- deleted thread -

Yeah, that's a real bugger. Think they would do better in including some other also lesser known cultures. The best would have been if they made a free-donwloadable expansion that only add civs who are lesser known and lesser important, but included more for space-taking. I have a whole list of such civs, such as these:
Siberia LH: Kuchum
Swahili LH: Fumo Madi
Mutapa LH: ???
Merina LH: Radama I

Oooooh. Thanks for that, Always enjoy reading about bits of history I hadn't heard about.

Would be awesome if they did that (though the part about it being free I really doubt!), though as I'd imagine the 3d models for each civ take a good bit of work (especially the leaderheads), I doubt it happens. That's what the modding community is for, I suppose.

I really need to start getting into modding.
Let's see this in a category form, since all the expansions have one or another. With different leaderheads then (than?) they had before, since that seems to be a trend now.


The Netherlands (Johan de Witt or William III)
Spain (Charles V)
Norse/Vikings (Canute)
Portugal (Henry the Navigator)
Phoenicia (Ithobaal)

Any other categories?

And at Thor:
(Ugh, don't people know that Firaxis will never add civs that were founded
based on Colonialism? With the exception of America. Being as america
has made PROFOUND impact on the world.)

Carthage was based on Colonialism
Let's see this in a category form, since all the expansions have one or another. With different leaderheads then (than?) they had before, since that seems to be a trend now.


The Netherlands (Johan de Witt or William III)
Spain (Charles V)
Norse/Vikings (Canute)
Portugal (Henry the Navigator)
Phoenicia (Ithobaal)

Any other categories?


Genghis - Mongols
Shaka - Zulu
Canute - Vikings

No idea who else though. Suppose you could throw Carthage in there with Hannibal.
Europe - Viking, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, maybe the Celts
Africa - Benin, Zulu, Ethiopia, Carthage
The Americas - Apache, Incans, Mayans
Asia - Koreans, Mongolians, Byzantines, Sumerians, Armenians (or Urartians), Hittites, the Indus River Valley Civilization would seem really nice.

I don't think I'm missing anybody but I may be wrong.
I would like these Civs to be released in expansion packs as well as in DLCs too.
Well here is my finalized list, most of it is from Civilization IV< but they did have
some pretty good leader choices.

America /George Washington / Roosevelt
Arabia / Harun al-Rashid / Saladin
Austria / Maximilian I/ Maria Theresa
Aztec / Montezuma
Babylonia / Hammurabi
Bulgaria / Simeon I / Khan Krum
Byzantium / Justinian I / Constantine I
Carthage / Dido / Hamilcar
Celts / Brennus / Boudica / Vercingetorix
China / Wu Zetian / Qin Shi Huang
Dutch / Willem van Oranje
Egypt / Ramesses II
England / Elizabeth I / Victoria / Churchill
Ethiopia / Zara Yaqob / Ezana
France / Napoleon Bonaparte / Charlemagne / De Gaulle
Germany / Otto Von Bismark / Otto III
Greece / Alexander / Pericles
Hungary / Stephen I
Inca / Huayna Capac
India / Gandhi / Asoka
Iroquois / Hiawatha
Japan / Oda Nobunaga / Tokugawa
Mayan / Pacal II / Smoke Jaguar
Mongolia / Genghis Khan / Kublai Khan
Ottoman / Suleiman / Mehmed II
Portugal / Afonso Henriques / Joao II
Persia / Darius/ Cyrus
Rome / Augustus Caesar / Julius Caesar
Russia / Catherina / Peter / Lenin
Siam / Ramkhamhaeng
Songhai / Askia
Spain / Isabella / Phillip II
Viking / Ragnar / Sweyn I Forkbeard
Zulu / Shaka
Which Civs/Nations do you want in the first Expansion for CivV?

All of them. Seriously, I want as many as they're happy to give (assuming production isn't completely siphoned into creating new civs). My particular pet choice: a Bolivarian S. American civ.


Leader: Casimir (as in Casimir the Great, or Casimir the Restorer)

Unique ability: "Liberum Veto" ...significantly less unhappiness in annexed cities, as well as slightly less unhappiness overall. Also, greater "brownie points" from gifting to city states.

Unique building: NONE

Unique unit 1: Winged Hussar in place of Knight
The Winged Hussar, besides being stronger than the Knight, could also give adjacent units a boost (as in "inspires nearby units" from Empire Total War).

Unique unit 2: Uhlan in place of Lancer
The Uhlan could just simply be a more powerful version than the Lancer.

PS: The game already has Marie Curie Slodowska and Copernicus as great scientists.

Special building:
*Kurgan: It's the graves of their ancestors. Gives +1 culture, -1 science. units adjacent to a kurgan gain bonus to defense.
Kurgans start to appear in other nations territories after archeology. After reaching modern age, they give +2 bonus to culture and tech for Turks.

