Civ5 Softcaps


Esus (Allegedly)
Feb 8, 2011

In Spatzimaus's Age of Mythology thread, he mentioned that Civ5 has a softcap on the number of promotions that can be used.
Are there similar softcaps for anything else; buildings, units, etc?
Does anyone know if the softcap will be removed by Gods and Kings?
Are there similar softcaps for anything else; buildings, units, etc?

Not that anyone has run into. My own Mythology mod adds hundreds of buildings and hundreds of unit types, and I haven't seen any issues. Likewise, my Ascension mod adds 45 techs, with even more buildings and units. So far, no obvious problems other than the promotion issue. Other big content mods have added even more buildings/techs/units, again with no issues.

You'll know when you're over the promotion cap; if you've got 201 promotions, then every unit in the game (even the starting Warrior and Settler) will get the 201st promotion for free. If you've got 205, then they'll get the last five for free. And so on. Very easy to keep track of this way.

Does anyone know if the softcap will be removed by Gods and Kings?

We've been told almost nothing on the modding side about the expansion. I would guess that the expansion will add a number of new promotions to the game; if they DON'T find a way to remove the cap, then we'll be in real trouble. But they might just increase the cap to 250 or something, to allow for 50 new promotions in the expansion, in which case we'll be no better off than we are currently. (While it's possible that the current cap is not something they explicitly set, it's just really hard to believe that a cap of exactly 200, a nice round number, WASN'T something they added themselves.)
I encourage you to ask in the "Ask Dennis Shirk" thread about modding questions if you want a chance at getting them answered. We still need to know more about the modding changes....
Not that anyone has run into. My own Mythology mod adds hundreds of buildings and hundreds of unit types, and I haven't seen any issues. Likewise, my Ascension mod adds 45 techs, with even more buildings and units. So far, no obvious problems other than the promotion issue. Other big content mods have added even more buildings/techs/units, again with no issues.

You'll know when you're over the promotion cap; if you've got 201 promotions, then every unit in the game (even the starting Warrior and Settler) will get the 201st promotion for free. If you've got 205, then they'll get the last five for free. And so on. Very easy to keep track of this way.

We've been told almost nothing on the modding side about the expansion. I would guess that the expansion will add a number of new promotions to the game; if they DON'T find a way to remove the cap, then we'll be in real trouble. But they might just increase the cap to 250 or something, to allow for 50 new promotions in the expansion, in which case we'll be no better off than we are currently. (While it's possible that the current cap is not something they explicitly set, it's just really hard to believe that a cap of exactly 200, a nice round number, WASN'T something they added themselves.)

Hopefully we will get the DLL before that and as such be able to resolve the issue :)
Thought I'd add here something I noticed: that there would be UI problems in the Civilopedia if you add a wonder whose ID is over 1000 (since the game puts in both wonders and projects in the same category by adding 1000 to each project's ID in regards to the civilopedia ID checks).

But naturally it would be probably really difficult for someone to add over 1000 buildings, and anyhow this can be changed in the UI's lua scripts without much difficulty.
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