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(CONFIRMED) Does this savegame crash @your pc?


See this thread and the save file contained therein. Experiencing a very similar problem.

I had originally assumed that the game crash had something to do with the fact that we were torching a city, but it also occurs to me that Hatshepsut is in a position where she cannot draft units either (has rocketry and therefore SAM Infantry, but not Assembly Line.)

Note that my game is also on a Big & Small map. If that matters.
Not sure if this is the same crash, but ...

1. Load save game;
2. Hit enter;
3. Shortly after Pericles declares war, while other AIs are still making their moves,game CTD.

Also, don't know if it's related ... leaderhead problem in Foreign Advisor - no LHs in relations screen, try next two (glance & something) & still no LHs & can't move to other screens. Must exit & retry - same thing happens. Haven't had this problem before this session - Foreign Advisor worked flawlessly.



  • James AD-1976.CivBeyondSwordSave
    441 KB · Views: 55
I'm having pretty much the same problem with a game I'm in, roughly around the same point in the game.

Bug Description:
Crash to desktop during inter-turn / AI turns.

Expected Behavior:
Game should process AI turn correctly.

Actual Behavior:
Game crashes to desktop.

Steps to reproduce:
Download the save: (attached to this post)
Load the save and end the turn.
Observe that the game crashes to desktop.
Bury your face in your hands and weep.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: I did NOT have BTS patch 3.02 installed. I thought it downloaded a patch automatically when I installed BTS last week, but evidently it was the Warlords patch. Anyways, this has corrected the crash. Anyone having a similar crash MAKE SURE YOU'RE PATCHED!


  • Sitting Bull AD-2042-October.CivBeyondSwordSave
    742.7 KB · Views: 73
if any modders want to fix the crash, then change this code early in

FAssertMsg(eUnit != NO_UNIT, "Unit is not assigned a valid value");
if(eUnit == NO_UNIT) {
	FAssertMsg(eUnit != NO_UNIT, "Unit is not assigned a valid value");
	return NULL;
What does the code do? Does spain now end up without any defenders? Also I'd say that the bug is in the code that decides which unit is draftable. Warriors are always available as a last option so it is impossible that no unit is draftable.

This is not a bugfix, this is a quick hack.
I'm having pretty much the same problem with a game I'm in, roughly around the same point in the game.

Bug Description ...
Load the save and end the turn.
Observe that the game crashes to desktop.
Bury your face in your hands and weep.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: I did NOT have BTS patch 3.02 installed. I thought it downloaded a patch automatically when I installed BTS last week, but evidently it was the Warlords patch. Anyways, this has corrected the crash. Anyone having a similar crash MAKE SURE YOU'RE PATCHED!

Thanx for the prompt post & effort ... have just installed 3.02 - alas, game still crashes when first meeting next Civ. (sigh!)
What does the code do? Does spain now end up without any defenders? Also I'd say that the bug is in the code that decides which unit is draftable. Warriors are always available as a last option so it is impossible that no unit is draftable.

This is not a bugfix, this is a quick hack.
It cause the split off colony to not get any free defenders yes..

Warriors are not always available.. you can no longer construct warriors once you have units they upgrade to (and you have all the required resources, or the units they upgrade to dont require resources)

In BtS, there seems to be certain combinations of techs, where none of the units you can currently construct are draftable....

There are 3 ways to make a real fix for this..
- rearrange the tech requirements or unit upgrade paths so this situation cant happen
- give one of the units that is missing conscription flag the ability to be drafted
- change the code so you draft obsolete units instead

I dont know which solution Firaxis plan to take for this.. so I dont feel like implementing one them :)

The code I added is a hack.. but it also prevents possible crashes in mods... like drafting obsolete units solution would do no good if no units has the conscription flag.
Note that the problem I mentioned above did NOT appear to involve colony creation, but (possibly) AI attempting to draft when it was locked out of any draftable units (researched rocketry before Assembly Line). I installed Solver's unofficial patch. It appeared to have worked for the save file I uploaded, but not for a second file from several turns down the line.

Does the fix also prevent drafting, generally, by a civ when it's been technologically pigeon-holed out of conscription?

