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Colonialist Legacies: Histories of the New World | Colonial + Pre-Colonial civs

In-game is more important than on paper, though, as we learnt with the Wabs and whoever's getting the browny on greeny background ;)

Well, I don't have the code for in-game color. What I did is compare from the icon.

If you PM me the color number in XML/SQL. I could compare it for you.

Time to divert the conversation away from colours, to another interesting topic.... err colours? (they're at the end of this post) Seriously though, here's our current lineup of civs that we're actively working on! I'm trying to limit myself to working on a maximum of Seven civs at once. Now all of these civs are at varying degrees of completion, so with that in mind - when one of these civs is completed, we'll be adding another one to the roster. The next three civs likely to be released are Cuba, Nigeria and the Salish :) (with Greenland, Chuchki, and WW2 Australia joining the roster in roughly that order).

The following will outline what you can look forward to in each of these Civilizations, alongside what we essentially need help with. Also, we have some icons for you wiki-ers to utilize :)


The Chimu
Leader: Nancempinco
Capital: :c5capital: Chan Chan
Unique Unit: Cumbicamayo
Unique Building: Ciudadela​

The Chimu will be completely revitalised from Hiram's Original design. Their main focus is split down the middle, part way between the utilization of coastal tiles alongside hefty bonuses for using different types of specialists within your City! Currently, we have all the art completed except our Unit and Buidling Icons. We're also in need of lua snippets likewise. If you think you can help with any of these, feel free to let me know!

Here's the icon for you wiki folks to use.


Leader: Fidel Castro
Capital: :c5capital: Havana
Unique Unit: Guerrillero
Unique Building: Dance Hall​

Cuba is the quintessential CL civ - disastrously behind schedule and gimmicky out the butt. Cuba's history within CL has changed over the years since it's announcement, going through a million and a half design changes to get it just right. Their main focus is centred around Espionage and the spreading of ideological propoganda! The Cuban's also introduce the unique yield/mechanic aptly called "Revolutionary Fervor" alongside introducing a unit that can train Rebels in foreign civilizations! All in all, expect Cuba soon and expect to have a crapload of fun playing as them.

Neirai is currently hard at work on coding the traits, and of course this civ would never have been possible without the help of U_C.


The Murri
Leader: Gambu Ganuurru
Capital: :c5capital: Cavanbah
Unique Unit: Marbull
Unique Building: Humpy​

The Murri is a relatively new addition to our roster. Spawned from the relentlessly creative pestering from Senshidenshi, we decided to take on an Aboriginal Civ that originates from Queensland and far northern NSW. The culture is a fascinating one; they hosted what is possibly the largest gathering of Aboriginal people within Australia prior to European contact to partake in the Feast of the Bon-yi. Aboriginal Australians would come from far and wide on a pseudo-pilgrimage to participate in this festival. Subsequently, their uniques will reference City Connections and will also have the fantastic ability to have Faith influence their Cultural Border growth (alongside some other really cool benefits to spreading your legs cultural borders wide).

Currently, we have no art completed except our Civilization Icon. We're also in need of lua snippets likewise. If you think you can help with any of these, feel free to let me know!


Leader: Awolowo
Capital: :c5capital: Lagos
Unique Unit: Yan Lifida
Unique Unit: Ugboelu​

Nigeria is one of those civs that have been designed for the longest time. It had little, to no progress until Sasquatch came out of nowhere with a brilliant Unique Unit graphic. As it would be a crime to keep such an amazing icon away from the public, a leaderscreen, unique unit and a map were all made over the course of a few days (with thanks to DJSHenninger of course). JFD majestically swooped in out of nowhere and now the only thing we need now are decisions and relentless playtesters!

They'll be a Civilization that spans the ages, with a unique Knight and unique Fighter. Nigeria is also a civ that benefits from City Growth. One of their more exciting traits is that they gain a boost of Faith and Food equal to the amount of Population in a city whenever a Citizen is born!

Here's the icon for you wiki folks to use.


The Salish
Leader: Seattle
Capital: :c5capital: D'Suq'Wub
Unique Unit: Sto:Mex
Unique Building: Potlach House​

The Salish/Lushootseed have not only been in development for the past year or so... it's been completed for the past year or so! Quite literally we're only in need of a leaderscreen, icons for the leader and unit and a Unit graphic. Kujarim_Wuniver had taken up the task a while ago and made some amazing artwork for the Potlach House UB - unfortunately though he has been missing since Christmas (presumably falling to the same fate as Jan). Zwei is also working on a UU graphic, so we're very hopeful that he'll deliver!

The Salish and their 'Law of Generosity' make them extremely fun to play as. You'll essentially want to be a gold generating machine, since you'll be generating Golden Age points by simply spending money! We'll tease the other uniques if someone rescues us from our lack of generating Great Artist points.


