You only get to pick ONE (1) Team!

No saying lame things to try and pick both teams so you can claim "See I was right!" or "We won!" or "I'm happy with the result" regardless of who wins... that's lame

Lame things people say for the Super Bowl (to try to justify picking both teams):
1. I WANT Team X to win but I THINK Team Y will win = Lame

2. I HAVE TO cheer for Team X (because my cousin, best friend etc is affiliated, or I have some other "connection" to the team) but I also WANT TO see Team Y win because (I'm from the town, or near it or have some other "connection" to the team) = Lame

3. I THINK Team X is the better team and SHOULD win but I'm PULLING FOR Team Y (because "I think XYZ player is a really good person" or "I hate so and so" or "Player XYZ is my favourite at so-and-so position" or some other reason/connection (see #1 and #2) = Lame

4. I'm not a fan of either team so I don't care who wins... but if I have to pick I'd say (see #1,2 or 3) = Lame

Just pick ONE team