CRP Issues


What's a title for
Feb 18, 2002
The CRP is nice, but not useful as implemented. Do you REALLY want workers to rally to that point also? I usually only want ONE unit type (e.g. archers, samauri, cavalry, tanks, etc) to rally...surely you noticed this during development?? did you want workers to rally also?? LOL
CRP is useful. You just have to remember to switch it off when you do not need it. Just like any commander in the field of battle.

It is just the FoW - your troops/workers do not go where you thought they were going - like at Crimea.

You issue an order and they obey it, until told otherwise.

But seriously, in gameplay terms this is a very good feature. If you are at war with a stronger AI civ, CRP can make your attack/defense plans easier to implement,
I don't think I've ever wanted to send every unit produced on a continent to one point. It would be good if they gave four options:

Offensive Unit Rally Point
Defensive Unit Rally Point
Military Unit Rally Point
All Unit Rally Point
I haven't used the rally point feature yet, but here's how I figure I'll use it if I use it at all:
  • Be sure cities and rally point are connected by railroads so no movement points are lost
  • To separate a particular unit type, wake all at rally point, select a worker, for example, and use control-j "move units of same type in stack" and either move them to their destination or a different rail square for splitting into smaller groups. Fortifying the rally stack while splitting the sub-group would help I think.
  • Be sure rally point is in the open but not vulnerable to 3-move enemy units. I don't want to accidentally mess up a city garrison while moving troops or lose my rally point troops in a battle I didn't pick.
Originally posted by Alweth
I don't think I've ever wanted to send every unit produced on a continent to one point. It would be good if they gave four options:

Offensive Unit Rally Point
Defensive Unit Rally Point
Military Unit Rally Point
All Unit Rally Point

I have to totally agree with Alweth, since I like to play on modified huge maps on which I easily may have 100+ cities.
So, it will be not so rare that 5+ cities finish their production at the same turn which causes the need to check the CRP each(!) turn, and to manually return some units to the intended tile. No need to mention that those intended tiles then will be somewhere at the other edge of the continent.
This makes things even more complicated than before, thus turning the idea of the CRP to it's opposite.
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