Civ4 Demogame Constitution & Code of Laws


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
The Civ4 Demogame Constitution will go here when we're done debating everything. This is not a discussion thread.

We, the sovereign citizens of [nation name], united by a common interest in our Civilization, guided by our desire for equality and justice, strengthened by our mutual respect, and reminded of our universal rights and responsibilities, do establish and promulgate this Constitution for our beloved nation.

Article A - Forms of Law
  1. Governing rules shall consist of this Constitution, such amendments that shall follow and lower forms of law that may be implemented.
  2. No rule shall be valid that contradicts the Constitution.
    • Rules which are more specific on a given point may clarify more general points without being contradictory.
  3. These rules may not contradict the rules and regulations of the Civfanatics Forums. Moderators may veto any such rules.
Article B - Citizens
  1. A citizen is any member of the civFanatics forums that participates in the Democracy Game in any way. Citizens are encouraged, but not required, to post in the Citizen Registry.
    • A rule may use non-registration in the Citizen Registry as a criteria for an action to be invalid.
    • Before any action can be thus invalidated, the citizen(s) impacted by such a rule must be provided an opportunity to register, the time period of which must be no less than 48 hours after verifiable receipt by the citizen of notification that registration is required.
  2. All citizens share the same fundamental rights, including but not limited to:
    • The Right to Assemble
    • The Right to Vote
    • The Right to be Eligible to hold Public Office
    • The Right to Free Speech
    • The Right to Free Movement
    • The Right to a Fair and Speedy Trial
    • The Right to Presumption of Innocense unless proven guilty
    • The Right of Representation
  3. These rights may be limited by CivFanatics Center Forum Rules, which take precedence at all times.
Article C - Decision Making
  1. Power of the People
    1. All decision making power within the Democracy Game is derived from the collective rights of all the citizens.
    2. The Power of the People can be delegated to officials of the game in one or more of the following ways, or in other ways which may subsequently be discovered.
      • By Mandate as evidenced in a citizen's selection to hold office via the elective process.
      • By Constituency as evidenced by citizen comments in favor of a decision, in a public discussion.
      • By Opinion Poll in the form of the results of a non-binding poll
      • By Referendum in the form of an official, binding poll which has force over the current decision only.
      • By Initiative in the form of a binding poll initiated by the citizenry, which has force over a current decision and future decisions of the same type
      • By Recall of an official and selection of a replacement via election or appointment
    3. In the event that two or more such delegations of the Power of the People are in conflict, the following hierarchy shall determine which decision has precedence.
      • An initiative has force of law and supercedes any other decision type (including an earlier initiative on the same subject) except another later initiative which repeals it.
      • Binding polls of any type have precedence over any other decision type.
      • Non-binding polls have precedence over non-polling decision types.
      • Citizen input has precedence over mandate.
      • If two or more polls or discussions occur on a matter, the last one to complete shall prevail.
      • Lower forms of law may modify parts of this hierarchy, except for the provision regarding initiative which may not be modified.
    4. A lower form of law may specify procedures and restrictions on implementing decision types, except
      • Initiative must always be allowed
      • No decision shall require more support than an amendment to the Constitution.
Article D - Elections
  1. Terms of service of all elected and appointed offices shall be determined in advance of the beginning of such term, as further defined by law.
  2. All Election and other polls in which specific individuals are chosen by name shall be private polls, and not public polls.
  3. The candidate with the highest vote total is the winner of an election poll, regardless of whether such vote total is a majority of votes cast or not.
    • Should two or more candidates tie for the most votes, as many runoff elections shall be held as needed to resolve the election, as further defined by law.
Article E - Playing the Save
  1. No person may play the save other than a Designated Player specifically tasked to do so, or an official who is required to attempt certain actions to get information about what is possible in the game.
    • If any action must be performed outside a scheduled play session, to obtain information about possible options, the game must then be immediately closed without saving, and without performing further actions.
  2. Obtaining information which would not be visible to someone playing the game, at the current point in time reflected by the current saved game or a previous saved game, by any mechanism, is prohibited. As noted in Section 1.a of this Article, actions performed by an official, where performing the action is the only way to determine options, are permitted as long as the game is immediately closed following such investigation.
  3. Inadvertent discovery of information shall not result in any penalty, provided no attempt is made to further disseminate the information or use it to advantage within the game.
  4. Use of any exploits is prohibited. No person may manipulate the game in any way other than by normal play mechanisms, unless expressly permitted by law.
  5. Lower forms of law are free to (and expected to) further define what actions are allowed and disallowed by this rule.
Article F - Judiciary
  1. The Judicial Branch will consist of the Chief Justice, Public Defender, and Judge Advocate.
  2. These three justices are tasked with upholding, clarifying and reviewing all changes to the Constitution and its supporting laws through Judicial Reviews, and upholding the rights of all citizens through Investigations.
  3. The Judiciary will carry out all its tasks in a fair, impartial, public and speedy manner.
    • Any poll by the judiciary for which the primary subject is an individual or impacts upon an individual must be private.
  4. Justices are responsible for at least the following tasks.
    • The Chief Justice shall have the additional responsibility to organize and conduct the affairs of the Judicial Branch.
    • The Public Defender will act as council to an accused citizen, if the accused citizen wishes.
    • The Judge Advocate will act as the prosecution.
  5. A lower form of law may specify judicial procedures and standards for the conduct of Judicial Reviews and Citizen Complaints. If the law does not define such procedures, then the responsibility for setting procedures is granted to the Judiciary.

