ColWin Evolution


Mar 26, 2022


If Colonization for Windows would have two things: good looking units and resource icons, AND an easy working stage to get it to run - it would be a great alternative for ColDos, cause it is .MP and .SAV compatible, you just can copy and paste your save games right into it - and play, on WIDE SCREEN, in my case, I can see whole North America on my 55inch4K, upscaled terrain, really lovely, and now, upscaled good looking units and resource icons, and I can play via simple double clic a smooth running, good looking game. An easy working, beautiful game. Reasonable. Makes sense!

The BLOODY BONKERS decision to ruin the resource icons within City Pool and Europe Pool was utter bonkers by these 1995 programmers. They did nice efforts to write a nice Colonize.exe for Win, with nice new pop ups, all stored nicely within newly attached .DLL files to support these gfx - all nice! Yeah, then they did huge ugly resource icons, too huge for the pool, and their decision to make ugly resources fit into this pool was - to program a downsize to 80 or 90 percent! Yeah, this makes ANY ugly gfx better. So, they had ugly resource icons, and pervert ugly units, cause the most important thing is to draw nice backgrounds for the pop ups, AND THEN they let downsize this crap to fit into the pools, cause the pools are irrelevant. Idiots. This was the perfect pervert blue print on "how to ruin a beloved ColDos game for Win in two seconds". Idiots. I can rescue the gfx, but NOT find the downsize pool icons line within the .EXE. *sobbidi sobsob*.

Main Article:
Hello. This were two lovely weeks now. 30Sep I started to play ColDos again, after probably a decade, DosBox, 55inch4K, two metres distance, really enjoyable and fun. I played four games "small landmass/archipelago" til 5Oct, while I watched a little @Blake00 video about ColWin, and downloaded, and, didnt run. 6-8Oct I modded ColDos to fit my needs, 8Oct @pavelbel told me in PM that VM Wine would be a solution to run ColWin, WITHOUT an installed whole XP Emulator.

You know, ColWin didnt fail caused by the lack of Emulator or WinXP. ColWin was released, it seems, 1995, and I personally think, some boss said: "Make ColDos for Win, you have five minutes, and then FK IT." and this is what they did. They shovelled ColDos into Win, and then, FK IT. Once you extract the 201.tga from the COLDATA1.DLL, you SEE, that they tried to upscale all of it, once you play ColWin via VM Wine, you SEE, that the terrain was upscaled to better look and resolution. ColWin had PLENTY OF YEARS with XP machines, and, it had PLENTY OF YEARS with these ugly, unbearable fishhead faces they call "units". Once you see the 201.tga right in front of you, you see, that they tried to upscale all of it, the terrain was a very nice job indeed, then some ships they managed to upscale and smoothen - the units were a quickie, and not one of the good ones - you CANNOT play ColWin with these fishhead SHT units, imo.

Well, 8Oct @Lord_Hill told me in PM how to crack it, but I said: Unpack the 201.tga for me, and send it, I will re-draw it and send it back, and you implement it back. 9Oct in the morning, I could not wait til Friday, and unpacked it by myself. The whole 9Oct units drawing. The whole 10Oct terrain and tweaks. 11Oct in the morning, I could not wait any longer, and tried to implement it back myself - HexEditor, manually replacing gibberish within a .DLL, never done this before.

BUT. You NEED to SEE it in-game, to re-draw, re-implement, re-draw, re-implement, and so on, 11Oct til 12Oct, today, I hopefully kicked out all pixel errors, smoothened all I could, to finalize a 201.tga and my COLDATA1.DLL with FAR BETTER units, with FAR BETTER everything, so that it would fit my personal taste and needs.

To see how ColDos units could look like, upscaled to 32x32 and well-drawn, ColDos itself is not fit, cause first, I found software to unpack, but no software to pack - and these units could never be better within these 16 pixel heights anyway! But ColWin gave me the opportunity. After final tweaks for my ColWinMod I will upload the whole pack in here. This is how ColWin should have looked like, right from the start, and it cost me FOUR DAYS, from absolute ZERO, to getting ColWin to run via VM Wine, to unpacking, to re-drawing, to implementing. A fifth day to finalize the COLTEXT0.DLL. Oh, and a sixth day to hopefully have finalized the COLDATA1.DLL as good as possible, so, 9-14Oct COLWIN MOD.