South Africa
Leader: Nelson Mandela
Capital: :c5capital: Cape Town
Unique Unit: Fengu Gunner
Unique Building: Safari Park​

South Africa, like Cuba has been a massive source of contention for CL. There are pages, upon pages of this thread dedicated to the SA discussion - and although the opinion on the design changes when someone even utters the name of the Civ, we've finally settled on a design that features both a nice representation of the Rainbow Nation and also Lions, and Rhinos and Spingbok (oh my). Finally - another Diplomatic civilization that isn't Canada. Because who the hell would want to play as Canada?

We have a new lua coder (bdemz) who has kindly offered to help us code South Africa for us! We still might need some extra help with other lua snippets and decisions - so let us know if you can help in that department. Other than that, all we need in the art department is an icon for the Fengu Gunner!


The Yolgnu
Leader: Wonggu
Capital: :c5capital: Yirrkala
Uniques: ???????​

The Yolngu are in something of development hell at the moment, with seventeen different opinions on the design and constant argument put forth on the fact that there should be a unique Archaeologist. We're working on art in the background at the moment - but what we need are some lua snippets and decision designs.

Pls help us come to a consensus Reedstilt.


Here are the colour schemes for each of the civs that you can use for comparisons:

Spoiler :

Anyway! That's basically all for now, if you need any clarification about anything ask away.
Also, are you sure about the black background on the Salish?

Back to colours immediately, I see? :p

IMO the dark grey that comprises the Salish is different ENOUGH. You can see it on the minimap alongside this funny pre-alpha Wab glitch:
Spoiler :
How's 3D Mandela going, by the way?
Also, are you sure about the black background on the Salish?

3D Mandela is not going at all as far as I'm aware. Bernie14 has gone missing and presumably is running a progressive campaign for the US Presidency.

And yes, we are also sure about the background for the Salish, mainly because it isn't black - nor does it look black in-game. It's pretty aesthetically pleasing in-game :)

It's also been lightened pretty significantly from Senshi's Pre-Wab glitch screenshot.
I should be able to wrap up the Chimu Lua works. Should.

That said, access to the XML/SQL files would be useful, if only to see what exactly is going on and use it as a basis for Dummy Buildings and the like.
Damn, that's a lot of new information to digest - the list of upcoming civilizations is really appealing as well. I'm interested as to whether Nigeria has retained the Oil/Marsh focus that was hinted at a while ago.

Otherwise - fantastic work, looking forward to the upcoming releases!
Damn, that's a lot of new information to digest - the list of upcoming civilizations is really appealing as well. I'm interested as to whether Nigeria has retained the Oil/Marsh focus that was hinted at a while ago.

Otherwise - fantastic work, looking forward to the upcoming releases!

I know you want to work on an Ireland, so feel free to put forward some designs and maybe we can shoot them up the roster too!

In regards to Nigeria, you'll just have to wait and see what their bonuses are ;)

Is that still my icon for Fidel?

I whipped up a new one if you want to use it:
Spoiler :

Yeah, you made that one quite a while ago - and I think I've actually grown rather fond of it! I'll let the others in CL decide which one they like better :)
Yeah, you made that one quite a while ago - and I think I've actually grown rather fond of it! I'll let the others in CL decide which one they like better :)

Personally, I like the new one. Something about those rays awaken something inside of me. That was a really creepy way of phrasing that.
I'm trying to limit myself to working on a maximum of Seven civs at once.
Seven? Oh, is that all? :lol:

Looking forward to all of those civs, though! Cuba, as you say, especially sounds like it will be fun to play as.

FTFY fam

I know you want to work on an Ireland, so feel free to put forward some designs and maybe we can shoot them up the roster too!

Yeah, I don't really have an idea for a design apart from a couple of ideas for leaders and focuses collected below.

Spoiler :
Well it's more the case that the Centennial of the Rising is coming up this Easter and I though it'd be cool to have an Irish civ that wasn't entirely focused on the Medieval era (and to have as a counterpart to U_C's unionist Northern Ireland). I don't really have any ideas as to a design, other than the fact I still think it should have some reference to food, culture and/or great people. There's probably also opportunity for some kind of combat focus given all of the rebellions against the British and the fact that Irish soldiers made up a large percentage of the British Army at various points (Connacht Rangers best Rangers) - I don't think it should be too big a part of the civ though.

In terms of leaders, I maintain that Eamon DeValera, Michael Collins and Daniel O'Connell would probably be the best choices though all have issues. Though the first was the only one of them to have actually headed the Irish State he has become a pretty divisive figure due to a multitude of factors. The second is doubtlessly the most well known, and would probably be the best if you wanted a military aspect - but he also has problems despite how he is lionised. O'Connell is probably a good choice as he's distanced from the period of the Irish Civil War (that the previous two participated in) and could certainly fit as a Rizal-style cultural leader of the civ.

To be honest though, I'm a big fan of the rest of the civs being worked on - especially Cuba and Nigeria (even moreso that these are close to release) - so I've got more than enough to look forward to in the coming months from CL.

Castro actually has a really nice leader screen! IMO It's one of the best.

It helps that I can't help but think of MGS: Peace Walker whenever I see him :p Gotta get that Cold War flavour
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