Article G - Ratification and Amendments

  1. The Constitution shall be initially ratified by a majority (more yes votes than no votes) of votes cast in a public poll which shall be open for no fewer than 4 days.
  2. The Constitution may be amended by a 60% majority of votes cast in a public poll which shall be open for no fewer than 4 days.
    • A lower form of law may specify a procedure which must be followed to amend the Constitution.
  3. Minor changes to the Constitution, such as correcting typographical and clerical errors, reorganization and reformatting for better readibility, and addition of text which does not impact legal definitions (such as a preamble) may be made at any time.
    • If 5 or more citizens object to a minor change within the 48 hour period commencing when the minor change is proposed, the change shall be considered an amendment and must undergo ratification as such.
Triumvirate v6.2
Sections 1-3:

The Government of the Triumvirate

Section 1 The Federal Government

A) The Legislative Branch
I. This branch consists of one house known as Citizens Assembly.

II. The Citizens Assembly shall consist of all citizens of the Nation. The Citizens Assembly shall be presided over by the Censor.

III. Only the Citizens Assembly may decide five things: Declare War/Make Peace/Alliance, to change civics, to begin construction on a Great Wonder/National Wonder/Project, a change in Taxes (the science/treasury/culture meter) greater that 10% more than once every 10 turns, and where to build new cities.
IIIA. Exceptions to Change in taxes:
1. The President may change taxes up to 30% in the event of budget shortfall: our nation losing money instead of gaining or staying even. However the President must see that a vote is brought on the matter before the next Game Session.
2. The turn on which a technology is discovered the President may change taxes by as much as 50% but must see that a vote is brought on the matter before the next Game Session.​

IV. Decisions of the Citizens Assembly are made by a Floor Vote which is a poll carried by a simple majority.
IVA. A simple majority of a majority in this text unless otherwise specified means that the option which receives the most support wins.
IVB. Debates and Votes may be called and posted by any member of the Citizens Assembly.​

V. The Executive Branch must enforce a vote of the Citizens Assembly even if they disagree with the decision.

VI. The Citizens Assembly may bring a no confidence vote against the Triumvirate and impeach members of the Cabinet. Details in Section 7 Impeachment.

B) The Executive Branch

I. This branch consists of the Triumvirate and any and all elected and appointed Cabinet Officials and their deputies.
IA. The Triumvirate will consist of the President, Secretary of State, and the Secretary of War.
IB. The Cabinet Officials will be any office that is not included as part of the Triumvirate, the Judiciary, a Gubernatorial office or the Designated Player. The Cabinet currently consists of the Censor, Minister of Interior, Minster of Culture, Minister of Science, and Director of Intelligence.​

II. The Powers and Duties of the Triumvirate.
1. The Triumvirate may change Cabinet Offices in a manner prescribed in Section 1, Sub-Section B, Clause III.
2. During a time of War the Triumvirate may decide that a state of mobilization is necessary for [our nation] and declare that a State of Mobilization exists.
3. The Triumvirate appoints the Director of Intelligence.
4. Any member of the Triumvirate may post an order to stop the game session if certain posted criteria posted by that member are met and such criteria fall under the scope of the member’s office.
A. Any member of the Triumvirate may endorse a stop order posted by a member of the Cabinet, if such order is within the scope of Cabinet member’s office. A member of the Triumvirate must endorse a Cabinet member’s stop order for said order to be legal.​
5. State of Mobilization
A. A State of Mobilization can only be declared in a time of War.
B. A State of Mobilization may not last more than 15 game turns. However, if Peace is declared and a State of War exists with no Civilization, the State of Mobilization ends immediately.
C. A State of Mobilization may not be declared until at least 45 game turns have elapsed since the ending of the last Mobilization.
D. A State of Mobilization may be ended prematurely by a 6/10 (60%) vote of the Governors Council after at least 7 game turns of Mobilization have passed.
i. Should Mobilization be ended prematurely, it may be declared again in only 25 game turns.​
E. Effects of Mobilization:
i. The control of all workers goes the Triumvirate during this period, but the Minister of the Interior and the Governors retain control of a worker until a worker is specifically requested by the Triumvirate. The Triumvirate may not force a worker to quit an action assigned to it by the Minister of the Interior or a Governor, but must wait until that particular action has completed or is ended by the original authority.
ii. The Triumvirate may change what is under construction in any city except for those that have begun a Citizen Assembly approved Wonder or have begun prebuild for approved Wonder. The Triumvirate may only order that military units or building may be built.
iii. The Triumvirate may take up to one half of the prewar garrison of a city in to the regular army during a State of Mobilization.​
IIA. The Powers and Duties of the President
1. During the Turnchat the President, or a Representative of the President, may order the ending of play if continuing requires a decision to be made that can only be made by the Citizens Assembly. If the Turns are being played offline the Designated Player must end play if he is forced to make a decision that can only be made by the Citizens Assembly, provided that no vote on said decision has concluded.
2. The President will define a budget that all other official may not exceed without permission.
3. The President may change the Tax slider no more than 10% every 10 turns, with these exceptions:
A. The President may change taxes up to 30% in the event of budget shortfall: our nation losing money instead of gaining or staying even. However the President must see that a vote is brought on the matter before the next Game Session.
B. The turn on which a technology is discovered the President may change taxes by as much as 50% but must see that a vote is brought on the matter before the next Game Session.​
4. The President is responsible for resolving disputes between officials.
5. The President has all powers not expressly given to another official and not retained by the Citizens Assembly.
6. The units the President controls:
A. The President shall control all Settler and the defensive units assigned to them.
B. The President shall control all naval units.​
IIB. The Powers and Duties of the Secretary of State
1. The Secretary of State shall have control of the Foreign policy of our nation with the exception in the Declaration of War/Peace/Alliance and the trade of cities.
A. The Secretary of State needs the permission of the Citizens Assembly: War/Peace/Alliance or the giving away of one of our Nation's cities.
B. The Secretary of State has the power to accept a city.​
IIC. The Powers and Duties of the Secretary of War
1. The Secretary of War shall have control of all military land units with the exception of garrisons under the control of Governors and units assigned to settlers.
A. The Secretary of War may not attack a city or unit of a neutral or allied Civilization, without the permission of the Citizens Assembly.​
2. The Secretary of War shall have control of all air units.​

