Dead-end techs

covok48 said:
Which always made me wonder about this loophole...

You can have chariots before horseback riding? What do they ride on? Llamas?

Actually, this (which I think is reflected well in Civ III) is historically accurate. Chariots predate horseback riding. With a chariot, you can spread a human's weight over two or more horses, an advantage even with the weight of the chariot added. It wasn't until horses had been domesticated for some time that horses large and strong enough to carry an adult human were bred.
Conrino said:
I think potterys got to be the worst because I almost always get masonry and build pyramids long before I bother researching it. Plus with pyramids I get it in all cities for free. Much more useful, and worth waiting on the whole masonry tech chain for.

Actually, in Civ1 the Pyramids let you choose from all the gov't. types without having to research the techs. Sort of like an ancient-age Statue of Liberty. Pyramids serving as nationwide Granaries is in Civ2 (and Civ3 IIRC, but I haven't played that for a while).
carniflex said:
Is religion not a dead-end tech ? :confused:
... ...
infact, we even don't know for sure in life (agnostics just pretend imho) or death -
so religion must be good for something. :D

there's an end of *mythical innocence* :crazyeye:
and the Michelangelos Cathedral Wonder suspends -
that's enough,
"Religion" - or better - *Faith*
stands the "Test of Time"... ;)
TopAlwaysDown said:
How can you not have problems with pollution so you don't need Recycling? I almost never build factories, and only occasionally build a Mfg Plant in my biggest cities. But I still have a consistent problem with pollution, everywhere. Even if you build nothing, a large population will naturally produce pollution.

Maybe that's why you don't get Pottery? You don't build granaries, so your population never gets big?

I dunno...

Wll actually there are two 'sources' of pollution.

1) If your city grows bigger than 780.000 people (size 12) [or something] the big population of your city is the cause of pollution

2) If you are producing a large amount of shields, this shield production causes pollution too.

A Mass Transit solves the first pollutionproblem, and a recycle centre solves the productionpollutionproblem
Sorry Specialist289. Got mixed up between games there. Or thur, as Mr. Mundt would say.
bkwrm79 said:
Actually, this (which I think is reflected well in Civ III) is historically accurate. Chariots predate horseback riding. With a chariot, you can spread a human's weight over two or more horses, an advantage even with the weight of the chariot added. It wasn't until horses had been domesticated for some time that horses large and strong enough to carry an adult human were bred.
While it might be doubted that chariots really predate horseback riding per se, on the battlefield charioteers predate cavalrymen by almost a millennium.

And yup, CivIII's got it right - chariots upgrade to horsemen. CivII, for whatever reason, had it the wrong way round.
Guys, I lied when I talked about Knights. Here's my real opinion:

They might be a nice unit to have. Alas, they come with Chivalry, which doesn't give you anything else. Plus, to research Chivalry you need Feudalism (which is a completely useless tech.)
So? To get Knights, you have to research 2 techs that don't give you anything while you could research something useful instead.
Ditto here. As mentioned in my wiki tips section, a Knight is only worth wasting two techs on if you are sure nobody else is going to get past the stone-age while you build up your Knight army.
Long live wikipedia for collective knowledge is ultimate knowledge.
for all those that think that GE is bad, it is not... it is the only way that you can do a continous PDS. (president day sale)
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