Conquests 01: Final Spoiler

SniperDevil said:
Nice job dojoboy. Most people didnt go for spacerace because of the tech bug. So good job

Thanks. That starting position coupled w/ Sumeria's agricultural trait really threw me early on. I momentarily forgot that if you just trust in the AI, all will be well in the end. I didn't think about the tech rate too much in regards to the space race.

I secretly, no longer secretly now, hope for one of the medals for lowest victory score. Its unlikely this time since I expanded. I should've just left Sumeria alone. I could've kept my score under 2000.
dojoboy said:
I secretly, no longer secretly now, hope for one of the medals for lowest victory score. Its unlikely this time since I expanded. I should've just left Sumeria alone. I could've kept my score under 2000.

There's a medal for lowest victory score!?! Woo hoo! I mean ... uh ... I purposely got a low score so I could grab that medal. Yeah, that's it.
Jason Fliegel said:
There's a medal for lowest victory score!?! Woo hoo! I mean ... uh ... I purposely got a low score so I could grab that medal. Yeah, that's it.

For all victory conditions, except histograph. At least I've never noticed one for the lowest histograph victory.
SniperDevil said:
Nice job dojoboy. Most people didnt go for spacerace because of the tech bug. So good job

Is there anyone else out there besides me who doesn't really know about the Tech Bug? (I'm guessing it's the fact that there's a 50-turn learning curve on techs rather than the 40-turn limit pre-C3C - so correct me if I'm wrong because it's the only thing I've noticed.)

Neil. :cool:

I tried to milk for my first time ever this COTM. After taking over my continent in the middle ages. I went and took over the other continent and sent the Koreans to Jail. Jail was a city in the desert with no terrain improvements so I will never get above size 1 and produce more than 2 spt. I milked and when I was finished I had a Firxas score of 6252, and a Jason score of 6944. I don't know if that is good for milking but I tried my best. Thanks for the great map. Now onto the CGOTM 32.
Open class

1635 AD - First Sumerian War began with their invasion of the former Babylon area. They capture a couple cities which I quickly took back. I was planning to attack the Arabs but…

1705 AD - End of 1st Sumerian war. I picked up 4 Leaders and made armies. Filled one with Cavalry . Saving the rest for Tanks.

1824 AD - End 2nd Sumerian War. End of Sumerians. Begin of Modern Era. 6 Armies. 5 Empty, still waiting for tanks. Building the armies now.

1852 AD - Got rid of the Arabs. 8 armies. 1 Cavalry, 5 Tank and 2 empty (waiting for Armor) Fission 1 turn. I built the UN in 1866. (I think I could have won the vote but I stick with the Spaceship goal.) I begin to insert colonies on the other continent to grab luxuries as the Koreans destroy their neighbors.

1932 AD - My grabbing luxuries finally pissed of the Koreans. Just me and a couple Chinese islands left anyway. 12 Armies. 1 Cavalry, 4 Tank, 7 Modern Armor. 9 of them are on the other continent. I had all 8 Lux for a couple turns but I lost the furs. I established airheads using worker airports. Great for airlifting re-enforcements. I just use the ships for armies, artillery and settlers.

1953 AD - Not much changed. Things got fierce there for awhile. I lost a tank army along the way. Eventually made peace and finished building spaceship.

Firaxis Score 2600
In my game the other continent was generally peaceful. The koreans didnt dominate like in yours dvandburg. IT mainly was a huge battle between the Portuguese and Koreans with China stuck in the crossfire.
It is odd how the AI is different in so many games. I've seen some with Korea in the north and China in the middle (like mine), and vice versa. And in my game, like yours Sniper, the other continent was pretty peaceful. At least untill I came over and DoW by Korea, MA, MPP etc. It is really neat to see the same game unfold in so many different ways.

BTW, my game ended in 1822AD with a domination win. There were still a few Zulu and Port cities left. I actually didn't have any kind of victory condition predetermined, so it was almost a surprise win I reached Dom limit. I imagine paying closer attention, and planning would extremely help my game play. :shakehead
I had Korea in the middle and China in the north, and also a relatively quite other continent. I wonder if this had something to do with my constant gifting of techs to all the other civs?

1495AD End Game Minimap:


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I was way ahead in tech. Korea never got to Tanks. Maybe since I was so far ahead they had to go after each other. I had polite relations with everyone for most of the game.

BTW, I am glad they didn't have tanks. They had so many cavalry that was cling on to my cities for dear life when the counter-attack hit. As it was, I lost a couple along with an army, even with 9 armies split between Tank (4)and Armor (5).
Xevious said:
I had Korea in the middle and China in the north, and also a relatively quite other continent. I wonder if this had something to do with my constant gifting of techs to all the other civs?

1495AD End Game Minimap:
Wow. That is really wierd. In mine Korea was to the north and china was between Portugal and Korea. Zululand was really small though cause it was beaten up from earlier wars that i didnt know about.
One City Challenge Part 1: 4000BC - 420AD

The middle ages dragged by very slowly. The AIs were taking 20 turns to discover each tech, and I didn't help them until the Great Library expired.