III. The Cabinet
1. Changes in the Offices of the Cabinet.
A. The Triumvirate may Decree a change in powers or offices of the Cabinet.
B. All Officials who are affected by a Decree must consent to it for the Decree to become official.
C. Any Citizen may within 72 hours of the Official Decree start a non-conformation Poll. Should said poll be approved the Decree will not take place.
D. Any changes done by Decree are in effect only during the term in which the Decree was made. To make the changes permanent an Amendment must be approved.​
IIIA. The Cabinet shall consist of, in order of seniority, the Censor, Minister of Interior, Minster of Culture, Minister of Science, and Director of Intelligence.
IIIB. The Powers and Duties of the Censor:
1. The Censor shall post his Procedures of Censorship at the beginning of his term, defining how Official Polls will take place during his tenure.
A. The Censor must obey the Procedures that he laid down for his term.​
2. The Censor shall be the Official in charge of all elections.
3. Censor shall be responsible for the official results of an election and for validating an election.
4. The Censor is also responsible for validating any other official polls.
5. The Censor posts all votes by the Assembly as instructions as needed.
6. The Censor shall be responsible for maintaining a list of names for the naming of cities, units, and other appraise items, approved by the Citizens Assembly.​
IIIC. The Powers and Duties of the Minister of Interior:
1. The Minister of the Interior shall be in control of all workers not assigned to Governors.
2. The Minister of the Interior shall designate any specialization of Cities
3. The Minister of the Interior shall designate how many units of each type to produce.
A. The Governors may work it out amongst themselves on which city actually produces what.​
4. The Minister of the Interior may decide where to build any Citizens Assembly approved Wonder.
5. The Minister of the Interior shall keep track of the resources in our territory and where they are.
6. The Minister of the Interior shall control all Great Engineers.​
IIID. Powers and Duties of the Minister of Culture:
1. The Minister of Culture shall keep track of the Culture buildings in each city, the Culture of each city, and the religions in each city throughout the Empire, and shall may this information available to any citizen upon request.
2. The Minister of Culture shall control all Great Artists, Great Merchants, and Great Prophets.
3. The Minister of Culture shall be in charge of all Missionaries.
4. The Minister of Culture will keep list of all of our Cities, their current culture level, how fast they are gaining culture, a projection of when they will next increase in culture, their current level on the Great Person Bar, how much is being gained on that bar per turn and when that city will produce a Great Person.
5. The Minister of Culture may require a culture building to be built in a City once every 4 buildings, if none of the previous 3 buildings produced any culture. And what building it shall be.​
IIIE. Powers and Duties of the Minister of Science:
1. The Minister of Science shall choose what technology will be researched.
2. The Minister of Science shall keep a list of at least three technologies that are to be researched next and in what order.
3. The Minister of Science shall control all Great Scientists.​
IIIF. Powers and Duties of the Director of Intelligence:
1. The Director of Intelligence shall keep records of all known Empires; the cities, religion, military units, wonders, and civics of those Empires. Records shall also be kept of the size, religion, improvements, and anything else deemed necessary about their cities.
2. The Director of Intelligence shall have complete control of all spies.
3. The Director of Intelligence shall be appointed by the Triumvirate.
4. The Director of Intelligence, being an appointed position, shall not be affected by term limits.
5. The Director of Intelligence may be fired by the Triumvirate.​

Section 2 The Local Government

A) Governors
I. Governors are the elected officials that run cities or states.
IA. The Powers and Duties of the Governors:
1. The Governors may move any workers or garrison units assigned to them anywhere in there city's radius or state boundaries.
2. The Governor shall work with the Minister of the Interior to decide which improvement shall be built.
3. The Designated Player shall act as Governor of any cities build during his play session at the end of which, the office is declared vacant.
4. The first elected governor of a city or state may select the official flag of that city or state.​
IB. Powers and Duties of the Governors Council:
1. The Governors Council shall not exist until there are at least three Governors.
2. The Governors Council shall consist of the Governors of all Cities and States.
3. The Governors Council may veto the actions of any member of the Cabinet with a 6/10 (60%) majority.
4. The Governors Council may end a State of Mobilization prematurely by a 6/10 (60%) vote after at least 7 game turns of Mobilization have passed.​
IC. States
1. No states may be created until our Civilization owns at least five cites.
2. A minimum of 3 cities must exist in a proposed state at the time of its creation.
3. The Creation of a state requires a 6/10 (60%) majority of both the Citizens Assembly and the Governors Council.​
II. States
IIA. States are groups of cities run by a single Governor.
IIB. Cities within states do not have their own Governor.
1. Governors of States may designate a civil government led by a Mayor in cities under their control.
A. Mayors may be appointed or elected in a special election depending on the wish of the Governor of the State. The way of choosing Mayors does not need to be the same for all Cities in a given State.​
2. A Governor of a State chooses how many cities if any will have Mayors in a given term.​
IIC. The Capital of [Name of our Nation Here] will never be a part of a state.​

