Civilizations Unique Components List and Suggestions

Will you add new civs

Yes. Any new Civs from the NFP will be added here as well.

I just also noticed that you mention the Shoshone and Navajo as being from the Great Plains.
The Shoshone originated from the Great Basin which encompasses a lot of the western states, so that terrain is different, and they aren't considered one of the Great Plains tribes, even though they were mostly nomadic as well. However I will say that the Comanche who branched off from them did find there way into the plains.

The Navajo inhabit the Southwest so they never lived in the Great Plains either, although some of their close relatives, the Apache, did. :)

Blergh, you expect me to know all that crap? I mean, I care but there's a limit yo.

Probably should make a thread for potentially new civs instead.
Let me give you a few more Potential Uniques: just a scattering:

1) England
New Unique Units: Billman (Pikeman replacement with Melee Class bonuses); Congreve Rocket (ranged Industrial Era unit, replaces nothing, reduces combat factor of any unit it attacks for the rest o the turn); '74' (74-gun Ship of the Line, the most common type in the Royal Navy - cheaper to build and maintain, Royal Dockyards build 2 for 1 like Scythia's light cav); Battlecruiser (faster Battleship but less combat factor, but Upgrades to an Aircraft Carrier); SAS (Special Air Service) (a Modern Era Special Forces Unit, moves like cavalry, can attack and destroy Great People like Great Generals and has a special attack against Aerodromes or airfields that can destroy or damage aircraft in them)
New Unique Infrastructure: Public House (Pub) (Building for a Neighborhood or City Center District that adds Amenity and Gold);

2) Germany
New Unique Units: Prussian/Hessian Grenadier (Industrial Era Musketman replacement: when garrisoned in a city adds Production); Stosstruppen (Modern Era infantry replacement: ignores enemy ZOCs and can move after attacking)
New Unique Infrastructure: Rathaus (City Center Building); Kurhaus (Industrial Era Building for Neighborhood, City Center, or Entertainment District, but only one to a city: adds Amenity and Gold)

3) America
New Unique Units: Mountain Man (Ranger replacement); Homesteader (Civilian unit that can defend itself, Settler replacement); Mounted Rifles (Cavalry replacement, anti-cav get no bonus against them)
New Infrastructure: Union Station (City Center Building, with Railroad produces extra land Trade Route and Gold);

4) The Netherlands
Unique Units: Dunkirker (Privateer replacement); Coehorn Mortar (Bombard replacement Siege weapon)
Unique Infrastructure: Bourse (earlier Stock Exchange)

8) Sweden
New Unique Units: 'Ga Pa' infantry (pike & shot replacement)

10) Scotland
New Unique Units: Covenanters (Musketman replacement); Royal Scots (Infantry replacement)
New Unique Infrastructure: Distillery (Improvement, must be next to a lake or mountain)


1) France
New Unique Units: Wild Geese (mercenary infantry - pike & shot replacement that Upgrades to Musketmen); Garde Suisse (pikeman replacement); Zouave (fast moving Industrial Era infantry)

3) Byzantium
New Unique Units: Thematic Infantry (spearmen with long swords, both Melee and Anti-Cav)


1) Russia
New Unique Units: Opolchenie (Militia - cheap Musketmen or Infantry); Strafbat (Punitive Unit - chance of automatically formed Infantry whenever another Russian Unit is destroyed or forced back); Sturmovik (replaces nothing - Fighter type air unit with greatly increased attack factor against ground targets)
New Unique Infrastructure: Hermitage (an Improvement, produces Religion, Cultire)


5) Great Plains Civs
Common Appearance: Comanche, Cheyenne, Lakota (the first of the Sioux tribes to move onto the plains)
New Unique Units: Cheyenne Dog Soldier (elite Cavalry or Horseman)
New Unique Infrastructure: Sun Dance Lodge
Canada can have the Avro Arrow (jet fighter) and the donut shop (based on Tim Hortons; Canadians consume the most donuts in the world per capita and also has the most donut shops in the world per capita)
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FINALLY got around to adding Boris Gudenuf's suggestions to the list :)
Added some additional suggestions for Rome and Greece, while also adding Byzantium and (pre-emptively) Gaul to the list.
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