I was a bit too greedy and tried to build Leonardo's Workshop before starting the Sistine Chapel or Knights Templar. I got Leo's but lost the other two.

After getting Education in 1190AD I finally started my own research. My tourist attractions were making lots of trade and getting more all the time, so my tech rate was relatively steady at 13 turns each - faster than any AI. I soon began selling techs for gpt, crippling their research further and securing my position as tech leader.

I got Shakespeare's Theater but lost Newton's University by 4 turns and got Magellan's Voyage instead. If I had to do it again I would have taken Newton's and waited for Sanitation to build my hospital.

In 1550AD I was the first civ into the industrial age. I had 6200 gold in the bank with 250gpt from other civs.

The industrial age dragged by even slower. I got all three industrial wonders and tons of gold while researching two-thirds of the required techs.

I entered the modern age in 1920AD, and Hattusas hit 20k culture one turn later. Final playing time was 9 hours, all in one session. (Just one more turn!)

I was very happy with the results of my tourist attraction test. If I had Newton's, SETI, and a research lab, the science output would be 633!


I entered the IA in 770 AD preparing to take the rest of my continent.


I ended up doing a lot of warring in this part of my game. Between clearing the starting continent to securing luxuries on the other continent, I was at war a good deal of the time.

I went to war with Sumeria as soon as I got Military Tradition. My force of 20-30 knights was strong compared to them, so the effects of cavalry were quite predictable. They feel quickly, and as a nice suprise Bach's was built in Sumer right as my cavalry arrived on the doorstep. It wasn't much longer until the Sumerians were bansihed to a far off island.

I next set my sights on even weaker Babylon. They also fell quite quickly, and I left them with one city on my continent.

Now that my continent was secure, I loaded my galleons and headed to the other continent. I landed a fairly large force of cavalry and declared war on the Koreans next turn in 1370. I got a leader that turn, and three more over the course of my warfare on that continent. They all became cav armies, except for one that was saved up for later use in rushing the Apollo Program.

The Koreans fell fairly quickly, although the conquest of their lands was slowed by the audicity of the Chinese to declare war on me. They proved to be no challenge either, and they were destroyed in the late 1400s. BTW, my war with the Koreans ended in 1430 with them being left with cities off of the continent, although Seoul flipped back to them. Also, I ended the Arabain presence in the world in the late 1400s as well.

At this point I though I was done with warfare, as I was satisfied with the territory I had gained, but the Portuguese had other ideas. They attacked me with a SOOD (Stack Of Obsolete Doom) consisting of Ancient Cav and Longbows and took a few undefended cities down south. Since by this point I had Synthetic Fibers, I simply rushed 3 Modern Armors and wiped them out :lol: . It was quite a fun distraction.

At that point, my warfare finally was done, as I was close to the domination limit.

Research and the Road to Space

I got bogged down a bit in the IA, but not too much. I gifted all the scientific civs in, and they got Medicine and Steam. I managed to get Meicine from Bablyon, and then traded Sumeria for Steam. I did my best to maintain 4 turn research, and I entered the MA in 1450.

At this point I gifted the Scientific civs again and Babylon and Sumeria got Rocketry while Korea got Computers. I research Fission myself and traded it around for the other two techs.

I was able to research all of the techs in either 4 or 5 turns, and I got two big boosts from wonders. First, I used Hoovers as a prebuild for the Internet, and I built that in 1540. Secondly, I finally built the ToE in 1515, bringing in Spaceflight and Superconductor.

Following that I just research and built like mad, and finally launched in 1665.

Other Notes

I had terrible luck with Sumerian culture flips. Their entire core flipped back several times. It was quite annoying. Although, in 1650 I got one bit of revenge, as a city that had flipped to them just turns earlier flipped back to me.

In 1595, I witnessed a Volcano destroy a Zulu city.

Also, and odd thing occured when I was in the Modern Age- some of the music from the Middle Ages conquest kicked in :lol:

In the end, great game :goodjob: Looking forward to yet another great one on July 1st.

Just finished - domination in 1440AD or thereabouts. Just sneaked into the industrial age, although didn't need much beyond military tradition and Astronomy. One thing I realised was how powerful flood plain cities are in C3C with scientists giving 3 beakers, they can be quite the little think tanks!
After I entered the Industrial age in 950 AD, I continued my war against China and Korea. Korea had settled on the one tile island, so I decided this will be the remaining city of my opponents.
My cavalry armies conquered one city after the other without any problems. After China was gone and Korea reduced to one city, Portugal was my next target. Same story: The cavalry armies are invincible.
Zulu was the last opponent and again, my armies destroyed city after city without loosing too many hitpoints.

After the wars were over, I concentrated on building infrastructure for my spaceship. Outside of the productive area I spaced cities very close together to benefit from the commercial treat. I was able to keep 4 turn research for the entire Industrial age and most of the modern age. Despite building the Internet and SETI, it took 5 turns to research the last required tech.

