Default Player Numbers


Mar 25, 2011
I was looking at the default player numbers for each world size to prepare for looking at Quests. There seems to be something off about the numbers for Standard and Large maps. At Small sizes and larger, the default number of players is increased over BTS. I don't mind increasing the numbers a little, but I think especially Large maps go too far.

Here are the current default numbers per world size up to Huge:
World Size|BTS|AND

Small maps get +1 player, Standard maps get +3, Large and Huge maps each get +6.
As a ratio, Small is multiplied by 1.2, Standard by 1.42, Large by 1.66, and Huge by 1.54. Large maps are thus even more crowded than other maps.

I think we should bring Standard maps down to 9 players and Large maps down to 13. This gives a better ratio and lowers the thresholds for quests a little.
When starting a game I always halve the number of starting players. But if I understand it right that doesn't effect events but the number in an xml file, right?
Which is that file?

EDIT: Found it. It's CIV4WorldInfo.
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I also reduce the number of starting players in a Custom Game. I think the current numbers crowd the map too much. But if you start with a "Play Now!" game, you get the default number, and the requirements to complete a Quest are almost always tied to the default number of players, using Python. So I think bringing the numbers down a little will give us a better starting place for balancing individual quests.
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