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Closing dialogues moves the selected unit


Jan 3, 2013
I have a very crappy super sensitive mouse that may be the cause.

More often than not whenever I close a dialogue such as the tech civics ones that appear at the start of each turn, the selected unit will move to the hex that is directly behind the close button.

Is anyone else seeing this?
Since a few people are viewing this and not commenting I can only assume it is my mouse.
I just swapped out my original mouse for an old wireless one, though the DPI is atrocious I see no issue with the dialogues.
My conclusion is: crappy mouse is the culprit.
These is an issue with the game changing focus and centering the map with a delay that has frequently cause me to move the wrong unit, or to move the selected unit to the wrong tile however. I suppose a bad mouse would exacerbate the issues that are already there.
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