Finally I launched my spaceship in 1695 AD with 5491 Firaxis points:

Some stupid mistakes: I forgot to gift the remaining scientific civs into the industrial age and to get Korea into the modern age. I also researched economics to build Smith's because I thought I would run out of cash, but this was not necessary, so I missed my best launch by about 20 turns (1595 AD). Nevertheless I learned something about fast tech development and I am sure my next games will benefit from the experience.
This is my first cultural victory on another difficulcy level than chieftain ever! I never really aim for one, but this time I built the UN, only got a tie vote and the spaceship was not finished prior the cultural victory. I could have easily achieved a domination or conquest victory but I just didn't feel like it, so I changed to democracy and improved my empire.

Nice map and setup, thank you.

Cut to the chase : 100 K Victory in 2006

Ancient Age highlights :

After stumbling around like the proverbial Mad Hatter (go ask ainwood), we finally settled (4 turns) not too far from the start position.

Early on, it was clear that the Arabs had the horses. They and Sumerians were expanding like crazy, with Hummirabi filling in space as well.

Decided to attack the Arabs with Archers and Swords, getting Gil and the Hummer to sign on. Rationale: A. Bakr was a long ways off from building his UU and I wanted to get Gil and H-man to "waste" their Golden Ages attacking someone besides yours truly.

Since Bakr was building nice Wonders in Mecca (Temple of Artimis) and Damascus (Great Lighthouse), I decided to call for peace when he was down to just those two cities. A near-fatal miscalculation because horses were in Damascus's radius.

What saved me that 1) Sumera razed Damascus and 2) Babylon was reluctant to settle the site because I had a few units near by--i.e., I bluffed the bow-legged Bowmen and settled the area.

A bit later, Mecca signed its death warrent by finishing the Temple of A. When our peace treaty expired, so did the Arabic empire.

Middle Ages : I built both Leo's and the Knights Templar [If you haven't read the da Vinci Code, ignore the parenthetical remark](no, I didn't get a chnace to dig in the Temple's ruins, but I can tell you that the Temple's ruins are the most unlikely place to find a you-know-what].

Industrial Ages : Here is where I learned how awful Mobilization is in C3C. There I am, hacking it out with the Sumerians. I've building ToE and Universal Warmongering, and I decide to mobilize--remember in Vanilla/PTW how that works: you get extra production for war-related units and improvements, including IIRC USufferage and you can keep building other improvements without benefit or penalty, but you can't start non-martial improvemnts. Guess what feature had an undocumented major change?!?

Next turn, boom, no ToE build and no USufferage build. Gone! :cry: :cry:
Can't even build a factory :eek: You can only build units and any builds of improvements that you started before mobilizing are immediately switched to builds of units. :mad:

A bit of corespondence with the staff ensued and accepting their judgment (i.e., ignorance is no excuse for a reload)--and I really do accept this--the Hittites unleased a few Armies and ironclads on the world.

Modern Era : I'm up on techs, got 55+ % of the world's land and over 70% of its population, and a lot of ex-Chinese and Zulu space to fill (plus a dead zone where some of the cities of the still-breathing Koreans and Portuguese used to be) but I decide to go for 100K with Space as a backup (only I have Uranium). There were too many wonders split between my 3 largest cities to think of 20K.

Finally in 2006, victory was achieved.

One final note: at the end, the Koreans and Portuguese were both Fascists. I was surprised how slowly their culture increased--i.e., 150ish points a turn in the year 2000 in cities that were clearly made up of their own native born (The culture penalty Fascism suffers is docuemented, and I certainly agree with it, but I must admit to being surprised. I assume both civs were modded to not persue culture from the start--does the staff care to confirm or deny?).
I have been waiting patiently for GOTM to include Conquests. This was my first submission and I tried to make notes but I got caught up in the game.

I got my first Army early and filled it with chariots. The Army was very useful in the elimination of the Rabs. However the natural barriers along the Sumerian borders hindered the use of the Army. It wasn't until I started building my own armies did a second MGL showup. The elimination of Sumeria was long, boody and peppered with flips.

After the Pentagon was built I decided to fill the fourth slot of the chariot Army with cavalry. I discovered an interesting fact. The cavalry changed the characteristics of the Army. It was no longer flagged as wheeled. It was too late to be useful as I was already past the natural barriers.

Once the home continent was conquered I decided on a space victory and settled in for the long haul. I resisted the temptation of overseas wars until early in the modern age when China declared war. By the time I built up an invasion force (I did not build any navy after discovering the second continent) and began taking China's land, the space ship was ready to launch in 1965.

I don't have the patience to milk a game. I generaly refrain from MM a game. Aside for the necessary starvation of Sumerian cities I played the entire game with governors managing happiness in all my cities. I know I will never get a high score this way but the MM is too tedious for me. Too much like work.

I am patiently waiting for COTM2 and the posting of the scores for COTM1.
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