Civilization 5 - Wonders and national wonders partial overview

Do any of the bonuses become obsolete with technology? I mean it seems pretty silly that the great wall would seriously hamper an army that had, I dont know, artillery, tanks, or planes.

I vote to make the great wall obsolete with steam power
I wonder how similar abilities stack up. There's some overlap between unique abilities, wonders and social policies.

Big Ben and Mercantilism both reduce purchase cost in cities by 25% and militarism gives -33%

Pentagon and Professional Army both reduce upgrade cost of units by 50%.

Monarchy makes tile purchasing 50% cheaper. America's UA gives -25% tile purchasing cost.

How do these complement each other? Is it really possible to buy units with an 83% discount on military units? Can you upgrade your units for free? Can you buy tiles for 25% of the normal cost?

Presumably the effects don't simply add together to give a 100% discount to upgrade costs or 83% reduction in purchase cost. Much more likely the effect is cumulative so that for instance the Pentagon would reduce by 50% and the Professional Army would halve the remaining 50%. So the orignal cost of (for example) 60 would be reduced to 30 and then that would be halved to 15 rather than becoming 0.

Still a big advantage but I suppose you'd have to balance the benefit it gives with choosing another social policy/construction option which might better suit your strategy.
I've got to try a game as Americans with the Great Wall, Kremlin, and Himeji Castle. Then watch your enemy's armies grunt and thrust impotently at impregnable Fortress America.

I want to try that with England, adding Great Lighthouse, Big Ben and Pentagon for super duper navies and defence.

Shoot stuff down with Longbowmen while they struggle to get through the great wall :)
Great Merchant generating wonders include -

Great Lighthouse
Big Ben

Great Engineer:

Great Wall
Himeji Castle

Setting up two cities as England to snag those with the GM ones in one city (capital probably), and the GE ones in another (Collosus is optional and no too important) would be awesome for some GP farms. Then you could put Kremlin in the Great wall city, and maybe try for other GM wonders like Eifel tower + Notre Dame in the GLH city. That would be incredibly powerful for England along with running the commerce policy tree.
I don't like the idea of national wonders requiring x building in all cities. It essentially forces somebody to stop building new cities and possibly even conquering cities while they build x building in all their cities. It seems too limiting. 80-90% of cities sound better.

Then again you need not build every wonder every time. In some games it may be restricting, in others barely an issue. I like how they dropped the hard number requirements like ' needs 6 universities' because that forced a number of cities.
I've got to try a game as Americans with the Great Wall, Kremlin, and Himeji Castle. Then watch your enemy's armies grunt and thrust impotently at impregnable Fortress America.

I think they'd honestly just pillage all the surrounding and cut it's production off, that would be worse since it takes time to recover from that.
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