Section 3 Items Several or All Offices

A) Standards of Conduct
I. Freedom of Information
IA. All elected officials will create an official thread. The Triumvirate will create a thread for official Triumvirate matters in addition to their own offices. This thread will be used to provide updates to the citizens about their office. The information in this thread should updated frequently in order to accurately reflect the current game situation.​
II. Polling Standards
IIA. The description and initial post for all official polls should be stated in a clear and neutral manner.
IIB. The initial post should contain a link to all relevant discussion threads. Each option should be explained if not immediately clear. The time frame for the poll, and how the results will be interpreted should also be in the initial post.
IIC. All official polls must be open for a minimum of 2 days to be binding, however it is recommended that binding polls be open from 3 to 4 days if possible.
IID. Official polls should be marked Public unless directly concerning another Citizen.​

B) Deputies

I. Deputies
IA. Members of the Triumvirate and Judiciary shall not have a Deputy.
IB. All members of the Cabinet and Governors shall have a Deputy, appointed by the principals of those respective offices.​

C) Control of Units

I. Workers
IA. Workers, when created, are under the control of the President. The President must assign the workers to either the Minister of the Interior or a Governor before or after a play session; if the worker is not so assigned it will be under the control of the Designated Player for the duration of the play session.
IB. The assignment of a worker is permanent unless the party that has control over the worker releases it back to the President.​
II. Military Land Units
IA. Military Land Units, when created, are under the control of the Secretary of War.
IB. The Secretary of War may assign units to guard settlers or as garrisons in cities.
1. Units assigned to guard settlers are under the control President until the settler founds a city. At the founding of a city the President may assign the units guarding that settler to be part of that city’s garrison or may shift control back to the Secretary of War as long as at least one half of the units, rounded up, that guarded the settler become part of the city’s garrison.
2. Units assigned as garrison units fall under the direct control of the Governor of that city.​
IC. Should a unit be left unmoving in a city or a city radius for at least 5 consecutive turns the governor of that city may claim that unit as a garrison unit as long as it has not started to move again.
1. There are three exceptions: if a unit is healing, the 5 turns start when healing is completed; if the unit is in defensive works of some sort; or if the unit is picketing the border.​
Triumvirate v6.2
Sections 4-10:

Section 4 The Designated Player

A) The Designated Player
I. The Designated Player is the person who is tasked to perform the instructions of the officials in the game.

II. The President shall choose on a session by session basis on whether he shall be the Designated Player of that session or if the session will be played by a member of the Designated Player Pool.

III. Nominations and elections for the Designated Player shall occur at the time as the other nominations and elections.
IIIA. Elections for Designated player shall be a multiple choice poll with any and all nominees gathering over 50.00% being elected to the Designated Player Pool.
IIIB. The Designated Players will play in the order of those who did not play in the last term in order of votes from highest to lowest followed by those who did play last term in order of votes from highest to lowest. Once the Designated Player pool is used up, the rotation starts again at the top of the list.​

IV. A Designated Player shall choose whether his Play Session will be online or offline.

V. If the Designated Player is unavailable to play at the designated time, the highest ranking member of the Triumvirate, or if no Triumvirate members are present, or those present decline to play the highest ranking Cabinet member, or if no Cabinet members are present, or those present decline to play a member of the Designated Player pool at the chat can choose to play the session in place of the Designated Player who is absent or the session can be canceled.
VA. In this instance the absent Designated Player loses his slot until the next run through.​

VI. If the results of an Offline Session are not posted within 48 hours of the designated starting time that game session is declared void and canceled and that Designated Player is skipped and the next Designated Player takes over.

B) Actions of the Designated Player
I. Instructions of Elected and appointed officials:
IB. The Designated Player shall follow all instructions from elected and appointed officials regarding their respective areas.
1. If no instructions from a given office are posted for a game session the Designated Player assumes the powers of that office for the game session.
2. The Designated Player must refuse all illegal instructions. The Designated Player may request a Judicial Review to determine the validity of an instruction and delay play until the Judicial Review has been completed.​
IB. Legal Exploits
1. Any Legal Exploits pertaining to Article E section 4 of the Constitution will go here.​

Section 5 Elections

A) Elections
I. Elections of the Triumvirate, Cabinet, Governors, and Judges shall be of all nominated candidates who have accepted their nominations.
IA. Ballots shall have the names of all the candidates for a given office plus Abstain.​

II. Nominations for Triumvirate, Cabinet, Governors, and Judges positions may be self nominations or a citizen may be nominated by another citizens.

III. Elections may only be held for offices that exist at the time of election.

Section 6 Term Limits

A) Term Limits
I. Holder of Triumvirate and Cabinet offices are affected by term limits.

II. No one may be elected to the same Triumvirate or Cabinet office for more that two terms consecutively.

III. After serving two terms in the same Triumvirate or Cabinet office a Citizen must wait at least one term before running for the same office but may run for and hold any other office.

Section 7 Impeachment

A) Impeachment of the Triumvirate
I. The Citizens Assembly may bring a No Confidence Vote against the Triumvirate as a whole.