ColWin IS PLAYABLE. You download

> ColWin (I downloaded the small pack)

> VM Wine (I downloaded the stable version)

> whpxvm.dll
Wine uses vm86.dll to run most stable, and most CPU and power hungry with for me 25 % of my CPU with high power usage and I want to use another dll for a better performance cause that old small games use up 25 % and make noises is super annoying, unnatural, and inacceptable, old games no eat my CPU. But the haxmvm.dll seems to be not continued and would need further stuff to download, fishy, no. The whpxvm.dll, what @pavelbel said, lets run VM Wine FAR SMOOTHER, I want. Once I know how to use it, I write in here. EDIT: I failed. I tried to implement other .dlls into the .ini, but I just got the same error message like many other guys I read in forums.

pavelbel told, you need to download THIS (what I already did, but with an error message, game didnt open):

to place it into the Wine dll subfolder, to change the otvdm.ini vm=xxx.dll entry to THIS:

Possible, that many guys out there will be lucky and it will run, and more smoothly, I wasnt. pavelbel told THIS:

and this worked for me the way, that just with vm86.dll, my system runs CONSTANTLY on 25 %, this is a big NO NO. With this PeekMessageSleep=5 otvdm.ini entry my system runs on these 25 % when actually processing, for example loadings, AI movements, but while pop ups and my own movements, while nothing happens, it can go down to near zero, CPU calms down finally, and this is far better for CPU and power usage!

> @pavelbel
Had a problem with 27inch high res, his solution was a 200 % resolution Windows

> BatchFile
I LOOOVE BatchFiles! To use VM Wine I had to open both folders and to take the Colonize.exe to the Wine.exe, drag and drop, to run it. This annoys MUCH. After some testing - to put a Colonize.exe shortcut into the Wine folder, to drag and drop, but Wine didnt get shortcuts - to put a Wine.exe shortcut into the ColWin folder, to drag and drop actually worked, but the save game folder was WINE then, annoying.

So, I wrote a BatchFile to run Colonize.exe with Wine.exe, done. The BatchFile itself should be in the ColWin folder to get instant access to the save games, I called it 1PLAY.bat to stand in front - but you can put the shortcut of the BatchFile to wherever you like. :) The inside of my 1PLAY.bat looks like this:

@Echo off
"D:\Ascend\Colonize\Wine\otvdmw.exe" D:\Ascend\Colonize\ColWin\Colonize.exe

I use BatchFiles to execute simple redundant commands via double clics - I use a simple DOUBLE CLIC and can play a far better resolution ColWin VM Wine easy and smooth! Cause ColWin could be a great alternative - it is MP and SAV compatible with ColDos, so, you can paste your old savegames right into the ColWin folder and load and play, with a WideScreen resolution I can see all of America on ONE screen, and ColWin VM Wine executes easy via double clic, terrain looks good, WideScreen looks good, and if the units would look good - GREAT!

As I said. The downfall of ColWin WAS NOT the complicated Emulator XP stuff. This game had TWO DECADES with plenty of XP machines, but it just SUCKED - cause if the units look like dead fish, nobody likes it, nobody would do efforts for it, and yes, nobody wants to install Emulator XP stuff for a mediocre fishy weird game.

Well, these two things are done. @pavelbel told good infos and feedback. @Lord_Hill told how to unpack and implement. VM Wine CAN RUN ColWin easily. And my new COLDATA1.DLL should be awesome. REALLY AWESOME. Now the ColDos units look like a person invested LOVE and CARE and FOCUS and PASSION to upscale and smoothen the old beloved units into bigger and better. And yes. This is what I did.

Teaser. But I dont want to spoil the full experience. Caravel. Ore Miner. Common Soldier. Prices in Europe.






