Civilian unit graphics with era.


Mar 6, 2010
Does anyone know what all of the different civilian units look like throughout the different eras?

As far as I can tell, there are:

GA: ???->car with film equipment
GS: Horse drawn globe -> bongmobile -> ???
GG: knight -> jeep
GE: wooden wheeled thing -> ???
GM: ??? -> ???
Settler: robed fellows with animal -> ???
Worker: robed fellows with hammers -> hammered fellows with overalls?

Perhaps I'd receive a lot more responses if I mention that I contend that Civ V sucks and that hexes are the worst thing to happen to geometry since Pythagoras' gambling problem.
Could a mod please edit the title with something a little more inflammatory? Perhaps use a racial slur and an exclamation point.

Thanks a bunch.
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