic of the scenario/mod eg "Star Trek", "LOTR", "Roman" etc. If in doubt check out other similar scenarios in the collection to see an example of what to use.

NOTE: It's critical that you include the "Civ1ModCollection" tag as that is what is being used publicly everywhere to link people to the collection.


11. In "Creator" put the original scenario/mod authors name, do NOT put your name unless you're the actual creator of the mod.

12. In "Date" enter the date the scenario/mod was released.

13. In "Collection" you have a very limited selection so go with "Community Software". In time site admins may add your file to other collections out there too.

14. "Test Item" should be left as "No".

15. Select the primary "Language" of the mod which is usually "English".

16. For "License" select "Public Domain" as that would seemly be the most appropriate option for previously released Civ1 scenarios/mods.

17. Leave "More Options" alone unless you're an expert with such things. Many of your tags will automatically be copied into your metadata, and they'll stick some other stuff in there too. I don't touch it!


18. All that's left for you to do is hit the "Upload and create your item" button on the bottom of the upload window! After a sometimes lengthy delay (usually caused by them uploading your files) you'll be redirected to your finished scenario/mod page! :)

You can then copy the link of the page and paste it into forums as mirror backup links to the respective scenario being discussed.
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Dune Scenario by Autumn Leaf (CivDOS & CivWin)
Issues found: Custom units don't work in CivWin! Successfully tested in CivDOS & CivWin.
Changes made: Converted to CivWin. Mod files repacked in 7zip.
Main download: CivFanatics Downloads Area
Mirror 1 download: ModDB
Mirror 2 download: Internet Archive
Screenshots & thumbs:

World War 2 Europe Scenario by Simonnomis (CivDOS & CivWin)
Issues found: None! Successfully tested in CivDOS & CivWin.
Changes made: Converted to CivWin. Mod files repacked in 7zip.
Main download: CivFanatics Downloads Area
Mirror 1 download: ModDB
Mirror 2 download: Internet Archive
Screenshots & thumbs:

Rise of Rome Scenario by Hannurabi (CivDOS & CivWin)
Issues found: None! Successfully tested in CivDOS & CivWin.
Changes made: Converted to CivWin. Mod files repacked in 7zip.
Main download: CivFanatics Downloads Area
Mirror 1 download: ModDB
Mirror 2 download: Internet Archive
Screenshots & thumbs:

Operation Barbarossa Scenario by Hannurabi (CivDOS & CivWin)
Issues found: None! Successfully tested in CivDOS & CivWin.
Changes made: Converted to CivWin. Mod files repacked in 7zip.
Main download: CivFanatics Downloads Area
Mirror 1 download: ModDB
Mirror 2 download: Internet Archive
Screenshots & thumbs:

Riverworld Scenario by Autumn Leaf (CivDOS & CivWin)
Issues found: None! Successfully tested in CivDOS & CivWin.
Changes made: Converted to CivWin. Mod files repacked in 7zip.
Main download: CivFanatics Downloads Area
Mirror 1 download: ModDB
Mirror 2 download: Internet Archive
Screenshots & thumbs:

Winter Wonderland Scenario by Simonnomis (CivDOS & CivWin)
Issues found: None! Successfully tested in CivDOS & CivWin.
Changes made: Converted to CivWin. Mod files repacked in 7zip.
Main download: CivFanatics Downloads Area
Mirror 1 download: ModDB
Mirror 2 download: Internet Archive
Screenshots & thumbs:

Columbus in Space Scenario by jpciv (CivDOS & CivWin)
Issues found: None! Successfully tested in CivDOS & CivWin.
Changes made: Converted to CivWin. Mod files repacked in 7zip.
Main download: CivFanatics Downloads Area
Mirror 1 download: ModDB
Mirror 2 download: Internet Archive
Screenshots & thumbs:

More Earth Map Mod v1.5 for CivDOS (CivWin Conversion Possible)
Issues found: None! Successfully tested in CivDOS & CivWin.
Changes made: Wrote guide for converting to CivWin. Mod files repacked in 7zip (CFC & ArchiveOrg copies only)
Main download: CivFanatics Downloads Area
Mirror 1 download: ModDB
Mirror 2 download: Internet Archive
Screenshots & thumbs:

Knowledge Scenario by GoldBerg (CivDOS & CivWin)
Issues found: None! Successfully tested in CivDOS & CivWin.
Changes made: Converted to CivWin. Mod files repacked in 7zip.
Main download: CivFanatics Downloads Area
Mirror 1 download: ModDB
Mirror 2 download: Internet Archive
Screenshots & thumbs:

