Custom map help, a wee bit.


Oct 31, 2005
Longview, Texas
I know this topic is beat but can anyone direct me where I can get info on how to correctly build my own custom maps?

I did several and have played them. I have the G&K expac and I am running into some errors that I need help with.

For example is it possible to create a map with 14 civs and NOT have to manually place everyone on the map?

Any advice or direction is welcome!


Moderator Action: Moved to C&C.
I would also like mapmaking information. What are the map size dimensions, and what is an appropriate ratio of resources?
You can build Civilization 5 maps by using the Civilization 5 SDK located through Steam. In the SDK, you have ModBuddy and WorldBuilder. For strictly building maps, WorldBuilder is your tool.

Using the WorldBuilder, you can generate random maps by selecting a map type and generating one. Or, you can choose to do things yourself and starts with all ocean.

You do not have to manually place every civilization on the map. If a starting location is not defined, the civilization will be placed on a random location on the map. You can define a starting location for them if you so wish, too (using EditPlot).

Resources can be placed manually or automatically (go into Misc and select Random Resources/Goodies).

Additionally, you can select options - turn times, no religion, no espionage, no culture, complete kills, victory, etc. through the Scenario Options. However, these effects will not take place unless you select "Load Scenario" when you load up the map.

Map size dimensions are what you set them to be...the game will automatically detect if it is a Standard, Large, Huge, etc. map based on the hex displacement. You can check out the exact tile amounts per map size by viewing the Civ5Worlds.xml file.
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