II. A No Confidence Vote requires a 6/10 (60%) majority to pass.

III. A successful No Confidence Vote shall remove the entire Triumvirate from office.

B) Impeachment of Cabinet Officials
I. The Citizens Assembly may bring an Impeachment Vote against any Cabinet Official.

II. An Impeachment Vote requires a 51/100 (51%) majority to pass.

III. A successful Impeachment Vote shall remove the specific official named in it from office.

C) Impeachment of Governors
I.The Citizens Assembly may bring an Impeachment Vote against a Governor.

II. An Impeachment Vote requires a 60/100 (60%) majority to pass.

III. A successful Impeachment Vote shall remove the specific Governor named in it from office.

D) Impeachment of Judges
I. Judges may not be Impeached..

E) Impeachment Polls
I. Impeachment Polls will have three options Yes, No, and Abstain.

II. Impeachment Poll may be started no earlier that 7 days after a previous one on the same office during the same term.

Section 8 - Office Limits and Vacancies

A) Limits to Running for Offices.
I. No Citizen may run for more than one office during an election cycle.

B) Limits to Holding Office
I. No member of the Triumvirate or the Judiciary may hold a second office.
II. Governors and Members of the Cabinet may hold up to two offices at the same time.

C) Vacancies
I. A Vacancy occurs when an office is empty due to the office holder resigning, judicial action, impeachment, if no citizen ran for election for that office or when a new office is created.
II. Triumvirate Vacancies
IIA. If there is a Vacancy in the Triumvirate, the President shall nominate a citizen to that office. If the Presidency is Vacant, the Secretary of State, or Secretary of War if the Secretary of State is also Vacant, shall nominate a citizen to that office. The citizen must accept the nomination prior any further steps.​
IIB. The Judiciary shall confirm the appointment. If confirmed, the citizen takes office immediately. If not confirmed, a different citizen must be nominated.​
IIC. The nominee may be any citizen that does not currently hold a Triumvirate or Judicial position. If the nominee holds another office, they must resign immediately upon confirmation.​
IID. This appointment may not be challenged by a confirmation poll.​
III. Cabinet Vacancies
IIIA. The President must offer the position to the Deputy, if there is one.​
IIIB. If there is no deputy, the President must request interested citizens that do not currently hold office to contact them. If no such citizen contacts the President within 72 hours of the office being declared Vacant, the President may appoint any citizen to the office.​
IIIC. This appointment may be challenged by a confirmation poll.​
IV. Governor Vacancies
IVA. The Governors Council must request interested citizens that do not currently hold office to contact them. If no such citizen contacts the Council within 72 hours of the office being declared Vacant, the Council may appoint any citizen to the office.​
IVB. If there is no Governors Council, the Minister of Interior must request interested citizens that do not currently hold office to contact them. If no such citizen contacts the Minister of Interior within 72 hours of the office being declared Vacant, the Minister of Interior may appoint any citizen to the office.​
V. Judicial Vacancies
VA. The President must request interested citizens that do not currently hold office to contact them. If no such citizen contacts the President within 72 hours of the office being declared Vacant, the President may appoint any citizen to the office.​
VB. This appointment may be challenged by a confirmation poll.​
VI. All vacancy appointments which are subject to a confirmation poll are provisional until the time for a confirmation poll has passed, or when a confirmation poll for that appointment concludes with a 'Yes' majority.
VIA. Any citizen may post a confirmation poll for an appointment to a Vacant office. This is a private poll, asking the question "Should <citizen name> serve as <office>?", with the options Yes, No and Abstain. This poll should last for 48 hours. If a majority of citizens who vote, excluding abstain, vote no, the appointment is reversed. This citizen may not be appointed to that office again that term.​
VIB. A Citizen who holds office may apply for a new office before the 72 hour waiting period provided they write in their application that they will resign from their current office. That citizen does not have to resign until the provisional period passes.​
VII. Being a member of the Designated Player Pool is not considered holding an office and thus is not counted against a Citizen in terms of being able to run for and hold multiple offices.

Section 9 Code of Standards

A) Creating a Code of Standards
To create a Code of Standards a poll will need to be taken and with more yea votes being cast than nay votes. Different proposals may then be considered. A poll will be taken between the different proposals with the winning one being put up for ratification. The ratification poll will need at least 50.01% of votes cast not counting abstains to vote yea to ratify the Code of Standards.

Section 10 Amending the Code of Laws

A) Amending the Code of Laws
I. The Code of Laws may be amended by a 60% majority of votes cast in a public poll which shall be open for no fewer than 4 days.

II. Minor changes to the Code of Laws, such as correcting typographical and clerical errors, reorganization and reformatting for better readability, and addition of text which does not impact legal definitions may be made at any time.
IIA. If any citizen objects to a minor change within the 48 hour period commencing when the minor change is proposed, the change shall be considered an amendment and must undergo ratification as such.​

B) Steps to Amend the Code of Laws
I. A Citizen posts an idea about the amendment as a thread.

II. Amendment is debated in the thread.

III. After at least 48hours the proponent posts a proposed poll.

IV. Once 24 hours have passed with no significant comments to the thread poll, the issue goes to the Judiciary for review.

V. If and after Judicial Review passes, the ratification poll is posted by the Judiciary.
The following amendment to the Code of Laws was ratified by the citizens but was not requested to be edited in to the CoL until now.

Mods: when you make edits for amendments, do not remove the amendment posts. The amendment posts serve as the lasting record of what we changed.

