Combat Calculator

hmm. I have done the code, but have forgotten the password for my hosting ISP :rolleyes:

Here is the html if anyone else wants to use it...

Once I find the password I will get it hosted. Big thanks to TF, who of course wrote all the code. I just learned enough to modify some tiny cosmetic bits.

Edit: forgot to upload code
Now I have manged to find a new free host here it is:

TF, I hope you don't mind me using your code. If you do object I will take it down straight away. If you like it maybe you could host it as well as the original version.
I think CombatCalc do not go right way to calculate the odds.
I mean when swordsman attacking spearman on hills CombatCalc shows 50/50 chances (3 attack vs 3 defence). I think it is not completely correct. the way calculations made is "then unit make a blow dices roll and, if it wins, opponent lose hitpoint, else it loses hitpoint". Does not anyone see a miss (then noone loses hitpoint)? The fight in game looks like defender make the first strike and if it wins a dice roll, attacker loses hitpoint, else it just misses, then attacker take a shot the same way. then calculating this way attacker will have less chances to win!

!Someone tell me if i wrong!
I was completely wrong!:blush:
Using scenario editor i placed 500 unit for each side (attackers and defenders) 100 per each pair : swordsmen vs spearmen on hill, modern armors (on hills too), cavalry vs musketman(again on hills),mech infantry attacking riflemen on mountains, and guerilla vs pikemen on mountains. then i changed all exp levels to one hitpoint. When fight goes on i noticed no misses at all! And outcome was 247 attackers vs 253 defenders left with 49,4% possibility to win!
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