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Community Patch - How To Install

Sorry if this has been answered ( i have tried to find a answer). I might be being stupid but i've downloaded the installer for this and i ran it. Everything seems fine accept on some things i get a tooltip error of nil value (attached). Am i doing something wrong?

I am running windows 10 and have all the DLC installed.

Thanks for any help

Should i have posted this in a thread for that particular mod?

Looks like you didn't load the mods. When you go into the MODS menu, and check all the mods as 'enabled,' click 'Next,' not 'Back.' It'll load the mods, and then you can start a single player game that way.

Hi everyone, :)

I have just installed this mod , but I have a crash when I try to charge a saved game , I google a bit but found nothing... Is this a known issue ?

Thanks for your help.....
I'm so glad that there is now an automatic installer for this great modpack. The CPB made me get back into Civ5 and now it's super easy to install and update it. Keep up the great work!
Looks like you didn't load the mods. When you go into the MODS menu, and check all the mods as 'enabled,' click 'Next,' not 'Back.' It'll load the mods, and then you can start a single player game that way.


Thank you, i'll give it a try
I can't get it to work. At all. I've tried using the automatic installer. With the EUI, I just get this screen on game setup:

Obviously, I can't select any additional options from these. And trying to force the game to start anyway gives me a lot of blank GUI elements and no ability to select units once the game proper starts. It tells me I'm playing as Gandhi, but the units seem to be owned by Washington. So that's obviously a no-go.

I've also tried without the EUI, but that doesn't help either. I can get as far as setting up the game normally, with or without the balance patch, but no further. In fact, any valid combination of mods outside of the above (including just the Community Patch by itself) results in the same thing: I set up the game, get it started, and can't get any further than turn 1 because my city won't let me select any building project.

What gives?
Anything special I have to do to the EUI Support Mod (6a) if the only modules I have enabled for EUI are Notification Panel and BugFixes? Any files I have to delete or something?

Only recently installed EUI on Civ after playing vanilla Civ 5 for a long time so I'm used to all of the original UIs and stuff but I think Notification Panel is pretty darn useful so that's why it's the only one I have enabled.

Thanks in advance.
Can anyone tell me (or point me where I can find out) the exact minimal gameplay changes that CP introduces (not CBP, the core CP).
I can't get it to work. At all. I've tried using the automatic installer. With the EUI, I just get this screen on game setup:

Spoiler :

I've also tried without the EUI, but that doesn't help either. I can get as far as setting up the game normally, with or without the balance patch, but no further. In fact, any valid combination of mods outside of the above (including just the Community Patch by itself) results in the same thing: I set up the game, get it started, and can't get any further than turn 1 because my city won't let me select any building project.

What gives?

Sounds like you have mod conflicts. Remove everything from your MODS folder, delete EUI, clear your cache, and then just use the CPP Auto-Installer.

Anything special I have to do to the EUI Support Mod (6a) if the only modules I have enabled for EUI are Notification Panel and BugFixes? Any files I have to delete or something?

Only recently installed EUI on Civ after playing vanilla Civ 5 for a long time so I'm used to all of the original UIs and stuff but I think Notification Panel is pretty darn useful so that's why it's the only one I have enabled.

Thanks in advance.

Hmm... Your best bet might be to use 6b, actually, and then load EUI behind it. I don't think 6a messes with the notification panel, but I forget sometimes. No guarantees, as the EUI core files may cause problems with the 6a.

Can anyone tell me (or point me where I can find out) the exact minimal gameplay changes that CP introduces (not CBP, the core CP).

Check out the unified changelog, first few pages (it is stickied).

playing as babylon after making maria as vassal civ.

problem is when i declear war on any other civ maria dont declear war on that civ
my version is .279 and i use exe file to install with eui and with event and Decisions mod.

weak english
For those with crashing saves, please indicate mod version. Also, make sure you are loading mods from the MODS scree and then clicking next->LOAD GAME.


Hi , :)

Thanks for your response...

I am using the last version of the MOD (1.1.22), I have installed it with the automatic installer here : "Community Patch Project.exe" 37.2 Mo.
I have CIV 5 complete edition running on Windows 10.

So I have tried to reload a game while playing, when I choose load game I have immediately a crash...
Same thing if I reload CIV 5 , I load the MODS then choose "load game" and then immediate crash .... But overall game seem's to run fine with the mod , obviously I would not play more far if I can reload a saved game :goodjob:
how do i uninstall? i like the mod but i am am trying to test out a different mod that is incompatible so i wanted to know how to uninstall. ive tried deleting it from my mods folder, theres nothing that llets me turn it off.
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