Declaring War


Mar 15, 2002
Pensacola, Florida, USA
Does it make any difference to your reputation if you declare war on a civ in the following ways? In all scenarios you are currently in an ongoing peace treaty with the other civ but there is no longer a specific number of turns associated with it (no turns shown in parenthesis next to the peace treaty):

1) Go to the diplomacy screen to trade something with them, hit "active" trades, pick peace treaty, and renegotiate and cancel peace treaty. Then attack or be attacked on next turn.


2) Show up with your troops on their doorstep, wait a turn, they ask/tell you to leave, you say "that's it prepare for war", then attack or let them attack you first.


3) Just attack them conversation.
attacking them outright counts as a "sneak attack". It hurts your reputation badly.
The other two methods you are describing are equals I guess, as long as you declare war before attacking.

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