Special units:
*Atç&#305;: (Horse Archer, Fighter) (moves four hexes per turn on clean terrain, can pass through mountains) can fight both melee and ranged, attacks twice in a turn, only fights within controlled land and 6 hexes outside of controlled lands. Needs horses and iron to build.
*Yurt: (it is simply a city on wheels shouldn't be able to get bigger than 3 pop. It has 4 horses as granted. It gets a 30% penalty to research,culture and production until medieval times after that it becomes a normal city)

Leaders Special ability: Starts with iron mining, wheel and horse riding.
Gives their neighbors some bonus to tech and culture and wonder building speed until medieval times. Loses control of units involved in the war after winning and signing a peace treaty to allies, after this happens they gain revenge points against that nation which gives %25 bonus against that nations units. It lasts until 2 techs are researched (so they should have the ability to stop tech research)

Leader: Erke Han
Hannibal have been there for long enough. I think it is Dido or Hamilcar Barca's turn now. They are indeed editing out many of the old leaders, and he is also a good replacement.

I agree, but if you wanted a war oriented civ, he'd be the perfect leaderhead.

Attila and the Huns, maybe.
Vikings, Spanishes, Incas and Mongols should be the first choices.
Assyrians, Bysantins, Dutches, Portugueses and Mayas could, too.
Maoris would be cool as well, as far as I know they've never appeared in a Civ game.

Special ability - Great Fleet: Units can embark onto water tiles with no movement penalty (ie can move between land and water freely without spending a turn on the coast).
So would Hamilcar

We already have the ottomans in, and I will as soon as possible rename them Turks in my civ at least. I think they sound best that way. However, if you want more turk civs, then Mamluks, Uzbeks, Kazakhs or Timurids are an idea.

I don't like Ottoman Empire much :) They are too much stereotyped Oriental for my taste. When listening to the Middle Eastern musics that play when you select Ottomans, I don't feel connected to "most" of them (the ones I like are either Middle&North Asian-Anatolian-Caucasian or Persian-Turkic)

Instead of different Turkic families, there could simply be a "Turks" nation. (Turks stopped being a single nation thousands of years ago. They are something else now and I don't have a name for what they could be called now) After all, India and Persia and most of Asia can be considered Turkic just like Roman Empire can be considered Ottoman Empire. (and vice versa) Their history is intermingled so much (even before Christ) that you can not have one without the other. (although Turks "as a name" don't exist in history in their true place but they exist in ancient documents of Indians,Persians, etc)
So would Hamilcar

Good point.

We already have the ottomans in, and I will as soon as possible rename them Turks in my civ at least. I think they sound best that way. However, if you want more turk civs, then Mamluks, Uzbeks, Kazakhs or Timurids are an idea.

Timurids in the game would be excellent.
Good point.

Timurids in the game would be excellent.

Why exclude all the other Turkic nations and include a single family? All Turks from many different races could be included as a single Turks nation.

Ottoman Empire is included because they controlled Eastern Europe and postponed the invasion of Middle East.

But when compared to what Turks did in general, Ottoman Empire only had a role in Europe, Anatolia and Middle East in general. Not whole Asia&Europe like Turks.

By having horse riding and iron much before anyone else, they had the ability to migrate very long distances carrying with them everything they needed for iron mining, carrying with them religion, technology, culture and manpower for Europe. At places where people lived a settled and sedentary life, they brought momentum and planted the seeds of civilization by combining two extreme life styles. Their last migration to Anatolia was 1071 and this ended Eastern Roman Empire (most probably a revenge for stealing and corrupting their religion and other things which are too much to write here).
Why exclude all the other Turkic nations and include a single family? All Turks from many different races could be included as a single Turks nation.

Wasn't Timur Turkish and Mongol?

And I'd be fine with the Turks as a whole getting included, but it's very unlikely with the Ottomans already in the game. Generally the western view of Turks = Ottomans.
Why exclude all the other Turkic nations and include a single family? All Turks from many different races could be included as a single Turks nation.

The Ottoman empire was a nation with more nationalities than just Turks.

There never was a nation of Turks that encompassed most ethnical Turks in the world. Therefore, the designers made a good choice with the Ottoman empire imho.
The Ottoman empire was a nation with more nationalities than just Turks.

There never was a nation of Turks that encompassed most ethnical Turks in the world. Therefore, the designers made a good choice with the Ottoman empire imho.

It has many times been the case with Turks. Turks served other nations ideals many times in history. In case of Eastern Roman Empire; to stop the crusaders from pillaging, in case of Muslims, to spread the religion and protect Muslims.

However the Term "ethnical" needs a little explanation when we are talking about Turks.