  • COLDOS MOD.rar
    236 KB · Views: 1
  • COLWIN MOD.rar
    1.6 MB · Views: 1
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The procedure to crack ColWin open, @Lord_Hill told me:

You put the ColoWin Unpacker by m4D right into your ColWin folder, it will auto unpack .DLLs into folders.

The two required unpack and pack tools by Honza Havlicek

I put his Gif_Convertor.exe and TGA2GIF.exe both into my ColoWin generated COLDATA1/CVPC folder and wrote two Batches to execute it without having to write the same commands ever and ever again:


The inside of both Batches:


@Echo off
"D:\Ascend\Colonize\ColWin\ColData1\CVPC\GIF_Convertor.exe" 201 201.TGA


@Echo off
"D:\Ascend\Colonize\ColWin\ColData1\CVPC\TGA2GIF.exe" 201.tga 201

This way I can unpack the 201 to 201.tga and back, with simple clics. BatchFiles are my good friends.

Once I had my 201.tga, I first used Photo Filtre and a 201.bmp to re-draw all, cause I am familiar with Photo Filtre, and hate Gimp - a slight stupid failure, cause you could possibly cranc up any palette into madness. To copy these gfx back into the Vanilla 201.tga via Gimp > .tga not recognized by TGA2GIF anymore. To save it back to .tga, Photo Filtre, Gimp, Paint Shop Pro 7 > .tga not recognized by TGA2GIF anymore. To copy these gfx back into the Vanilla 201.tga via Paint Shop Pro 7 > rescued! Just some pixel swaps caused by my failure, sheer luck.

So, Paint Shop Pro 7 to finalize the 201.tga and NEVER touch another program or file type again! Paint Shop Pro 7 seems to be the predecessor of Photo Filtre and after some minutes of learning it runs really great.

To implement this 201.tga back into the COLDATA1.DLL was a thing I never did before and was a thing I did not think would actually work, cause this is a brute forcer trolls own best madness. I put the new 201.tga into the folder, and double clic TGA BATCH to execute and get my new 201 file. I open 201 file with my Hex Editor, in my case, HexEditMX, and I open the COLDATA1.DLL in main folder and search for its line 06A00, from where I have to insert the complete 201 file hexcode. I grew good enough to do all of it in five minutes: tweaking my 201.tga, back to folder, double clic to 201 file, 201 file open via HexEditMX, open the COLDATA1.DLL in main folder, DELETE ALL from 06A00 via strg X until the nil nils begin which are the gap in between the .DLL packed stuff, insert ALL 201 hexcode, and fill the gap up with more nils or delete some nils until the next code begins at 1CA00 - these points are starting to read points and HAVE TO MATCH the required to read files, 06A00 the 201.tga starts, and 1CA00 some other crap. Then I save it as my new COLDATA1.DLL within this subfolder - et voila! I have my 201.tga, and, my new .DLL.

I could not wait for @Lord_Hill! I am lucky to have learned that by myself, cause this was/is super necessary - cause to re-implement the new gfx into the game, to draw the 201.tga via PSP7, to implement it into .DLL and game, to see it, to re-draw, to re-implement, is a constant process of work and re-work.

The stupid tga>bmp and bmp>tga swap could have ruined ALL OF IT, but I thought PSP7 is the same crap like Gimp is, a totally unusable SHT hole, Gimp for example, I cannot even SAVE properly - so I thought I should use beloved Photo Filtre and 256 colors .bmp, and short before finish, swap back to PSP7 .tga - this could have been a super stupid work ending massacre! But just some pixel colors were slightly altered via swap, the PSP7 .tga palette showed up nice and correct > but the GAME ITSELF mis interprets some colors, and I think, the PSP7 .tga palette differs slighty from the in-game palette > I had some issues to fix incorrect shown colors, and this, you have to do by draw, implement, re-draw, re-implement, a constant roll and roll. To wait for another guys expertise in this process is not recommended at all - you NEED to roll and roll and do it NOW, so, you NEED to implement by yourself!