CoL Amendment: Confirmation Polls
This is a Citizen's Initiative poll for the amendment of the Code of Laws. The purpose of this amendment is to clarify the process for Confirmation polls and to close a current loophole in the law.

This is a public poll, and will run for 4 days. For this amendment to pass, a 6/10 majority of voters must vote 'Yes'.

Link to discussion thread

Do you wish to adopt this amendments?

Current law:
VIA. Any citizen may post a confirmation poll for an appointment to a Vacant office. This is a private poll, asking the question "Should <citizen name> serve as <office>?", with the options Yes, No and Abstain. This poll should last for 48 hours. If a majority of citizens who vote, excluding abstain, vote no, the appointment is reversed. This citizen may not be appointed to that office again that term.

Proposed Amendment, completely replacing above section:
VIA. Any citizen may post a confirmation poll for an appointment to a Vacant office within 48 hours of the appointment. This must be a private poll, asking the question "Should the appointment of <citizen name> as <office> be confirmed", with the options Yes, No and Abstain. This poll must last for 3 days. If the poll closes with more no votes than yes votes, the appointment is reversed. This citizen may not be appointed to that office again that term. The appointee holds the office and is free to exercize the full powers of the office until such time as the appointment is reversed.
The following amendment to the Code of Laws has been ratified. Moderators, please edit in the new text of the affected sessions, and leave this post as a record of what was changed.

Additions are in blue and removals are in red and strikethrough:

Section 4 The Designated Player

A) The Designated Player
I. The Designated Player is the person who is tasked to perform the instructions of the officials in the game.

II. The President shall choose on a session by session basis on whether he shall be the Designated Player of that session or if the session will be played by a member of the Designated Player Pool.

III. Nominations and elections for the Designated Player shall occur at the time as the other nominations and elections.
IIIA. Elections for Designated player shall be a multiple choice poll with any and all nominees gathering over 50.00% being elected to the Designated Player Pool.
IIIB. The Designated Players will play in the order of those who did not play in the last term in order of votes from highest to lowest followed by those who did play last term in order of votes from highest to lowest. Ties in the number of votes will be broken by the first accepted nomination. Once the Designated Player pool is used up, the rotation starts again at the top of the list.​

IV. A Designated Player shall choose whether his Play Session will be online or offline.

V. The President may appoint any Citizen as Designated Player at any point in his term. If any Citizen objects to this appointment, he may post a confirmation poll as described in section 8.C.VIA.

VI. Removal of Designated Players
VIA. If any Designated Player misses his Turnchat, he will be put up for removal. The President may put any Designated Player up for removal for not following instructions as required of a Designated Player. In addition, the Citizens may petition the President to put a Designated Player up for removal, provided they gather at least five signatures.
VIB. When put up for removal, the Designated Player has three days to plead his case, after which a recall poll will be posted by the President. The poll will have the question, "Should <name> be removed from the Designated Player Pool?", the answers "Yes", "No", and "Abstain", and will be open for no less than four days. It must be a private poll that all citizens can vote on. If a majority of votes are Yes, excluding Abstain, then the Designated Player is removed.
VIC. While a Designated Player is up for removal, he is automatically skipped from running any Turnchats.​

V. If the Designated Player is unavailable to play at the designated time, the highest ranking member of the Triumvirate, or if no Triumvirate members are present, or those present decline to play the highest ranking Cabinet member, or if no Cabinet members are present, or those present decline to play a member of the Designated Player pool at the chat can choose to play the session in place of the Designated Player who is absent or the session can be canceled. (Cancelled instead of going through succession)
VA. In this instance the absent Designated Player loses his slot until the next run through.

VI. If the results of an Offline Session are not posted within 48 hours of the designated starting time that game session is declared void and canceled and that Designated Player is skipped and the next Designated Player takes over. (Moved to part B)

B) Actions of the Designated Player
I. Instructions of Elected and appointed officials:
IA. The Designated Player shall follow all instructions from elected and appointed officials regarding their respective areas.
1. If no instructions from a given office are posted for a game session the Designated Player assumes the powers of that office for the game session.
2. The Designated Player must refuse all illegal instructions. The Designated Player may request a Judicial Review to determine the validity of an instruction and delay play until the Judicial Review has been completed.​
IB. Legal Exploits
1. Any Legal Exploits pertaining to Article E section 4 of the Constitution will go here.​

II. Scheduling the Turnchat:
IIA. The Designated Player must acknowledge that it is his turn, schedule his Turnchat, and post the corresponding Instruction Thread no later than 3 days after the start of the term, the end of the previous Turnchat, or the notice that the previous Designated Player has been skipped.
IIB. The Turnchat must be scheduled for between 2 and 5 days after the date and time the Instruction Thread is posted.
IIC. If the Designated Player does not post his Instruction Thread within 3 days of his turn, the President may order that the current Designated Player be skipped, and it will become the next Designated Player's turn.
IID. The Designated Player can at any time voluntarily ask to be skipped. If he has already scheduled a Turnchat, it will be cancelled and the Instruction Thread will be considered void. Upon voluntarily asking to be skipped, the action takes place immediately, and it is the next Designated Player's turn.
IIE. The Designated Player should notify the President well in advance of any extended periods of absence. This notification should be posted in a public place, and preauthorizes the President to skip that Designated Player without waiting the 3 days if it becomes his turn during a period of absence.​

