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Could We Please Get Someone from FIRAXIS to Provide Descriptors for XML Tags?

Dec 27, 2001
Grand Rapids, MI
So the modding community can actually get down to modding instead of spending 1,000 man hours trying to figure this stuff out, could we please get some descriptors of what the different XML tags are for? Some are easy to understand, but some will take a lot of testing to figure out exactly what they're for.


Some of them are VERY obvious, but others not so obvious. For example, in the GameSpeedInfo file we have the following:


Which one is for buildings? Tile improvements? This is a bit difficult to figure out.

Much help would be appreciated! :goodjob:

I'm with you on this one Colonel. A list of descriptions would be most helpful, nomatter who compiles it.
<iConstructPercent>150</iConstructPercent> = How long it takes to build buildings.

<iImprovementPercent>150</iImprovementPercent> = Worker improvement rate. Higher means the worker takes longer to build a road for example.

as for the other two, I've yet to actually find any purpose for them at all, but I'm going through every angle and should have a full list of what each does by tonight or sometime tomorrow.
but I'm going through every angle and should have a full list of what each does by tonight or sometime tomorrow.
Sounds great. I am definitely looking forward to it.
I've posted what I have so far:

<iGrowthPercent></iGrowthPercent> This is the growth rate for cities, how soon you get yer next pop.
<iTrainPercent></iTrainPercent> The speed in which units are constructed (both settlers and all)
<iConstructPercent></iConstructPercent> The speed in which buildings are constructed.
<iCreatePercent></iCreatePercent> The speed at which special Projects are completed (Internet, Apollo, Spaceship, etc)
<iResearchPercent></iResearchPercent> The speed in which technology is learned.
<iBuildPercent></iBuildPercent> The speed in which tile improvements are built.
<iImprovementPercent></iImprovementPercent> The speed in which a Tile Improvement to upgrade to next level (Cottage -> Hamlet for example)
<iGreatPeoplePercent></iGreatPeoplePercent> The speed in which great people spawn in a city.
<iCulturePercent></iCulturePercent> The speed in which your borders expand.
<iAnarchyPercent></iAnarchyPercent> currently not sure, assuming how many turns anarchy lasts, due to that assumption, have yet to test.
<iBarbPercent></iBarbPercent> The speed in which barbarians apear in game and how frequently.
<iUnitDiscoverPercent></iUnitDiscoverPercent> The amount of knowledge put into a tech. when a Great person uses the "discover tech." ability.
<iUnitHurryPercent></iUnitHurryPercent> The rate at which a unit is rushed (by gold and pop.)
<iUnitTradePercent></iUnitTradePercent> The amount of gold you recieve for the Great merchants trade ability.
<iUnitGreatWorkPercent></iUnitGreatWorkPercent> The amount of culture granted in using a greatwork.
<iGoldenAgePercent></iGoldenAgePercent> How long a golden age lasts.
<iHurryPercent></iHurryPercent> The rate at which buildings can be rushed (by gold and pop.)
<iHurryConscriptAngerPercent></iHurryConscriptAngerPercent> How long the unhapiness of pop. rushing and drafting lasts.
<iInflationPercent></iInflationPercent> The rate at which upkeep increases.
<iInflationOffset></iInflationOffset> How long before upkeep increases.

there's a gamespeed thread going on discussing all this stuff too for those interested, I'll be posting the missing bits eventually.
Oh definately, I'm not saying I can help you with all of em, but I figure, since there are people already working on one section, might as well let you know so that you won't have to worry about it.

but yes, there are alot of other XMLs other than gamespeed
I can add a bit:

<iCreatePercent></iCreatePercent>: The speed at which special Projects are completed (Internet, Apollo, Spaceship, etc)

<iImprovementPercent></iImprovementPercent>: Actually the time it takes a Tile Improvement to upgrade to next level (Cottage -> Hamlet for example)

<iBuildPercent></iBuildPercent>: The time it takes to 'build' Tile Improvements.

As WeaselOp says, I'm in the process of typing up a near-complete reference. In the meantime, if you have problems with specific tags, please just ask and I'll get hold of the answers.

:scan: *watching this thread* :scan:
Isak I have a request. My most urgent need is listed here but then below that there is a larger list of other tags I'd like described.

Short List:




killaman.....some of those that you're asking about should be pretty obvious if you go and study CIV4UnitInfos.xml
In a bit of a rush right now, so I'll just start with the Short list:

killaman said:
Isak I have a request. My most urgent need is listed here but then below that there is a larger list of other tags I'd like described.


Short List:

<iCombat>120</iCombat> : Unit Strength (or Combat Strength or whatever ppl want to call it.

<iAirCombat>0</iAirCombat> : Air Combat Strength (base strength used in Bombardments or Interceptions)

<iAirCombatLimit>0</iAirCombatLimit> : Maximum damage an Air Unit can inflict on another Unit. If set to 100, the Air Unit can kill it's target.

<iAsset>6</iAsset> : Points contributed to the Player's Score (so if you have 2 of these, they'd add 12 points to your score)

<iPower>120</iPower> : Points contributed to player's Power Rating. This is an internally used rating, that helps the AI make decision on whether or not it would be a good idea to attack other Civs, among other things.
Thanks Isaac, you cleared up a few misconceptions I made.

One question,

What is this one;

Thanks Isak. I had thought that iCombat was the Units Attack Strenght and that iPower was its hit points.
These description you have are they from testing or are you an employee of Firaxis's?
Anyhow thanks for the help and all your efforts.
Given that his custom title is "Civ4 Scenario Designer", I'm guessing he was involved in the beta. His name is also in the manual's credits (possibly more than once, given that screennames aren't real life names). It's safe to assume he was closely involved in the creation of the game, though given the location of Denmark, I doubt he had much real life contact with Firaxis)

Thanks for the help, Isak! In both testing the game, and clearing up xml tags for us budding modders!
Yeah I saw the Title, but in some forums the Titles are given dependent on how many posts you have made or if you are a high ranking person in the forum, so I was not sure how accurate was the info.
Well it's good to hear that the info is from a source pretty close to the developers.
Thanks again Isak.
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