Turks don't have a single ethnicity, there are Turks with many different races and religions and language accents and life styles. The only "and only" thing that Turks have in common is that they all believed in a single God (Tengri) since time immemorial hence the name "Turk". They simply adapted so as not to get into conflict with aggressors.
It has many times been the case with Turks. Turks served other nations ideals many times in history. In case of Eastern Roman Empire; to stop the crusaders from pillaging, in case of Muslims, to spread the religion and protect Muslims.

However the Term "ethnical" needs a little explanation when we are talking about Turks.

Turks don't have a single ethnicity, there are Turks with many different races and religions and language accents and life styles. The only "and only" thing that Turks have in common is that they all believed in a single God (Tengri) since time immemorial hence the name "Turk". They simply adapted so as not to get into conflict with aggressors.

yeah some turk explanation
The Turks (or Turkics) are peoples residing in northern, central and western Asia, Mongolia, southern Siberia and northwestern China and parts of eastern Europe. They speak languages belonging to the Turkic language family. They share, to varying degrees, certain cultural traits and historical backgrounds. The term Turkic represents a broad ethno-linguistic group of people including existing societies such as the Chuvashes, Kazakhs, Tatars, Kyrgyzs, Turkish, Turkmen, Uyghur, Uzbeks, Bashkirs, Qashqai, Gagauzs, Yakuts, Crimean Karaites, Krymchaks, Karakalpaks, Karachays, Krymchaks, Nogais and as well as past civilizations such as the Kumans, Kipchaks, Avars, Turgeshs, Seljuks, Khazars, Ottomans, Mamluks, Timurids, and possibly the Xiongnu and Huns.

This is an incomplete list of Turkic groups:

* Altays (Oirots)
* Azerbaijanis
* Balkars (along with Karachays, speakers of the Karachay-Balkar language)
* Bashkirs
* Chulyms
* Chuvashs
* Crimean Tatars
* Dolgans
* Gagauz
* Iraqi Turkmen
* Karachays (along with Balkars, speakers of the Karachay-Balkar language)
* Crimean Karaites
* Karakalpaks
* Karapapak
* Kazakhs
* Khakas
* Khazars
* Krymchaks (speak a modified form of Crimean Tatar)
* Kumyks
* Kyrgyz
* Meskhetian Turks
* Nogais
* Qashqai
* Qizilbash (descendants of the seven Turkmen tribes who build the Kizilbash army)
* Salar
* Tatars
* Volga Tatars (or Kazan Tatars, or simply Tatars)
* Na&#287;aybäklär
* Baltic Tatars
* Siberian Tatars
* Lipka Tatars
* Tofalars
* Turkmens
* Turks of Turkey (see also Ottoman Turks or Seljuk Turk)
* Turkish Cypriots
* Tuvans
* Uyghur
* Uzbeks
* Yakuts
* Yörüks

Turkish people

* Meskhetian Turks
* Syrian Turkmens
* Iraqi Turkmens
Turkey, Germany, Bulgaria, Georgia, Syria, Iraq
Pop 70 M
Modern LanguageTurkish

The Turkic people display a great variety of ethnic types. They possess physical features ranging from Caucasoid to Northern Mongoloid. Mongoloid and Caucasoid facial structure is common among many Turkic groups, such as Chuvash people, Tatars, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Hazaras, and Bashkirs. Historically, the racial classification of the Turkic peoples was sometimes given as "Turanid".

Map showing countries and autonomous subdivisions where a language belonging to the Turkic language family has official status.

Countries with an official Turkic language
o Azerbaijan (Azeri)
o Cyprus (Turkish)
o Kazakhstan (Kazakh)
o Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz)
o Turkey (Turkish)
o Turkmenistan (Turkmen)
o Uzbekistan (Uzbek)
+ Karakalpakstan (Karakalpak)
Autonomous regions with an official Turkic language
o Moldova
+ Territorial Autonomous Unit of Gagauzia (Gagauz Turkish)
o Mongolia
+ Bayan Olgiy (Kazakh)
o People's Republic of China
+ Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (Uyghur)
+ Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture (Kazakh)
+ Barkol Kazakh Autonomous County (Kazakh)
+ Mori Kazakh Autonomous County (Kazakh)
+ Aksai Kazakh Autonomous County (Kazakh)
+ Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture (Kyrgyz)
+ Sunan Yugur Autonomous County (Western Yugur)
+ Xunhua Salar Autonomous County (Salar)
+ Jishishan Bonan, Dongxiang and Salar Autonomous County (Salar)
o Russian Federation
+ Altai Republic (Altay)
+ Dagestan Republic (Nogay)
+ Dagestan Republic (Kumyck)
+ Republic of Bashkortostan (Bashkir)
+ Chuvash Republic (Chuvash)
+ Kabardino-Balkar Republic (Karachay-Balkar and Nogay)
+ Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Karachay-Balkar)
+ Republic of Khakassia (Khakas)
+ Sakha Republic (Sakha)
+ Tatarstan (Tatar)
+ Tyva Republic (Tuvan)
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