III. Rescheduling the Turnchat:
IIIA. Any member of the Triumvirate or the Censor may ask the current Designated Player to reschedule his turnchat, due to an important decision that needs more time to be made, such as the declaration of war. The Turnchat may be rescheduled for no later than 3 days after than the original Turnchat. A Turnchat may not be rescheduled more than two times in this way.
IIIB. The Designated Player may reschedule his own Turnchat for any personal reason, provided he gives notice at least one hour in advance. The Turnchat may be rescheduled for no later than 3 days after than the original Turnchat. A Turnchat may not be rescheduled more than once in this way.
IIIC. If a Designated Player must reschedule his Turnchat for any reason but cannot run it at the new date and time, he may ask to be skipped, and the Turnchat will be deferred to the next Designated Player.​

IV. Cancelling the Turnchat:
IVA. The Designated Player may cancel a Turnchat at any time up to 1 hour before its start by asking to be skipped.
IVB. If the Designated Player does not give notice at least one hour in advance, or misses an online Turnchat completely, it will automatically be cancelled and the Designated Player will be skipped and considered for removal.
IVC. If the results of an Offline Session are not posted within 48 hours of the designated starting time that game session is declared void and cancelled and that Designated Player will be skipped and considered for removal.​
Also add this line to Section 1.B.IIA (the powers and duties of the president)
7. The President is responsible for managing the internal affairs of the Designated Player Pool.
Section 8 of the CoL has been replaced with the following, ratified amendment. The actual CoL text may be edited shortly. ;)

Section 8 - Office Limits and Vacancies

A) Limits to Running for Offices.
I. No Citizen may run for more than one office during an election cycle.

B) Limits to Holding Office
I. No member of the Triumvirate or the Judiciary may hold a second office.
II. Governors and Members of the Cabinet may hold up to two offices at the same time.
III. Being a member of the Designated Player Pool is not considered holding an office and thus is not counted against a Citizen in terms of being able to run for and hold multiple offices.

C) Vacancies

An office is vacant if any of the following conditions is met:
  1. No candidates accept a nomination for the office during elections
  2. The current office holder resigns.
  3. The current office holder is impeached / recalled.
  4. The current office holder is removed from office as the result of judicial action.
D. Filling of Vacancies

A vacant office must be filled via the first method in this list which applies to the situation.
  1. A deputy exists for the vacant office: the deputy is automatically installed as the new officeholder.
  2. The office of President is not vacant: the President appoints a citizen to the vacant office.
  3. The office of Secretary of State is not vacant: the Secretary of State appoints a citizen to the vacant office.
  4. The office of Secretary of War is not vacant: the Secretary of War appoints a citizen to the vacant office.
  5. The office of Censor is not vacant: the Censor appoints a citizen to the vacant office.
  6. The office of Minister of the Interior is not vacant: the Minister of the Interior appoints a citizen to the vacant office.
  7. The office of Minister of Culture is not vacant: the Minister of Culture appoints a citizen to the vacant office.
  8. The office of Minister of the Science is not vacant: the Minister of the Science appoints a citizen to the vacant office.
  9. The office of Director of Intelligence is not vacant: the Director of Intelligence appoints a citizen to the vacant office.
E. Confirmation Polls

Any citizen may post a confirmation poll for an appointment to a vacant office within 48 hours of the appointment. This must be a private poll, asking the question "Should the appointment of <citizen name> as <office> be confirmed", with the options Yes, No and Abstain. This poll must last for 3 days. If the poll closes with more no votes than yes votes, the appointment is reversed. This citizen may not be appointed to that office again that term. The appointee holds the office and is free to exercise the full powers of the office until such time as the appointment is reversed.
Section 3.B of the Code of Laws amended as follows:

Old section:
B) Deputies

I. Deputies
IA. Members of the Triumvirate and Judiciary shall not have a Deputy.
IB. All members of the Cabinet and Governors shall have a Deputy, appointed by the principals of those respective offices.

New section
I. Deputies
IA. Members of the Triumvirate and Judiciary shall not have a Deputy.
IB. All members of the Cabinet and Governors may have a Deputy, appointed by the principals of those respective offices.

-- Ravensfire, Chief Justice
The following replaces the like-named sections of the CoL, according to the amendment which was ratified in early August. (add a link later) The Minister of Culture was removed.

B) The Executive Branch

I. This branch consists of the Triumvirate and any and all elected and appointed Cabinet Officials and their deputies.
IA. The Triumvirate will consist of the President, Secretary of State, and the Secretary of War.
IB. The Cabinet Officials will be any office that is not included as part of the Triumvirate, the Judiciary, a Gubernatorial office or the Designated Player. The Cabinet currently consists of the Censor, Minister of Interior, Minister of Science, and Director of Intelligence.

II. The Powers and Duties of the Triumvirate.
1. The Triumvirate may change Cabinet Offices in a manner prescribed in Section 1, Sub-Section B, Clause III.
2. During a time of War the Triumvirate may decide that a state of mobilization is necessary for Licentia and declare that a State of Mobilization exists.
3. The Triumvirate appoints the Director of Intelligence.

4. Any member of the Triumvirate may post an order to stop the game session if certain posted criteria posted by that member are met and such criteria fall under the scope of the member&#8217;s office.
A. Any member of the Triumvirate may endorse a stop order posted by a member of the Cabinet, if such order is within the scope of Cabinet member&#8217;s office. A member of the Triumvirate must endorse a Cabinet member&#8217;s stop order for said order to be legal.
5. State of Mobilization
A. A State of Mobilization can only be declared in a time of War.
B. A State of Mobilization may not last more than 15 game turns. However, if Peace is declared and a State of War exists with no Civilization, the State of Mobilization ends immediately.
C. A State of Mobilization may not be declared until at least 45 game turns have elapsed since the ending of the last Mobilization.

