Constitution/Government Structure


May 7, 2003
Washington State
How do we want to organize our team? Do we want a lot of elected positions where each official specializes in their own area or do we want a small group to keep things moving?

I was thinking of a three-position government:

*Plays the save.
*In charge of all units who have no :strength: value (workers, missionaries, etc.).

*In charge of all units who have a :strength: value.
*In charge of exploration.

Foreign Minister
*In charge of foreign affairs (trade, diplomacy, etc.).
*May appoint ambassadors to foreign civilizations.

Then our constitution would define these positions (along with UN Rep). Polling standards, elections, anti-espionage, and other items.

Your thoughts?
I would like to add a position that would Poll/decide what buildings to construct and what to research, and a position that is incharge of keeping an up to date thread with current information on our rivals and oursleves.

Maybe called the

The Construction and Knowledge Secretary
and the
Director of the DDFI(Department of Domestic and Foreign Intelligence)
I might want to see a domestic minister in charge of civics, religon, and technology
We could have the Domestic Director, who would be in charge of civics, religion, buildings, research and other Domestic Stuff
We could have a domestic minister. My fear is creating too many positions and not having them filled.

If we do have a president, then I could see him fulfilling that role. Since he'll be playing the save, he'll have the most time in the books looking at the save, thinking of ideas.
I think you can fill 5 or 6 positions, RM.

As per your breakdown in post one I would only add a domestic minister to match the foriegn minister and that would bring us to 5 positiond total. (including UN rep)
*Plays the save.

Domestic Minister
*In charge of workers and missionaries.
*In charge of civics and religion.
*In charge of the :science: and :culture: rates.

*In charge of all units who have a :strength: value.
*In charge of exploration.

Foreign Minister
*In charge of foreign affairs (trade, diplomacy, etc.).
*May appoint ambassadors to foreign civilizations.

Our constitution would define these positions (along with UN Rep). Declaration of war requirements, treaty ratification requirements, polling standards, elections, and anti-espionage would also be covered.

Feel free to improve the above, or suggest another system entirely.
COuld we give the president something else to do, just so he's actually got something to do other than what everyone else tells him/her too, also intead of domestic minister would internal affairs minister be maybe a better title?

maybe let the prez be in charge of the sliders.
Will there be governors of cities? Because I'd really like to do something, but nothing too important so I don't screw the game up :)
BCLG100 said:
COuld we give the president something else to do, just so he's actually got something to do other than what everyone else tells him/her too
Combining the two would eliminate that.

cody_the_genius said:
Will there be governors of cities?
If we want them. If they're in charge of the cities, then that might create a conflict of interest between the president/domestic/internal minister and the governor. But our single player demogames seem to resolve this. Any ideas?
Kind of think we should combine the 2 then otherwise there isnt really any point in president, will we have enough participation for governers though???
I dont like governors..too much lets do this my term but then someone else wants to do somethign else. Like the higher governorment decide the cities.

Combine the 2 would seem right since right now the president is not doing anything
I would really like a research specialist of some kind. A person that can make polls regarding which research path we should try to aquire.
RegentMan said:
If we want them. If they're in charge of the cities, then that might create a conflict of interest between the president/domestic/internal minister and the governor. But our single player demogames seem to resolve this. Any ideas?

I don't know, but I'd really enjoy doing something. So if there is a spot that needs filled, contact me :D.
*Plays the save.
*In charge of all units who have no :strength: value (workers, missionaries, etc.).
*In charge of :science: and :culture: rates.
*In charge of religion and civics.

*In charge of all units who have a :strength: value.
*In charge of exploration.
*First back-up turn player.

Foreign Minister
*In charge of foreign affairs (trade, diplomacy, etc.).
*May appoint ambassadors to foreign civilizations.
*Second back-up turn player.

UN Representative
*Keeps the team updated on UN happenings.
*Votes in official UN polls based on the team's opinion.

*Terms last for 28 turns.
*Nominations begin on the 22nd turn of the term, elections on the 25th, with the new leaders entering office for the 29th turn.
*Election polls must be private and posted neutrally.

Polling Standards
*All non-election polls will be public.
*Must be open for a minimum of 72 hours.
*Polls defining CFC game play will be put in effect with a simple majority.
*All polls must contain an "Abstain" option.

Something I just wrote up. Do we want to expand a list such as this into an actual constitution or leave it in simple bullet form? Do we want to make certain topics require more than a simple majority (i.e. war declarations)?
we'll just because it sounds like a general minister, someone that does the odd job type thing.
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