IMHO, simplest solution might be just to make sure that Assembly Line -- and only Assembly Line -- obsoletes Riflemen. That way drafting of riflemen can take place even after SAM Infantry are available, and there isn't any confusion on the backend as to which unit gets drafted when both SAM Inf and regular INF are available.
Not sure if this is suppossed to go in this thread, or a new thread :confused:

This is my second game where I have had a CTD :mad:

If someone could try loading and confirm, that way I know its not me but the game (?)

Steps to reproduce:

1) Load game
2) Hit End Turn

Expected Result
AI turns process and player can play next turn

Actual Result
CTD once end turn is hit (after about 30 seconds)

This is a "Big and Small" map type, the other game that crashed was a "Big and Small" as well .....

any feedback would be much appreciated.

Your crash is also due to a colony problem (Catherine tries to split off a colony and it crashes). The fix will work.
I've got a similar problem in this save. Game crashes to desktop once you end the current turn.

EDIT: After a bit of testing, the crash can be prevented by gifting Military Tradition to Tokugawa.

Thanks, I've created a workaround for the problem. It will be in the next update of my unofficial patch.
Your crash is also due to a colony problem (Catherine tries to split off a colony and it crashes). The fix will work.

Hi Solver .... thanks very much for confirmation and the unoffical fix you've put out . I gave up on BTS until a patch came out, but I'll give it a try with you unoffical fix

really appreciate your supporting us Civ users

I'm going to check it out tonight after work to see if my problem is related to a colony being created. Last night while playing I had my laptop shut off on me. Not a crash to desktop... it actually powered down. I'm running Vista Home Premium so possibly it's related to a bug in Windows. ;)
I'm having the same problem. I'm Playing on a Big and Small map, and Hannibal comes asking for Medicine at the beginning of the turn, and at the end of the turn the game crashes no matter what. I'll try gifting Hannibal Assembly Line and see what that does (even though he's my enemy in this game :( ).
Many people have had this problem, as have I on several occaisions. Maybe this bug should be called the "Crash To Desktop Between Turns, Especially When at War" bug. I think this bug has been confirmed in the "Consolidated Bug Reports" thread and has been called "Crash to Desktop at End of Turn" under "Game Performance Bugs."
I've got a similar problem in this save. Game crashes to desktop once you end the current turn.

EDIT: After a bit of testing, the crash can be prevented by gifting Military Tradition to Tokugawa.

Seems to be the same bug as in this thread. I just ended the turn successfully with the fix described there.
I have the same problem

1. Load save game
2. Hit ENTER to proceed to next turn.
3. Game crashes to desktop.

I am not at war am not trying to make a colony and have the latest patches as well as Solver's patch. Oh also I am using the Ethnically Diverse units mod. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • Nikhil AD-1660.CivBeyondSwordSave
    443.1 KB · Views: 51
Can you try using this file instead of Solver's patch? Might be the same bug I talked about in the last post.
I've solved the crash - it was actually related to the Ethnically Diverse Units Mod! (Thanks Alexman!)

The "mid" African style pikeman should refer to the Middle-Eastern pikeman like the early and late one do, because there is no African pikeman definition. One simple edit of the XML solved the crash.

I have a crash after pressing end turn bug:
Its AD 1365.
I'm playing as the Byzantines.

Game crashes just after user clicks end turn
Steps to reproduce: load game, click end turn
Game crashes - black screen and then the option to send info to Microsoft.
(note - I do not get the "waiting for other players (ai)" message.
Expected to proceed to next turn.

Here's the save:http://forums.civfanatics.com/uploads/6643/Joannes_II_Komnenos_AD-1365.zip
This is the 2nd game in a row that has CTD for me in latish game, just producing the "windows has experiencd a problme with Civ Iv etc.etc message"......save game attd., pls. can someone check this? The game immediately crashes on pressing end turn.

The only change from standard is my own marathon fix for espionage ( but as Ive played dozens of games with this change (without errors), it shouldn't be related).


View attachment Dutch.CivBeyondSwordSave

EDIT: I went back and reloaded an autosave from a few turns before...the bug is seemingly caused by me razing Madrid, if I capture it and keep it, no ctd, continues fine. BUT if I raze it, CTD every time...here is another save with one almost dead troop left in Madrid. Thing is I don't want the city............

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