Pirates of Antarctica! Scenario by jpciv (CivDOS & CivWin)
Issues found: None! Successfully tested in CivDOS & CivWin.
Changes made: Converted to CivWin. Mod files repacked in 7zip.
Main download: CivFanatics Downloads Area
Mirror 1 download: ModDB
Mirror 2 download: Internet Archive
Screenshots & thumbs:

Attila's Conquest I - Play As Barbarians Scenario by Blake (CivDOS & CivWin)
Issues found: None! Successfully tested in CivDOS & CivWin.
Changes made: None! I made it! :)
Main download: CivFanatics Downloads Area
Mirror 1 download: ModDB
Mirror 2 download: Internet Archive
Screenshots & thumbs:
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I guess the thing to remember is that Civ 1 never had an easy to use map editor like the sequels did (I believe CivNet has an official one, but we don't count that), so a good strategy may be to have a look at forum posts around the time the various fan made map editors came about as there will be a small surge in interest. Editors I'm aware of are the following (the forum veterans may remember others)

Gaborka's Excel based editor
CIV1 Map Editor | CivFanatics Forums

TerraForm -- a map editor for CIV dos | CivFanatics Forums

CivCracker (for WinCiv)
CivWin Editing | CivFanatics Forums

JCivED - a toolbox for Civilization | CivFanatics Forums

And more as a curiosity, this gem. CivMap, which is the oldest by some distance and runs in DOS just like the game. Dack managed to get it going in DosBox a while back.
CIVMAP21 revisited | CivFanatics Forums
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Cheers! Thought I'd checked the Poly Civ1 download backup a year or so ago and not seen anything but apparently not. Or maybe I did and realised it was all CivNet stuff too. As yeah sadly unless those scenarios load up in CivCracker I know of no way to convert them.

I've edited my top post to now include full guides on how to add content to the other sites for anyone interested in doing the same in the future.

I've also added a spiel about how I'm mostly looking at 'true scenarios' with some form of theme and story (whether it be fantasy, scifi, historical event) and/or some modded content (eg custom civ/city/unit/tech names). As opposed just someone just posting a plain old map and telling people to play it. Otherwise this project gets a bit too big & crazy beyond my time and means lol! A map collection can be someone else's project. :)

Those first 6 scenarios I've posted above were ones I found a year or so ago on Civ1 GOTM sub forum that stood out as meeting the above criteria. I've just had another look now to see if I can find more and there's definitely some more candidates for testing that may have decent themes or stories!

Columbus in space

Pirates of Antarctica!


These ones don't really have a story but they might have a nice 'theme' making them qualify.. will have to test.

Desert world

Matrix world

Plenty more GOTM forum threads with save games but they seem to be just maps of earth or minimally edited maps with no theme or story so I probably won't bother to add any of them myself to the collections. But others can if they really like them.

Eg these are probably just maps (cool ones yes but no story)

Also quite a few threads there where there's no name or description for the save file other than "GOTM Nov 2006" or something with no story or 'themed title' posted so I'll assume those are just maps too.

The other thing I noticed was that the GOTM forum was created in 2006, so before that people were just using this regular and busy Civ1 forum to post stuff in, which unfortunately makes things very difficult to find all the pre-2006 scenarios. Pretty much needle in haystack unless there's an advanced search option to search for certain attachment types but I don't see one.

Oh and another one I want to test is this one I just found on moddb

More Earth

While there's not really a scenario story, it does appeared to qualify as a modpack as it adds entirely new civs starting on a modified earth. As an Australian I quite like the idea of being able to start as Aussies in Australia so I can't resist checking this one out haha.

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Have processed the scenarios and mods I posted above and added them into the collection. In the end those themed maps (Desert & Matrix) I wasn't sure about were just basic maps without any settlers/cities or anything setup so definitely not scenarios.

However I put in a application to the admin forum for a scenarios sub folder to be added to the Civ1 downloads area, and The_J & Browd have kindly done that for me and they have ended up calling the folder a Maps & Scenarios area so even though plain maps aren't my focus I figured I may as well stick these 2 maps in there since they look pretty cool, plus people can see examples of good naming (eg always put either 'map' or 'scenario' on the end of the title as well as what version of Civ1 it's for). All the above processed scenarios are now in this new folder too! :)

I also asked them if they could rename the old barely used GOTM sub forum to a more accurately named Scenario Creation & GOTM forum, which they've done too! I'll be adding some more content (eg a guide for people wanting to create content) in there in the weeks to come. :)

Quick update..

I'm adding another scenario to the preservation list! My own haha! It's a special 'play as 8th Barbarians slot' scenario where you have to attack and defeat the main 7 Civs and their respawns!

And the time has finally come. As I mentioned in my top post all this search and rescue work would also feed into a video series where I showcase some of these awesome scenarios! So here's my big new Playing Civilization 1 in HD with Mods & Scenarios video tour:

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