Is the difficualt static? I played a game on the standard difficult and the game was too easy. After that I played another one with +1 higher difficult but the game was (for me) same easy.
If by "standard" difficulty you mean Prince (which is what it defaults to in the Advanced Setup screen, i.e. difficulty 4), then yes, it's pretty easy; you're playing on the same level as the AI, and you're smarter. If you didn't go to Advanced Setup and just clicked Play at the first setup screen, then it defaults to Chieftain (2) and is pathetically easy.
I try to balance the mod to where a game on King (5) is still viable, in terms of not automatically falling far behind the AI, but if you want a challenging game you should really be playing on Emperor (6) or higher. In general, I'd say that this mod makes things a bit more difficult than a vanilla game, by about 1 difficulty level. That is, my mods on King are about as easy to win as vanilla on Emperor; while I remove a lot of the AI's inherent bonuses (like Happiness), I've tried to structure a lot of my balance changes in ways that the AI can handle better using its existing logic.
There is no time in the game when everybody is in peace. That normal?
The underlying mechanisms are no different than in the core game; while I intend to overhaul the whole diplomacy system in the Empires mod, that'll have to wait until the DLL is out. Aggressive civs will still declare war just as often as always, so depending on exactly which AI civs you pick you might easily see a never-ending series of wars; if you're playing against China and India, it's very different than facing the Aztecs and such. The only real change I've made is that it's now much, much easier to be a defender than to be an attacker; all units get friendly-territory bonuses, cities' defenses are stronger, AIs are more likely to build defensive structures, and so on. So maybe the reason things seem more violent is that you're not seeing the weaker AIs getting wiped out quickly (or at least not FULLY wiped out), and the winners of wars suffer much more attrition, making them weaker in the NEXT war. I've seen one AI lose three wars in a row; the first war cost them a couple cities, the second lost everything but the capital, and the third cost the capital. In vanilla, the civ might have been totally destroyed in the very first war.
because age of mythology is 0.07 there but the newest version is 0.08
I really should have called that second one "0.07a". The reason it's not in that thread (and isn't mentioned in my .sig) is that it's "unofficial"; normally I won't post a new version of something until I've had a chance to play a full game with it first, and I'll be around for at least a day after release in case someone finds a critical bug. 0.08, on the other hand, was just three days after 0.07, with no chance to playtest it, and I was on my way out the door for Christmas vacation at the time. That's why it's not in the FILES thread, and the link will be removed from the Mythology thread as soon as I get 0.09 ready to go. v0.07 is the stable one, 0.08 is a test version.
I've done this a few times in the past. Basically, the Files thread is for stable builds, to where a new person could download those and play a full game with no problems (in theory). This is also why the first few versions of the Mythology mod (0.01-0.03) were in the mod's thread; they weren't stable yet, so I didn't want new folks downloading them unless they were prepared for the issues caused by an unstable mod. So 0.08 is outside the Files thread, but this is not a typical situation. Once I get to where the mod is stable and functionally complete, I change the version number to 1.0 and don't do those test versions any more; I'm expecting Mythology to meet that criteria by the eleventh or twelfth version.
For those of you who missed this conversation a month ago, the reason why the modpack hasn't been updated since mid-December is that between Christmas vacation (when I didn't have a computer), the conference I'm at this week, and the fact that I spent all of last week preparing for said conference, I just haven't had time to mod. But I get home from the conference on Friday, and Monday's a holiday, so I'll spend most of next weekend modding and playing. My hope is that the next versions will be out early next week (aiming for Tuesday or Wednesday), at which point I'll be back to the usual schedule. No idea exactly what'll be in that new version, other than another small tech tree overhaul in Mythology, but I'm hoping that I can get a bunch of other changes in place (year number changes in Mythology, for instance) and some cosmetic UI improvements.