Day & Night Cycles


Mar 16, 2011
How about this? A distinction made to allow for day specific and night specific bonus'
I bet there may be planets out there which rotate about it's Star at ungodly slow speeds.
I bet there may be planets out there which rotate about it's Star at ungodly slow speeds.

Well in that case

1. 1/2 of the planet should be in 'day' the other 1/2 in 'night' (and the day-night divide would move X tiles east or west each turn)

2. That should also affect tile output, tiles in 'night' should give 0 food (assume native life can survive the night time...just staying unproductive) [you could have tiles that gave food during night at the cost of energy]... if there are solar panel improvements they would give 0 energy during the night.

3. during night water tiles should freeze over (and then melt in the day)

It would be interesting, but not really the best.
On a moon you could have a lot of different options in this regard. Severe weather events and more eliptical orbits could have similar global effects over longer spans of time.

I think the most interesting option might be to have permanent dark/light sides. Civs start on the fringes, and can move into the light side or the dark side. You'd have different technological and infrastructure development necessary for surviving on each side.

There could be some cool interaction with the orbital layer ... reflective sails for the dark siders, shade sails for the light siders.
On a moon you could have a lot of different options in this regard. Severe weather events and more eliptical orbits could have similar global effects over longer spans of time.

I think the most interesting option might be to have permanent dark/light sides. Civs start on the fringes, and can move into the light side or the dark side. You'd have different technological and infrastructure development necessary for surviving on each side.

There could be some cool interaction with the orbital layer ... reflective sails for the dark siders, shade sails for the light siders.

The problem with a permanent light+dark side, is that the game would be Very boring

~45% of the map would be uninhabitable desert
~45% of the map would be uninhabitable ice
~10% would be tiles worth colonizing, that might have wildlife
basically it would be easier just to play a duel map with all 8 factions
On a moon you could have a lot of different options in this regard. Severe weather events and more eliptical orbits could have similar global effects over longer spans of time.
SMAC/X had the aphelion and perihelion mechanic that boosted or reduced native life over a 100 turn/year cycle - that was quite neat and clever.
Final frontier had black holes and suns in the middle of the solar system. Colony ships used to colonize whole solar systems in the universe. Black holes lost units that weren't fast enough to get out of it.
The problem with a permanent light+dark side, is that the game would be Very boring

~45% of the map would be uninhabitable desert
~45% of the map would be uninhabitable ice
~10% would be tiles worth colonizing, that might have wildlife
basically it would be easier just to play a duel map with all 8 factions

There's no reason why it would need to be boring. Just use you're imagination a little. This would introduce 3 distinctly different environments on the same planet, and there's plenty of ways to give incentive to colonize them. Mineral resources, room, just to claim it/keep others from claiming it ...

The wildlife would be limited (though there's ways around even that ... depending on how sci-fi you want to go). The "uninhabitable" part is definitely not true ... it's surely more habitable on either side than the deep space which is crossed to get there. On the light side you might have colonies underground, on the dark side clustered around geothermal vents ... and atmosphere composition could help alleviate some of the discrepancy if wanted. There's lots of ways to go with it.

The map size is irrelevant in any case ... as even if you only had 10% of the tiles "useable" ... the size can be scaled to how many number of tiles you want to give that 10% the target number.
SMAC/X had the aphelion and perihelion mechanic that boosted or reduced native life over a 100 turn/year cycle - that was quite neat and clever.

While a turn can be longer than a days, if can also be that a planets days lasts linger or shorter. That being said I think it would be irritating to have the entire color pallete change every other turn unless it made some suvnificant gameplay affects.

More logically I feel it is about time that civ installed seasons. (crusader kings too for that matter). I understand that when time is not linear it can be hard, but once a turn last month's (which it should in modern times: a year for a tank to move the space of a city radius?) seasons would be very realistic. Thought history warfare has been planned and affected by winters and summers.
I bet there may be planets out there which rotate about it's Star at ungodly slow speeds.

yes, we call that (almost) "tidally locked". It happens when tidal forces are big enough to halt rotation and bring a celestial body to always show the same face to its ancor body. Like the moon always shows the same face towards the earth. Mercury also has a very slow rotational speed and might become completely tidally locked towards the sun some hundred million years in the future. But any planet rotating so slow as to have a day night cycle noticable in 1year increments would be practically uninhabitable on the surface, not only completely unsuitable for farming. The temperature difference would be enormous and cause for hellish storms. Not a promising prospect for colonisation. Also think of the Pterodactyls living on the nightside, fearsome hunters for human flesh :lol:
It would be actually pretty cool if the planet was customizable, similarly to SMAC/X - choosing the axis, rotation speed and other features affecting the way map is formed.
IMO, Another interesting model is that there is wave-ish representation of day and night but would complete it's loop in 10 turns or so. I would love if they should it in minimap too.

There could also have different yield of food and energy tile correspond to different "time" like being at dawn and dusk could make those tile yield 50% at midday and none while at midnight.

There can also have food/luxuries that yield better at night too.

BTW, I doubt they will take ideas to implement in vanilla game right now as they might busy making the release version playable. They could use these as idea for expansion and... :( DLC
Day/night cycles within a game only make sense if the map is a tidally locked moon or slow-rotating planet.
It would be actually pretty cool if the planet was customizable, similarly to SMAC/X - choosing the axis, rotation speed and other features affecting the way map is formed.

reminds me of good old Sim Earth... Anyone remember this piece of glorious simulation?

Anyway, before one would colonize a tidally locked planet, the'd rather colonize Mars, which is far more inviting than said planet would be (and much easier to reach). The minds behind the seeding specifically selcted "Planet" because it would be very hospitable to human life (just the right elements, temperature, gravity, maybe even atmospheric composition...). If Planet would have been tidally locked they would not have selected it in the first place.
The minds behind the seeding specifically selcted "Planet" because it would be very hospitable to human life (just the right elements, temperature, gravity, maybe even atmospheric composition...

, and siege worms, :lol:

I think tidally locked planet might be viable choice if light side are actually habitable, or a ring between light and dark side are as Krikkit suggested, don't forget that habitable planet aren't so easy to find, or future mankind end up exhausted slightly-terraformed Venus, Mars and some nearby moons' resource. *facepalm*
Day and night cycles would make sense in fps games maybe like the xcom squad?
The sun god already gave more food per resource in civ 5..
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