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Coolest Secret Project Video


Dec 16, 2005
In my opinion, the Supercollider.
My personal favorite is the Longevity Vaccine.

"Hey! Get off my land, you Peacekeeping son of a-" And have you ever noticed the text emoticons next to the channel numbers?

I don't know about all of you, but I find it funny. :D

Some others I like considerably are the Command Nexus, Planetary Datalinks, Supercollider, Hunter-Seeker Algorithm, Network Backbone, Manifold Harmonics, Singularity Inductor (as creepy as it may be), Voice of Planet, and Ascent to Transcendence.
Verily: thanks for the YouTube link--ah! the nostalgia. I play an eBay-bought copy of SMAC without the movies 'cos it crashes on my Vista laptop. I played SMAC/X originally on a Mac and still have it, but I can't find that elusive PC-SMAX copy at the moment.
but I can't find that elusive PC-SMAX copy at the moment.
And if you did, it would be around $80-$120+ for some reason.
I'm partial to The Ascetic Virtues myself. Not the best secret project, and the narrative seems at odds with the atheist police state agenda of the Hive, but an intriguing video clip.

Agreed. Well, I reinstalled SMAC on my desktop PC and now get the full secret project movies--may be something to do with the better graphics card, or running XP as opposed to Vista. Just got the Ascetic Virtues in my current game and I love the bit at the end where a screen door opens and we are now viewing Planet, rather than the Earth of the previous sequences.

I also viewed The Supercollider this morning and was struck by how prescient this is, given that they have only just opened that project in France last year (please exclude inexact description, the geeks amongst us can Google it).
Thanks GB.

Now, there's another late game video that I thought was good--it has the phrase, "We must dissent" running through it. Any help there?
Thanks GB.

Now, there's another late game video that I thought was good--it has the phrase, "We must dissent" running through it. Any help there?
The Self-aware Colony. That is a nice one, agreed.
The Hunter-Seeker Algoritm.
I just love that one.
The Dream Twister is quite freaky...especially with the Little Lamb poem at the end.

The Dream Twister

I can't say I have favourites. Some maybe are less well-made than others, but I love that almost every video is very atmospheric in one or another way. You can just feel that these guys are out there trying to cope with an alien planet and new forms of society. Great game...*sigh*
merchant exchange, singularity inductor- the latter because, well, I always wanted to know what happens inside a black hole.
I love those Gaian movies ofcourse with all that nice flora. Also a favorite of mine is the Self-Aware colony with it's Orwellian message.
I love the Universal Translator video, that Guilds video & the Telepathic matrix thing.
The Longevity vaccine -- makes me wish that more discovery/wonder/event videos were as clever. There were quite a few smile inducing videos like the Cloudbase Academy that were available on YouTube. I'd look there if we wanted to see 'em again. I dont have SMAC or Alien Crossfire anymore myselt.
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