The 132 132 132 grey is the transparency color in the 201.tga - dont draw with it, it wont appear in-game.
The 206grey worked, the 207grey turned black in-game. The 0black and the 8black worked, the 15black turned white in-game. Some other colors turned to evil in-game too, I had to tweak and re-draw, color swap sometimes, re-implement, and the Colonipedia helped to watch all units, to tweak and re-draw etcetera, this cost 2 days. You always need to implement it into the game to see the results, and then re-draw, re-implement, etcetera.

And, I used my most beloved Photo Filtre, cause it can handle .tga files (I found out later), to open my 201.tga, without saving!, and made "change color", one specific color, to check transparency, to check same colors, color palette flaws, until I exorcised all these flaws, and had a smooth result, as I said, day1 units, day2 all other stuff, day3 and day4 units, all other stuff, many tweaks, re-draws, re-implements, color palette flaws, done.

Okay, all is said. I want to see if I could alter this COLTEXT0.DLL, cause the colors of the Indians in ColWin are weird, I want the typical Sioux RED, and Apache BEIGE, and Iroquois BROWN, and a better color than this ugly dark green for the Tupi (ColDos) or bright blue (ColWin), and want to implement some stuff, then a final upload of ColDosMod and ColWinMod. But to implement into COLTEXT0.DLL I am not allowed to PASTE, I have to write manually, or I cranc up the .DLL it seems........ after that, both Mods are done! :)

Oh, yes. I changed the 201.tga, AND five others, the 206- 207- 208- 209- 250.tga, these are the Minus button for exit is now an X button for exit, and the three City screen buttons house, artillery, tools, to look similar and not alien anymore, and the City screen pool - I kicked the tree and some birds and some bad pixels. The HexEdit lines are:

06A00 -201.tga starts, after it, some 00
1CA00 -next file starts

37800 -206 starts
37C00 -207 starts
38000 -208 starts
38400 -209 starts
38800 -250 starts

3BE00 -next file starts

Side information: My problem was 14Oct, that I used ALL the 32x32 space to make the ships broad and high as possible, BUT, the game adds some unit shadows, either left, or right, so, while a unit blinks, this shadow could be OUTSIDE of the box, and appear as a leftover on square NOT blinking, so, take care. Privateer and Frigate had the shadow right, two pixels, and I had to reduce them on the right, for two pixels, so that there is no leftover shadow. Same with the cannon, for today, 15Oct, grrrrr. I did not want to reduce this beautiful cannon, but I HATE leftover shadows, in this case, on the left, two pixels. All units get a slight black shadow, and this shadow should STAY IN THE BOX, if the game ADDS shadows OUTSIDE of the box, they just dont blink, but stay as dirt on the square. So, today, cannon, and.... cannon icon again.

I HATE pixel dirt.

Have fun! :)
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Hello! I think the 201.tga and the COLDATA1.DLL are done, and I could upload now.


But I wanted to alter the COLTEXT0.DLL too, plus, to find the cost for Privateer and Galleon in Europe Pool - these two I want to try to finish, then complete upload of "ColWinMod". :)


I searched for 2000 and 3000 little endian in HexEditor ColWin Colonize.exe, many results. 1000 had even more results. Searching for 5000, resulted in an instant find, cause right before this entry I found a 2000 and a 3000 - and changed these two into 4000, instant success. I never liked the Privateer, to cost just 2000, being this valuable, same with Galleon, and now, this is my prefered costs! You might think: Why make it more expensive, doesnt CHEAPER do a better trick? Well, I dont CHEAT in ColDos or ColWin, this ruins the game, I want a crisp looking, crisp gaming experience, and crisp prices are part of it - it makes more fun, that Privateer/Galleon have a higher prize, according to their true value in game!

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Bravo! I did how you suggested and was able to get ColWin to run just fine using this WINE build. Then I used your batch file idea, great. No idea what you mean by "using" HaxmVM.DLL; I found this in the otdvm DLL folder, but my CPU usage is very high, and 35% for this service at least, often jumping to nearly 50%. Anyway, I am working now on getting the sound files to run.

Was hoping to download and try your spiffy new DLLs, but no luck, darn. I should have read ahead.
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