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Cricket World Cup

Well done boys. You said before the game you were after the perfect game, and apart from Hogg's usual dropped catch, and a couple of others it pretty much was. In hindsight it was a pity it wasn't closer but at the time it was close enough for this little black duck's liking!

Lord_Byron, ur boys played well last season over here but remember it was only weather that stopped us sweeping you 3-zip in the tests, as for the one-dayers...

Bring on the Windies, though i think they are slowly getting back to being competetive so it shouldn't be that one sided.

Punter: You're a legend. 140 not out, 8 sixes, you made that Melbourne Bitter taste 4 times better on Sunday night! You'll be test captain in 6 months, can't wait (no offence Tugga!)

Martyn: Sorry i bagged you right out, but you still are the most boring batter to watch in the one-day side... but great work!

LB: are you implying NZ are the best fielding team? Please tell me you are so i can prepare for laughter... (nah, they are actually pretty good)
Now with the World Cup over, I can finally get some sleep ..... for about 2 weeks, until the cricket in the Caribbean starts. I wonder if the One Day boys can make that streak 22 in a row ?

Great work again boys :goodjob:
How many one-dayers are we playing over there?

We should start a Aussie Carribbean tour thread, annoy the yanks a bit more!
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