D. A State of Mobilization may be ended prematurely by a 6/10 (60%) vote of the Governors Council after at least 7 game turns of Mobilization have passed.
i. Should Mobilization be ended prematurely, it may be declared again in only 25 game turns.
E. Effects of Mobilization:
i. The control of all workers goes the Triumvirate during this period, but the Minister of the Interior and the Governors retain control of a worker until a worker is specifically requested by the Triumvirate. The Triumvirate may not force a worker to quit an action assigned to it by the Minister of the Interior or a Governor, but must wait until that particular action has completed or is ended by the original authority.
ii. The Triumvirate may change what is under construction in any city except for those that have begun a Citizen Assembly approved Wonder or have begun prebuild for approved Wonder. The Triumvirate may only order that military units or building may be built.
iii. The Triumvirate may take up to one half of the prewar garrison of a city in to the regular army during a State of Mobilization.

IIA. The Powers and Duties of the President
1. During the Turnchat the President, or a Representative of the President, may order the ending of play if continuing requires a decision to be made that can only be made by the Citizens Assembly. If the Turns are being played offline the Designated Player must end play if he is forced to make a decision that can only be made by the Citizens Assembly, provided that no vote on said decision has concluded.
2. The President will define a budget that all other official may not exceed without permission.

3. The President may change the Tax slider no more than 10% every 10 turns, with these exceptions:
A. The President may change taxes up to 30% in the event of budget shortfall: our nation losing money instead of gaining or staying even. However the President must see that a vote is brought on the matter before the next Game Session.
B. The turn on which a technology is discovered the President may change taxes by as much as 50% but must see that a vote is brought on the matter before the next Game Session.

4. The President is responsible for resolving disputes between officials.
5. The President has all powers not expressly given to another official and not retained by the Citizens Assembly.

6. The units the President controls:
A. The President shall control all Settler and the defensive units assigned to them.
B. The President shall control all naval units.
C. The President shall control all missionaries.

IIB. The Powers and Duties of the Secretary of State
1. The Secretary of State shall have control of the Foreign policy of our nation with the exception in the Declaration of War/Peace/Alliance and the trade of cities.
A. The Secretary of State needs the permission of the Citizens Assembly: War/Peace/Alliance or the giving away of one of our Nation's cities.
B. The Secretary of State has the power to accept a city.

IIC. The Powers and Duties of the Secretary of War
1. The Secretary of War shall have control of all military land units with the exception of garrisons under the control of Governors and units assigned to settlers.
A. The Secretary of War may not attack a city or unit of a neutral or allied Civilization, without the permission of the Citizens Assembly.
2. The Secretary of War shall have control of all air units.
III. The Cabinet
1. Changes in the Offices of the Cabinet.
A. The Triumvirate may Decree a change in powers or offices of the Cabinet.
B. All Officials who are affected by a Decree must consent to it for the Decree to become official.
C. Any Citizen may within 72 hours of the Official Decree start a non-conformation Poll. Should said poll be approved the Decree will not take place.
D. Any changes done by Decree are in effect only during the term in which the Decree was made. To make the changes permanent an Amendment must be approved.

IIIA. The Cabinet shall consist of, in order of seniority, the Censor, Minister of Interior, Minister of Science, and Director of Intelligence.

IIIB. The Powers and Duties of the Censor:
1. The Censor shall post his Procedures of Censorship at the beginning of his term, defining how Official Polls will take place during his tenure.
A. The Censor must obey the Procedures that he laid down for his term.
2. The Censor shall be the Official in charge of all elections.
3. Censor shall be responsible for the official results of an election and for validating an election.
4. The Censor is also responsible for validating any other official polls.
5. The Censor posts all votes by the Assembly as instructions as needed.
6. The Censor shall be responsible for maintaining a list of names for the naming of cities, units, and other appraise items, approved by the Citizens Assembly.

IIIC. The Powers and Duties of the Minister of Interior:
1. The Minister of the Interior shall be in control of all workers not assigned to Governors.
2. The Minister of the Interior shall designate any specialization of Cities

3. The Minister of the Interior shall designate how many units of each type to produce.
A. The Governors may work it out amongst themselves on which city actually produces what.
4. The Minister of the Interior may decide where to build any Citizens Assembly approved Wonder.
5. The Minister of the Interior shall keep track of the resources in our territory and where they are.

IIIE. Powers and Duties of the Minister of Science:
1. The Minister of Science shall choose what technology will be researched.
2. The Minister of Science shall keep a list of at least three technologies that are to be researched next and in what order.
3. The Minister of Science shall control all Great People.

IIIF. Powers and Duties of the Director of Intelligence:
1. The Director of Intelligence shall keep records of all known Empires; the cities, religion, military units, wonders, and civics of those Empires. Records shall also be kept of the size, religion, improvements, and anything else deemed necessary about their cities.
2. The Director of Intelligence shall have complete control of all spies.
3. The Director of Intelligence shall be appointed by the Triumvirate.
4. The Director of Intelligence, being an appointed position, shall not be affected by term limits.
5. The Director of Intelligence may be fired by the Triumvirate.
6. The Director of Intelligence shall keep track of the culture production, culture level, great people points production, status of the great person bar and when the next great person will be available. The Director of Intelligence shall make this information available to any citizens upon request.
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